9/6 Impact Wrestling TV taping spoilers: Full results of the second night of taping in Las Vegas (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Impact Wrestling TV Taping
Las Vegas, Nevada at Sam’s Town Live
Report by Dot Net reader Mr. Eddy G

Xplosion: TJ Perkins (w/Fallh Bahh) beat Tyler (couldn’t make out the last name). TJP won, Tyler was very impressive though.

Xplosion: Damien Drake beat Damos. Damien was from Las Vegas, but he was the heel, and spit into the crowd at one point in the match. Damos dominated most of the match and won with a nice running power slam.

Xplosion: Taya Valkyrie beat Lacey Lion.

1. “The Desi Hit Squad” Mahabali Shera, Rohit Raju, and Raj Singh (w/Gama Singh) beat “The Rascalz” Trey, Dez, and Wentz. Late in the match, Shera caught Miguel as he was attempting a crossbody, Trey and Dez tried to help but Shera knocked them away, hit a front slam, and legal man Raj got the pin.

Sami Callahan, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, and Madman Fulton came out. Sami said he was going to issue a statement to apologize for the tragic accident last week. Jake, Dave, Fulton and security are out for Sami’s protection. He read off a script apologizing until Brian Cage had enough and ran through all of them before getting to Sami. Scott D’Amore and other officials finally stopped Brian, and he was arrested in handcuffs and led away.

2. Tenille Dashwood beat Madison Rayne and Kiera Hogan in a three-way. Kiera and Madison worked together most of the match until Tenille pulled out the win with a running kick to Madison.

3. Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards. Austin was out next wearing a black t-shirt with white letters saying “Ace Austin 3:69″ in the front and “I Just Banged Your Wife” on the back. Two girls are in the front wearing one of Ace’s shirts (one’s wearing a purple shirt, the other’s wearing the black one) and they taunted Eddie. Ace kissed the woman in the purple shirt. Reno Scum came down to watch outside. Eddie eventually got distracted by Reno Scum and then Ace capitalized for the win. Reno Scum beat up Eddie after the match until they and Austin left together.

4. Stephan Bonnar beat Moose (w/Frank Trigg) by DQ. Trigg joined Josh Mathews and Don Callis on commentary. Moose got himself disqualified as Stephan is on the top rope, and he shoves the referee into the ropes and Bonnar got crotched. Moose got a chair and attacked Bonnar until Ken Shamrock made the save and put Moose in an Ankle Lock.

5. Jordynne Grace beat Katie Forbes. Jordynne won with The Grace Driver. A good, hard hitting match.

6. Jake Crist beat Chris Bey. Jake wins with a Top Rope Cutter.

7. Micheal Elgin beat Fallah Bahh (w/TJP). A solid match with Elgin winning with The Elgin Bomb. TJP went to check on Bahh afterwards, but Elgin attacked him.

8. Sabu (w/Super Genie) fought Rohit Raju (w/Gama Singh) to a double count-out. Gama Singh returned saying the Desis are taking over Impact Wrestling like the Mexicans are taking over Las Vegas. Sabu brought a chair in the ring and used it to jump on into a leaping Poetry-In-Motion. Genie came in and also does a Poetry-In-Motion. Sabu eventually set up a table between the ring stairs and the guardrail and hit a top rope leg drop through the table. The referee counted both men out to the crowd’s displeasure.

9. Mahabali Shera won a Battle Royal. Eddie Edwards, Reno Scum, The Deeners, Raj Singh, Mahabali Shera, Kiera Hogan The final four were Shera, Edwards, and Reno Scum. Luster the Legend accidentally eliminated Adam Thornstowe, and Eddie eliminated Luster, so it came down to Eddie and Shera. Reno Scum distracted Eddie and he was eliminated, leaving Shera as the winner.

10. Daga and Tessa Blanchard beat Jake Crist and Madman Fulton (w/Dave Crist). Tessa pinned Jake with The Magnum. Afterward, Fulton and The Crists attacked Daga and Tessa and then Brian Cage came out. Cage was attacked by Sami Callihan with a chair, but he no sold it. Fulton, Dave, and Jake recovered and held onto Cage’s legs and they handcuffed his arms to one of the ropes. Sami got a baseball bat. Melissa Santos came down to get in front of Cage and begged Sami to stop. They teased leaving, but Sami hit Melissa in the back and spiked her with a pliedriver. Referees and officials finally release Cage, and he carried Melissa to the back.

11. Rich Swann (w/Willie Mack) beat Josh Alexander (w/Ethan Page) and Rhino (w/Rob Van Dam) in a three-way. Swann won with a 450 splash to Alexander.


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