By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
WWE’s declining ratings are not a big concern for Mark Evans, Fox Sports’ Senior Vice President of Sales. “We feel how we’re going to present and how we’re going to promote the WWE is going to inject it with such a new life,” Evans told “It’s going to be a home run for us.”
Powell’s POV: Fox spent a billion dollars to lure Smackdown to their network for the next five years. I don’t blame Fox executives for publicly stating that they are not concerned by WWE’s ratings slump, but realistically they’d love to see WWE’s ratings trending in the other direction. It’s great that Fox wants to promote the product. Ultimately, the product will need to live up to that level promotion.
Its about advertising dollars, and the WWE gets a gazallion advertising dollars, which is why Vince and the crew don’t give a crap about ratings. Unless the advertising dollars drop, the product will continue to suck