WWE Smackville results: Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship, Finn Balor out due to illness and replaced in the Intercontinental Championship match, Elias vs. Kevin Owens

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Smackville
Nashville, Tennessee at Bridgestone Arena
Aired July 27 live on WWE Network

The broadcast team of Tom Phillips and David Otunga announced that Finn Balor was suffering from an undisclosed injury and would not be able to wrestle. They questioned whether Shinsuke Nakamura would defend the Intercontinental Title during the show…

Nakamura made his entrance. “No Finn, no match, but I win by forfeit.” Nakamura said. Nakamura called for the bell and was going to take a count-out win, but Ali came out and replaced Balor.

1. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ali to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Ali went for a late 450 splash. Nakamura avoided the 450, and Ali rolled through only to have Nakamura shove him face first into the corner, then hit the Kinshasa and pinned him…

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Ali to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Samoa Joe delivered a backstage promo about the main event Triple Threat…

Elias held his musical performance in the ring. Kevin Owens eventually interrupted Elias, which led to a match.

2. Kevin Owens vs. Elias. Late in the match, Owens avoided a top rope elbow drop. Owens rallied with a Stunner and followed it up with a swanton that led to the pin…

Kevin Owens beat Elias.

A video package set up the main event…

3. Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Triple Threat for the WWE Championship. Late in the match, Joe cut off a Ziggler superkick on Kingston with a suplex on Ziggler, who rolled to ringside. Joe turned Kingston inside out with a clothesline and covered him for a two count. Kingston avoided a clothesline and then connected with Trouble in Paradise, which led to the pin…

Kofi Kingston defeated Samoa Joe and Dolph Ziggler to retain the WWE Championship.


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