WWE Extreme Rules results: Powell’s live review of Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans in an Extreme Rules match for the WWE Universal Championship and the Raw Women’s Championship, Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Extreme Rules
Aired live July 14, 2019 live on WWE Network and pay-per-view
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Wells Fargo Center

In the Kickoff Show matches, Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Finn Balor to win the Intercontinental Title, and Drew Gulak defeated Tony Nese to retain the WWE Championship (my full report is available in a separate review that can be found here)…

The main card opened with a video package… Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show and was joined by his Raw partners Corey Graves and Renee Young. Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre were shown walking through the backstage area. Cole set up a video package that recapped their feud with Roman Reigns and Undertaker…

1. Undertaker and Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre in a No Holds Barred match. Raw ring announcer Mike Rome delivered the over the top “best in the world” introduction for Shane. Reigns received a favorable action from the Philly crowd. Undertaker made his entrance and there was a loud “Undertaker” chant. The bell rang to start the match 18 minutes into the show. Reigns worked over Shane with punches and continued to be cheered while Cole recalled Reigns winning the Royal Rumble match in Philadelphia (he was not cheered that night). Undertaker tagged in and worked over Shane.

Undertaker set up for Old School, but Shane cut him off and threw punches at him in the corner. Taker flipped him around and threw punches at Shane. A “You’ve still got it” chant broke out. Taker performed Old School on Shane, who rolled to his corner and tagged in McIntyre at 3:30. McIntyre went nose to nose with Taker and threw punches at him while Cole said they were facing off for the first time ever. McIntyre clotheslined Taker to ringside, but Taker landed on his feet and pulled McIntyre on the apron and then performed a legdrop onto him at 4:45.

Reigns tagged in. McIntyre shot him toward the ropes and Shane held the top rope down, causing Reigns to tumble to ringside. Taker went after Shane, who ran up to the stage to avoid him. McIntyre ran Reigns into the ring steps and then threw him back inside the ring. Shane returned to his corner. McIntyre worked over Reigns for a stretch, then they both tagged out. Taker roughed up Shane and performed Snake Eyes. Both men ended up at ringside. Taker took the broadcast table apart. Taker set up for a Last Ride on Shane, but Elias showed at ringside and hit Taker from behind with a guitar.

Reigns went after Elias, but McIntyre took him out with a Claymore Kick. Elias grabbed the broken neck of his guitar. Taker grabbed Elias by the throat, but McIntyre performed a Claymore Kick on Reigns. McIntyre and Elias placed Taker on the broadcast table, then Shane performed a top rope elbow drop that drove Taker through the table around 13:00. McIntyre and Elias brought Taker into the ring and set him up in his corner. Shane grabbed a trashcan and wedged it between the ropes in front of Taker. Shane went to the opposite corner, did Taker’s throat slash gesture, and blasted him a Coast to Coast at 15:10.

Reigns returned to fight McIntyre, who caught him with a Russian leg sweep on the floor. Shane dragged Taker to the middle of the ring. Taker sat up and grabbed Shane by the throat. Taker chokeslammed Shane. Elias ran in and took a chokeslam. Taker made the throat slash gesture as McIntyre showed up behind him. McIntyre went for a Claymore Kick, but Reigns speared him. Reigns threw Shane toward Taker, who hoisted him up and performed a Tombstone piledriver that led to the pinfall.

Undertaker and Roman Reigns defeated Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre in 17:00.

After the match, Taker and Reigns looked at one another. Taker nodded, appeared to tell him that it’s his yard, and then patted Reigns on the shoulder. The music shifted from Taker’s theme to the Reigns’ theme. Taker looked own at Shane while Reigns left the ring. Taker’s music eventually played and he made his exit…

Powell’s POV: This was well done and got the show off to a hot start. Undertaker gave Reigns some rub, Shane was put in his place, and McIntyre had a good showing despite his team taking the loss. As much as I would like to think we’re getting a break from Shane, the guy has feuds with Reigns, Kevin Owens, and The Miz (am I forgetting anyone?), so I’m guessing this wasn’t a case of him being written off.

Backstage, Sarah Schreiber tried to interview Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch. Rollins cut her off and said he knew exactly where they were and then played up to the Philadelphia crowd. Rollins said he and Lynch took a walk around the city. He said they saw the Liberty Bell and it has a crack in it like the one he’ll leave in Baron Corbin’s dome. Lynch wondered what it would be like if they made a statue of Lacey Evans and then assumed it would end up full of pigeon crap. Rollins said they have motivation and options. Lynch said the only thing that isn’t an option is losing…

An ad aired for “Raw Reunion” for the July 22 edition. Shots aired of several legends and the narrator billed it as the biggest reunion in company history…

2. “The Revival” Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder vs. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso for the Raw Tag Titles. The Usos entered with mics in their hand and spoke as they walked to the ring about facing “The Little Rascals.” Ugh. The Usos went on the offensive to start and teased suicide dives, but the Revival were waiting and hit them from the floor. The Usos came right back and tossed them to the other side of the ring, then performed dives onto them at ringside. The Revival caught Jey with a double team move on the floor and then isolated him once he was back in the ring.

Jey tagged Jimmy at 6:05, but the referee didn’t see it, so the isolation continued. The Revival performed a Demolition elbow drop. Graves mistakenly chalked it up as a Hart Foundation move but quickly corrected himself. Jimmy took the hot tag at 8:25 and did post hot tag things to both opponents. The Usos performed a double team Samoan drop move that led to Dawson being covered for two. Dawson came back with a brainbuster on Jey for a near fall. Dawson superplexed Jey and then Dawson splashed him. Jimmy returned with a leap from the top rope onto Wilder to break up the pin at 11:35.

All four men got to their feet at the same time. Jey superkicked both opponents and then tagged Jimmy. Moments later, Dawson made a blind tag and then he and Wilder performed the Shatter Machine for the win…

The Revival defeated The Usos in 12:35 to retain the Raw Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: We’ve seen better from these teams and they just didn’t have the crowd with them. It didn’t help that they were following up the Taker match, but creative just hasn’t done a good job with this feud. They stopped with the lame comedy we saw early, but they just haven’t been consistent in featuring them on television, nor come have they done any compelling storytelling with these teams.

A SummerSlam ad aired for the August 11 show… The Smackdown broadcast team of Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton checked in from ringside and had no table due to the opening match. Phillips set up a video package on Aleister Black’s hope that someone would knock on his door to challenge him to a fight…

3. Aleister Black vs. Cesaro. The international broadcast teams checked in after Cesaro’s entrance and then Black made his entrance starting with his usual platform rise on the stage. They went right at one another once the bell rang. Cesaro went for a Neutralizer, but Black backdropped him and Cesaro landed on his feet, then sat down and struck Black’s pose to taunt him. Black went on the offensive and performed a double knee press around 1:40. Black ran the ropes and set up for a springboard move, but Cesaro was right behind him and shoved him over the top rope to the floor. Cesaro followed and rolled Black back inside the ring where he performed a springboard uppercut for a two count at 3:00.

At 5:25, Black went for a meteora from the from the ropes, but Cesaro caught him and popped him up and hit him with an uppercut on the way down. Cesaro made a cover, but Black grabbed the bottom rope to break it. Black came back with some kicks. Cesaro went for a springboard move from the middle rope, but Black blasted him with a high knee to the face that led to a two count. Black applied a leg lock that Cesaro countered into a Sharpshooter, then released it and applied a crossface. Black rolled Cesaro into a pin for a two count. They got to their feet and Black connected with another kick that resulted in both men staying on the mat for a bit while a “this is awesome” chant broke out at 9:00. Black stuffed a Neutralizer attempt and then connected with the Black Mass kick and scored the clean pin…

Aleister Black defeated Cesaro in 9:45.

Powell’s POV: A very good, competitive match with Black’s finisher being the difference maker. Black gained something from the win, yet Cesaro was competitive enough that he doesn’t have to lose anything if they do a good job of following up with him on television this week.

R-Truth was backstage hanging up wanted signs for Drake Maverick, his wife, and the WWE 24/7 Title while telling Carmella that he wants his baby back. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross entered the room. Bliss sent Truth away, the gave Cross the gift of her very own Twisted Bliss Coffee t-shirt. The Street Profits were watching and asked where the party would be when Bliss won the Smackdown Women’s Title. Bliss pointed out that she and Cross would be co-champions. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins laughed. Cross said they would prove them wrong by becoming co-champions. After the women left, Dawkins asked Ford if it was really weird that he wants to party with Cross…

4. Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross in a handicap match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. Cross wore the t-shirt that Bliss gifted her. The Spanish and German broadcast teams checked in from ringside while Bayley made her entrance. Smackdown ring announcer Greg Hamilton delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Graves asked Phillips and Saxton if they remember when Bayley had a best friend who abandoned her. Bliss and Cross had to tag in and out of the match. While Cross was legal, Bliss shoved Bayley off the apron and into the steps at 1:50.

Bayley got the better of Bliss for a stretch, but Cross tagged herself in at 7:40. Bayley slammed both women, then put Cross in a a leg lock. Bliss tried to interfere, but Bayley put her in a crossface until she rolled to ringside. Bayley maintained the hold on Cross. Bliss returned to hit Bayley to break it up. Cross performed a tornado DDT for a near fall. Bliss was tagged in and went for Twisted Bliss, but Bayley put her knees up. Cross tagged in and jumped from the top rope into a knee from Bayley, who followed up with a top rope elbow drop for the win…

Bayley defeated Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross in a handicap match in 10:30 to retain the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

Powell’s POV: Fine for what it was, though it’s a shame that Bayley isn’t as popular as she once was because that would have added a lot to this. As it stands, Cross continues to be the most likable character of the three women involved. Bliss sat with Cross afterward while Bayley taunted them from the stage. Bliss even put her arm around Cross, so it looks like they remain on the same page at least for tonight.

After some advertising, Cole, Graves, and Young set up a video package on the Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley rivalry…

5. Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley in a Last Man Standing match. Mike Rome explained the basics of the gimmick match before the ring entrances. Young wondered what condition Strowman would be in. Strowman’s music played and he eventually came out and looked the same. Cole said there were rumors regarding Strowman’s injuries, but they never received an official update. Strowman tossed Lashley around before the bell at ringside. Once they were back inside the ring, the referee started the match.

The wrestlers went back to ringside. Strowman took his lap around the ring and then ran into a spear from Lashley. Strowman sold abdominal pain for a moment. Lashley took the ring steps apart and rammed them into Strowman. Lashley knocked Strowman over the barricade and followed him into the crowd. Lashley worked over Strowman with punches as they made their way up the first level steps and eventually into a concourse area. Lashley went for a suplex, but Strowman reversed it and suplexed him against the wall of a merchandise stand area. The wrestlers returned into the arena with Strowman working over Lashley with punches as they worked their way back down the steps.

Once the wrestlers were on the main floor, Lashley speared Strowman through the barricade and back into the ringside area. Both wrestlers got to their feet when the referee counted to eight. Lashley took a lap around the ring and shoulder blocked Strowman over the German broadcast table and then tipped it over onto Strowman. The referee climbed under the table and got back to his feet and moved over the barricade. Lashley ran and tried to leap off the barricade and stumbled a bit, but Strowman caught him and threw him over one of the international broadcast team desks around 13:00.

Strowman fought back on the main floor and knocked Lashley down with a punch. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Lashley got to his knees and called for more. Strowman kicked him down. Strowman knocked Lashley down a few more times and the broadcast team pointed out that Lashley kept getting up. They fought back up the steps of another part of the arena. A fan ended up between them and Strowman quickly shoved him aside. Strowman hit Lashley with a chair to the back. They fought onto a small platform and then Strowman powerslammed Lashley through a gimmicked area. A “holy shit” chant broke out and was followed by ECW chants. Cole said there was no way either man was getting up (so you know someone would). Strowman burst through the thin wood of the gimmicked area and the referee counted Lashley down for the ten count.

Braun Strowman defeated Bobby Lashley in 17:30 in a Last Man Standing match.

After the match, Strowman held his side and headed to the ring where he played to the crowd.

Powell’s POV: A really fun walk around brawl. WWE hardcore is typically tame and often hokey, but these two worked hard and had the fans with them throughout the brawl. I like that Lashley once again looked highly competitive with Lashley rather than being just another guy who gets beaten in fair moments and has to cheat in order to gain any sort of advantage. One of WWE’s issues is that they have babyface champions and a lot of damaged heels, so the more heels they can rehab the better.

Charly Caruso interviewed AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson backstage. Styles said Caruso was wrong to assume that he reunited with Gallows and Anderson because he lost a match to Ricochet. Styles said Ricochet will be a huge superstar in WWE, but he will take the U.S. Title from him. The Club did the too sweet bit. Styles invited Caruso to join them with the too sweet. She started to raise her hand, but Styles grabbed her arm and said he was just kidding…

Another ad aired for the Raw Reunion show…

6. Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. Big E and Xavier Woods vs. “Heavy Machinery” Otis and Tucker in a Triple Threat for the Smackdown Tag Titles. Saxton was shown dancing to the New Day music in his chair like the fun loving dork that his on-air persona is. Heavy Machinery had a pre-taped promo air during their entrance. Tucker noted that they have a 33 percent chance to win, but they said they would because they are blue collar solid. Rowan dumped Tucker to ringside early on and he stayed there for a few minutes before returning to his corner. Tucker did the Caterpillar on Bryan at 6:25.

A short time later, Otis hoisted up Big E and then Tucker dove onto him from the ropes with a cross body block. Otis went for a pin, but Rowan broke it up. Moments later, Big recovered and speared Bryan off the ropes. With three men down at ringside, Otis went to the apron and dove onto E, Woods, and Rowan, then Tucker dove from the top rope onto a couple of opponents on the floor. Back inside the ring, Heavy Machinery executed the Compactor on E and had him beat, but Woods returned to break it up. A short time later, Heavy Machinery set up for a double superplex on Rowan. Big E snuck underneath them. Bryan tagged in while E slammed Heavy Machinery to the mat. Big E went up top and superplexed Rowan.

Bryan went to the top rope and performed a headbutt to the body of E, then put him in the LeBell Lock, then tied up his arms and one leg, but E used his free leg to reach the ropes to break the hold at 12:30. Bryan threw kicks at Big E, who started no-selling them and got to his feet. “Do it,” E said. Bryan slapped him. E told him to do it again. Bryan slapped him again. Bryan tried to slap him again, but Big E turned him inside out with a clothesline. Bryan went for a moonsault, but Big E caught him and then tagged in Woods. They teamed up for the Midnight Hour and Woods pinned Bryan. “We got all of them!” Woods yelled afterward…

Big E and Xavier Woods defeated Daniel Bryan and Rowan and Heavy Machinery in a Triple Threat in 14:00 to win the Smackdown Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A strong match. It took some time to get the crowd into it, but they eventually did and it turned out to be a lot of fun with a very good finish.

Kofi Kingston joined Big E and Woods in celebrating backstage. Charly Caruso approached them with a mic, which Paul Heyman stole from her before heading into the arena…

Paul Heyman stood on the stage and introduced himself as the advocate for the soon to be WWE or Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. Heyman said is Philadelphia and he is extreme. Heyman said he’d be damned if he left Philadelphia without making history. Heyman told the crowd that it’s a spoiler that Lesnar would cash in on one of the champions tonight. Heyman said that for him to tell the fans this in advance it would make him a really stupid son of a bitch, so they have to ask themselves if he’s telling them the truth or if he’s Paul Heyman…

7. Ricochet vs. AJ Styles (w/Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson) for the U.S. Championship. The Club made their entrance first. Ricochet made his entrance and went to strike his pre-match pose, but Gallows and Anderson attacked him. Styles laughed as the referee cleared them from the ring, then checked on Ricochet before starting the match. Ricochet dove at Styles, who caught him and drove him into the corner to start. Cole noted that it was a standard match and Ricochet had some advantages as the champion. Ricochet came back with an early dropkick.

Ricochet hit a shooting star press from the apron onto Styles at ringside. Gallows jawed at Ricochet, allowing Styles to attack him from behind to regain offensive control. Ricochet eventually came back with a step-up enzuigiri. Ricochet followed up with a springboard clothesline, then dove onto Gallows and Anderson at ringside. Ricochet returned to the ring and performed a springboard moonsault on Styles for a two count. Styles rebounded with a ncekbreaker on his knee at 8:35. Cole said Styles may have injured his own knee in the process. Ricochet fought back briefly, but Styles suplexed him into the corner and then smothered his face while getting a two count heading into the 10:00 mark.

Styles set up for a powerbomb or the Styles Clash, but Ricochet countered into a huracanrana and hooked his legs for a near fall. Both men got to their feet and traded forearms. There was a nice sequence of moves that resulted in Styles putting Ricochet down with a brainbuster that resulted in a two count. Styles looked at Anderson and told him that Ricochet wasn’t staying down. Styles placed Ricochet on the top rope and they fought for position. Ricochet clotheslined Styles over the top rope, then performed a shooting star press and had the pin, but Anderson pointed out that Styles’ foot was under the bottom rope.

Ricochet went up top and Anderson went after him. Ricochet leapt over him and kicked him. Ricochet went up top again, but Gallows tripped him while the referee was focused on Anderson. Styles went to the ropes and performed a Styles Clash from the middle rope and scored the pin. Cole said it was the third time that Styles won the U.S. Title…

AJ Styles defeated Ricochet in 16:30 to win the U.S. Championship.

Powell’s POV: A good match with Gallows and Anderson being the difference for Styles. Sure, it’s a step back for Ricochet to have a short time reign, but I think he’s better in chase position. Indulge my fantasy booking for a moment. How about a Styles vs. Ricochet rematch with Anderson and Gallows banned from ringside, only Finn Balor interferes to become the newest member of The Club? I like the idea of the four in the Club, and the long term potential of a split leading to a match between Styles and Balor could be really good. That said, I could also see Ricochet recruiting babyface Balor to help him in his battle with The Club.

The Smackdown broadcast team recapped footage of Kevin Owens’s promo from Smackdown. They also showed his tweet where he showed a group of wrestlers who are not on Extreme Rules even though Shane McMahon is…

8. Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler. Owens was out first and then Ziggler came out to that trash he calls entrance music. Owens and Ziggler jawed at one another. Ziggler slapped Owens, who kicked him in the gut, gave him a Stunner, and pinned him.

Kevin Owens defeated Dolph Ziggler in 0:17.

After the match, Owens said Shane McMahon steals mic time from people who deserve it when they cut his mic off. Owens brought up Shane being Tombstoned earlier. He said he knows he speaks for everyone watching and in the back when he said Shane can kiss his ass and go to hell…

Powell’s POV: Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! I love the idea of Owens as a babyface. I just hope he becomes his own man rather than a Steve Austin knockoff feuding with Vince McMahon’s knockoff. As I’ve said many times before, I’m all for more quick finishes like this one on bigger pro wrestling events. Fans are conditioned to settle in for at least ten minutes or longer for most pay-per-view matches. Give them an occasional quick finish and it will help create the feeling that matches can end at anytime. Lots of people talk a good game about creating a sports-like pro wrestling product, yet they seem to ignore the fact that boxing and MMA fights sometimes end quickly (even before everyone can get their shit in).

After some advertising, the Smackdown broadcast team thanked the band Dirty Honey for providing the official theme of the show, then set up a video package for the WWE Championship match…

Backstage, Charly Caruso interviewed Samoa Joe, who said he was there to end the unexceptional reign of Kofi Kingston. Joe said the significance of New Day all being champions isn’t lost on him. He said Kingston wants to ride away with all three of them as champions, but he’s going to end that dream…

9. Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship. Greg Hamilton delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Kingston dropkicked Joe to start the match, but Joe came right back with a clothesline. Joe dropped down and swept the left knee of Kingston. It looked great on slow motion replay. At 4:15, Joe threw some kicks to the body of Kingston. Joe grabbed Kingston’s hand and wrenched on his fingers (in response to Kingston flipping him off on TV). Joe took Kingston to ringside, put his hand between the two pieces that make up the ring steps, then stomped on the steps at 5:10. Kingston cried out in agony while selling it.

Back inside the ring, Joe slapped the back of Kingston’s head taunted him. Kingston flipped off Joe, who put the boots to him. Joe powerbombed Kingston and then applied the STF. Kingston reached the ropes to break the hold around 8:00. Kingston fired back with an SOS and got a two count. Kingston spun for the Trouble in Paradise, but Joe applied the Coquina Clutch. Kingston went to push off the ropes, but Joe dropped him to the mat and performed a senton for a near fall. Joe waited for Kingston to get up while indicating that he was going to reapply his finisher, but Kingston caught him with a kick from his back. Kingston got up and Joe hit him with a forearm and a punch. Joe ran the ropes, Kingston shoved him past, then caught him with Trouble In Paradise and pinned him…

Kofi Kingston defeated Samoa Joe in 9:45 to win the WWE Championship.

Powell’s POV: A good match with Joe in offensive control throughout the majority of the match, yet Kingston hitting his finisher out of nowhere and getting the pin. The crowd didn’t seem to buy into Joe’s near falls. Perhaps some of it is what I mentioned about fans being conditioned to expect longer matches, but they definitely reacted when Kingston hit his finisher even though the match never reached the 10:00 mark.

Cole mentioned SummerSlam in Toronto briefly, which Renee Young showed excitement over, then Cole up a video package on the main event…

10. Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans in an Extreme Rules match for the WWE Universal Championship and the Raw Women’s Championship. Graves referred to Corbin as “Mr. Main Event” during the entrances. Cole stressed that there is nothing romantic about the Corbin and Evans relationship. Mike Rome delivered in-ring introductions since two titles were on the line. Rollins performed an early Blockbuster on Corbin, who rolled to ringside and pulled out a kendo stick, which he brought into the ring with him. Rollins worked over Corbin, who dropped the kendo stick. Evans picked it up and tried to hit Rollins with it, but he held it at his side. Evans flirted with Rollins, which led to Lynch running in and attacking Lynch with another kendo stick.

Around 7:00, Lynch tagged in. Lynch and Evans both went to ringside and grabbed chairs from underneath the ring. Evans tried to hit Lynch, who jabbed her in the gut with a chair. Evans’ chair flew out of her hand and appeared to hit Lynch on the side of the head, but she seemed fine and worked over Lynch with the chair. At 9:10, Rollins threw a chair at Corbin, who caught it. Lynch came off the top rope and caught Corbin with a dropkick that drove a chair into his face. Graves called it a “Van Maninator.” A short time later, Evans hit Lynch with a forearm from the apron and then swept her legs under the bottom rope. Evans dropped an elbow on her from the middle rope, then performed her moonsault on Lynch for a near fall.

At 12:00, Rollins and Lynch set up a pair of tables at ringside. Corbin and Evans attacked them. Corbin threw Rollins back inside the ring, then pulled a couple of kendo sticks out from underneath the ring and gave one to Evans. Corbin and Evans took turns hitting Rollins with the kendo sticks while Lynch was down at ringside. Corbin and Evans grabbed Rollins by the throat. Lynch returned and then Evans grabbed her by the throat and the heels hit simultaneous chokeslams and made double covers that resulted in two counts. A short time later, Corbin and Evans tried to superplex Rollins through a table, but Lynch returned and the babyfaces suplexed the heels onto the bottom of the entrance ramp at 15:50.

Rollins and Lynch put Corbin and Evans on the tables they set up at ringside earlier, then went to the ropes. Lynch performed a legdrop from the middle rope to drive Evans through the table, then Rollins actually leapt from the top of the ring post casing and frogsplashed Corbin through the table. Rollins brought Corbin back to the ring. Corbin rallied with a Deep Six and had the pin, but Lynch broke up the pin. Evans returned to the ring, but Lynch tossed her to ringside. Corbin performed End of Days on Lynch. The fans booed and even Graves said he went too far. Rollins snapped and beat Corbin with a kendo stick and then a chair repeatedly. Rollins performed a Stomp on Corbin. Evans backed away from the ring, then Rollins performed a second and a third Stomp before pinning Corbin to win the match for his team…

Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch defeated Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans in an Extreme Rules match to retain the WWE Universal Championship and the Raw Women’s Championship.

Brock Lesnar’s entrance music played. Cole said Paul Heyman has lied before. Lesnar and Heyman walked out with Heyman holding up the Money in the Bank briefcase. Graves reminded viewers that the referee has to call for the bell. Lesnar entered the ring and performed a pair of German suplexes on Rollins. Heyman gave the MITB briefcase to the referee, who handed it to the timekeeper. Mike Rome announced that Lesnar was cashing in.

11. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship. Lesnar smiled before picking up Rollins. Lesnar performed an F5 and scored the pin…

Brock Lesnar defeated Seth Rollins in 0:15 to win the WWE Universal Championship.

Lensar and Heyman celebrated and headed backstage to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The main event was decent for what it was. I’m not big on the man on women violence, but I like that it was presented as despicable to the point that even heel defender Corey Graves said Baron Corbin went too far, and that Rollins immediately destroyed Corbin and pinned him. The post match title change does less for me. Sure, it’s fun in the moment to get the MITB cash-in and a title change, but the end result is that we’re right back to part-time Brock Lesnar as the WWE Universal Champion again. I’m over it. Can they do anything to make this feel fresh?

Extreme Rules was a strong show. It’s the same story this month in that the build to most of the matches left something to be desired, but once the wrestlers took over at the pay-per-view they end up delivering a satisfying show. Here’s hoping the creative improves because the wrestlers are more than holding up their end of the bargain. I will have more to say about this show when Jake Barnett and I co-host the Extreme Rules audio review exclusively for Dot Net Members coming up shortly. Also, Will Pruett and I will be co-hosting ProWrestling.net Live and taking your calls coming out of this insanely busy pro wrestling weekend on Monday at 3CT/4ET at PWAudio.net.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast With Jason Powell featuring guest Jim Ross discussing his role in AEW, Tony Khan as a leader, whether Ross knew Shawn Spears was going to hit Cody with a chair shot to the head, working with Excalibur and Alex Marvez, his new book and speaking engagement deal, and much more.

Listen to “07/09 Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast With Jason Powell (Episode 66): Jim Ross on his role in AEW, Tony Khan as a leader, and much more” on Spreaker.


Readers Comments (20)

  1. Write This Way July 14, 2019 @ 9:16 pm

    “Lots of people talk a good game about creating a sports-like pro wrestling product, yet they seem to ignore the fact that boxing and MMA fights sometimes end quickly (and before everyone gets their shit in).”

    Case in point, yesterday the co-main and main event for UFC lasted a total of 62 seconds. That’s the two biggest fights on the card, and they went 62 seconds. A week before, a 5 second KO was 3rd from the top and it’s been the biggest thing from that show (which was excellent) by a mile. Real fights end in a variety of ways, and often they seem to come out of nowhere.

    • Brad from Roy Co July 15, 2019 @ 8:14 am

      We don’t need to see everyone get their shit in.
      Wrestling is not a real sport.
      See AEW where Kip almost went 30 minutes against Hangman Page. Just wasn’t necessary.
      Harley Race and Terry Funk were criticized were letting jobbers get all their shit in. Flair did it too.
      People loved Mike Tyson crushing people in 90 seconds.

  2. ADD Generation July 14, 2019 @ 9:20 pm

    :17 matches are
    meaningless, moreso when it’s between a cooled off guy and an also ran. Your analogy between wrestling and MMA/boxing fails because 1) those are true sports, wrestling is predetermined, and 2) those sports are about strategy, not spots.

    • MMA and boxing are more predetermined than you think. And both are shady af.

      • Write This Way July 14, 2019 @ 9:40 pm

        No, just no. The only “pre-determined” part of those sports is the judges who are appointed by state bodies according to whomever is owed a favor, resulting in someone like Adelaide Bird routinely mucking up results in both sports. It’s not fake, it’s just incompetent.

      • ADD Generation July 14, 2019 @ 9:49 pm

        TIN FOIL HAT ALERT!! Hide your kids!

        • All i know is that Lacey Evans booty shot was pure fire

          • Brad from Roy Co July 15, 2019 @ 8:16 am

            I could hear Vinnie Mac in the back shouting to zoom in when she bent over to enter the ring.


    • Pro wrestling at its core is a simulated sport. You enjoy longer matches. Great. I still encourage you to check out Josh Barnett’s Blood Sport as an example of a different style that shows how much fun it came be when you feel like a match could end with one move or hold even during the first few minutes. I’m not saying everyone should switch to that style, but it’s an example of pro wrestling emulating MMA. Maybe you’ll hate it, but you’ll get a feel for what it’s like when you feel like a match can end at any point, not just 20 minutes deep.

      And it’s not that I want longer matches to disappear. I actually hate what they are doing on Raw with these awful best of three falls and quick elimination matches. I want occasional shorter pay-per-view matches to enhance the longer matches by helping generate the vibe that everything matters from bell to bell. If done right, it could help create the feeling that an early near fall might actually be the end of the match, not just something fans yawn at because they’ve been conditioned to assume that a match is going to last 20 minutes.

      • Brad from Roy Co July 15, 2019 @ 8:20 am

        The irony is most of WWE’s history had short TV/PPV matches.

        They reinvented the wheel in modern times for no good reason.

  3. Write This Way July 14, 2019 @ 10:10 pm

    That was the wrong ending unless Lesnar is on TV at least 50% of the time and loses the belt within 3 months.

    • Imagine if Brock had come out, suplexed Rollins, just like he did, threw him out of the ring, then Heyman got on the make to announce that Brock was cashing in his contract… on Kofi.

      That would have been a swerve to blow the roof off.

  4. So dont tell me, we’re also going back to Roman being the one chasing Brock now, right.
    When does AEW start?

  5. You’re not a fan of mam on woman violence. But are you a fan of woman on man violence? Because wwe seems to have no problem with women hitting men. I remember a year ago during a house show that had Becky lynch and I think at least 5 or 6 women gang up on James Ellseworth.

    • Yes, I’m a fan of woman on man violence. Grow a set. Okay, I’m mostly kidding. The key difference in the scenarios you listed was the tone. Ellsworth was pure comedy and I got a kick out of it, just as I enjoyed Disco Inferno’s matches with the Knockouts in Impact Wrestling. Corbin performing his finisher on Lynch was not meant to be comedic. I thought they at least handled it well by having the broadcast team express outrage, including heel Graves saying Corbin went too far. But do cringe when a woman hits a man in pro wrestling? Nope. Does that make me sexist against my own sex? If so, I’ll live with it.

    • That’s how social justice warriors are. lol Hatred

  6. There’s a lot of comments here trying to compare wrestling to MMA and Boxing, with that being the argument for shorter matches. That’s apples to oranges. Wrestling is a scripted tv show, whereas those other sports are just that- sports. That’s not saying wrestlers aren’t athletes, either. They absolutely are. If a wrestling company starts trying to deliberately give me less for my money though, I’m out. I’m not paying for a main event that is scripted to go 62 seconds. That’d be horse****.

    To me shortening wrestling matches is more like shortening a movie because you feel it’s too long. It’s not a perfect comparison, sure. Both tell stories though. But imagine going into a movie, finding out it’s 45 minutes long, and they made all the action scenes one punch long. Mad if you paid regular price for that ticket?

    • You’re missing my point. I’m not saying the SummerSlam main event should go two minutes long. I’m suggesting that it’s wise to work in occasional brief matches to help with the pacing of the shows. Did you feel cheated when Kevin Owens beat Dolph Ziggler in 17 seconds last night? I sure didn’t. And if someone has a devastating finisher, I don’t mind an upper tier match ending quickly to help get that finisher over and to, once again, help create the feeling that matches can end at anytime, not just after both wrestlers have hit their finishers once.

    • Write This Way July 15, 2019 @ 4:19 pm

      If AEW did it, you’d spooge all over your hands while you tried to type about how great it is.

      Wrestling is at its absolute best when it’s realistic, and every single main event going 20-30 minutes at a minimum is just ridiculous.

  7. William J. Barnes July 15, 2019 @ 2:19 pm

    I asked for results from extreme rules WWE and I didn’t get the answers . ✌️

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