Kevin Owens says the WWE wild card rule has been “loosely enforced” since it was implemented, ready for a break from Sami Zayn

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Kevin Owens spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News and commented on the WWE wild card rule. “I guess the whole point of the wild-card rule is to add a sense of unpredictability to all the shows and I guess it definitely has achieved that because you never know who is going to show up where,” Owens said. “The wild-card rule itself was very loosely defined when it was first announced and it’s been loosely enforced since it’s been announced (laughs). I guess it was supposed to be four guys at first and now, really, 10 guys show up one night, three guys show up the next night, whatever. But like I said, I think the whole point is to give a more unpredictable feel to the show itself and it’s definitely achieved that.”

Owens also spoke favorably about his long friendship with Sami Zayn, but noted that they are both ready for something new. “Actually, I think he and I both were kind of looking forward to being on our own a little and that’s not how it worked out,” Owens said. “I’m always happy to team with him because of all the history we’ve had and it’s always great to be in there with somebody you know this well, but I do think that eventually it would be nice to have some time apart and just be away from each other for a little while just to do something different, if anything.” Read the full interview at

Powell’s POV: I’m ready to see Owens and Zayn do something other than lose television main events regardless of whether they are working as a team or separately. It feels like one or both of them lose the Raw or Smackdown main events each week. Owens also discussed social media, his family, Adam Cole winning the NXT Championship, and more on his friendship with Zayn.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Pat McNeill of the Wayback Playback podcast, who discusses how the more things change the more they stay the same with the return of the XFL and AEW coming to TNT, plus thoughts on WWE’s struggles, how wrestling from 20 years ago holds up through today’s eyes, and more.


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