6/14 WWE in Winnipeg results: Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin for the WWE Universal Championship, Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet for the U.S. Championship, Alexa Bliss vs. Lacey Evans vs. Natalya, Robert Roode vs. Kalisto

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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WWE Live Event
Winnipeg, Manitoba at Bell MTS Place
Report by Dot Net reader Ian Hilding

This was my first live event I have been to since 1997. Though the show was definitely lacking some star power, it was still a lot of fun. I went with my brother and three daughters and they enjoyed themselves as well.

1. Kalisto (w/Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik) over Robert Roode. Lots of cheers for Roode’s entrance, but the crowd was behind Kalisto throughout the match. Dorado and Metalik were on the outside getting the crowd worked up with Lucha chants. Kalisto picked up the pin fall victory in a good crowd pleasing opener. My oldest daughter is a huge Roode fan and was not happy with this result.

2. The Viking Raiders beat Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik (w/Kalisto). Viking Raiders entered as LHP were celebrating the last victory. Good match with some nice high spots from the Lucha’s. Viking Raiders picked up the win.

3. Lacey Evans beat Natalya and Alexa Bliss in a Triple Threat. Great pop for Natalya as the Canadian hero. Fun match with Bliss and Evans working together until the inevitable clash over who should win. Evans picked up the pin over Natalya and won a “future match for the Raw Women’s Championship.”

After the match there was a brief backstage video of Nikki Cross arriving. Alexa Bliss walked up to her and Nikki apologized for being late. Alexa blamed Nikki for not being there to help her in her match.

4. Samoa Joe defeated Ricochet to retain the U.S. Championship. Not much of a match. A few minutes in Cesaro came out to distract Ricochet and Joe picked up the win. Joe and Cesaro double teamed Ricochet until Cedric Alexander came out to make the save. Ricochet then challenged Joe and Cesaro to a tag match. When they refused he called them chickens and even started clucking. This made me realize why he doesn’t get any mic time on TV. It was pretty lame.

5. Ricochet and Cedric Alexander beat Samoa Joe and Cesaro. Best match of the night. Lots of good action from the baby face duo. Ricochet got the pin over Cesaro.

6. Nikki Cross (w/Alexa Bliss) over Tamina. Alexa Bliss accompanied Nikki to the ring with a coffee in hand. Not much to the match. Bliss gave Nikki the assist and Nikki picked up the win in a short and unexciting match.

7. The Revival beat Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins to retain the Raw Tag Team Championship. The Revival bickered with fans on the floor and drew a lot of heat. Revival picked up the win after Ryder hit Anderson with the Rough Ryder and Dawson pushed him out of the ring and covered Anderson. Fun match with The Revival working the fans brilliantly. They deserve so much more than what they have gotten on the main roster so far.

8. Seth Rollins defeated Baron Corbin to retain the WWE Universal Championship. Great pop for Rollins, and tons of heat for Corbin. Corbin made ring announcer Sarah Schreiber read his introduction but she was cut off by the boos. Eventually she read through the intro including announcing Corbin as Winnipeg’s favourite son which drew a ton of heat. Great work by both men with Rollins getting the win after a Stomp.

Rollins gave a nice speech post match recognizing all the replica Universal Championship belts in the crowd, stating this as the reason he wanted to beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania was to bring the championship back to the people. Rollins then celebrated with fans, signed autographs and took selfies to close out the show.

Biggest Pops: Seth Rollins, Natalya, and Robert Roode’s entrance music

Most Heat: Baron Corbin (by far), and The Revival

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