6/5 NXT TV results: Moore’s live review of Keith Lee vs. Kona Reeves, and Bianca Belair vs. Mia Yim in matches taped at NXT Takeover: XXV

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT TV Live Review
Taped June 1, 2019 in Bridgeport, Connecticut at Webster Bank Arena
Streamed June 5, 2019 on WWE Network

Highlights from NXT Takeover 25 aired followed by the Slipknot theme. The intro video reflected the NXT and Tag Team title changes…

Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, and Beth Phoenix were on commentary as Mauro welcomed viewers to NXT Takeover Aftermatch…

1. Keith lee vs. “The Finest” Kona Reeves. The showered Keith Lee in several chants. Kona tried but couldn’t lock in a headlock. Lee quickly turned the tables into a wristlock on Kona which Lee carried around the ring. Kona tried to use the wristlock to drag Lee outside but Lee deadlifted Reeves with one arm. Reeves landed wrong on his knee at one point. Reeves exaggerated an injury to allow himself to get a headbutt on Lee. Reeves came at Lee with a running boot. Reeves dominated Lee with several strikes. This drew boos which Reeves soaked in. Reeves locked Lee in a chinlock. Lee pried open Kona’s arms. Kona saw this and made sure to club Lee to the ground.

Lee held on to Kona’s wrist like a vice. Lee hulked up and took down Reeves with southpaw shortarm punches. Lee showed off his agility and hit Reeves with a flying crossbody. Mauro noted that Keith Lee likes anime and is a huge One Piece fan (too many episodes for me to keep up on, which is why I don’t watch One Piece these days). Kona surprised Keith with a uranage for a nearfall. Lee hit Kona with a double chest chop, a pounce, and a jackknife powerslam for the victory.

Keith Lee defeated Kona Reeves via pinfall in 6:06. 

Mauro noted that Lee calls his finish “The Limit Breaker” (I approve of the FF7 Reference)…

Mauro transitioned over to Shayna Baszler vs. Io Shirai highlights…

John’s Thoughts: A solid enhancement match for Lee. Both men seem to be in weird holding patterns though. Lee was supposed to feud with Dominik Dijakovic but for some reason they pivoted Dijakovic over to Velveteen Dream abruptly, even though NXT TV advertised a Lee vs. Dijakovic match that they bait and switch on. Kona was someone I was understandably rough on when he debuted “The finest” gimmick. Understandably because he was dorky AF in a bad way. Kona has gotten better from what I am hearing and have seen at live events. In fact, I saw Reeves cut a strong heel promo against Keith Lee at the last San Jose NXT TV Tapings. I’m a huge proponent of  giving Kona a push but it seems like they see him more valuable as enhancement talent at the moment.

The cameraman attempted to interview Io Shirai after her attack on Shayna Baszler at Takeover. Io Shirai and Candice LeRae walked past the cameraman and simply said she’s not done with Shayna. Mauro advertised LeRae and Shirai vs. Duke and Shafir for next week… [c]

Mauro thanked the band Underoath for providing the song “On my teeth” for NXT Takeover 25…

Highlights from the NXT Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at Takeover aired…

The Street Profits were shown excited backstage while chatting to the guys in suits holding cameras. They sung about hard work and dedication. The Street Profits dragged one guy from behind the camera, who works for WWE, I didn’t catch his name. The Profits said this guy was with them from day one helping them produce their videos…

Highlights from Dream vs. Breeze aired…

A new interview dude (a brotha in a nice silver suit) interviewed Tyler Breeze. Breeze talked about how he gained respect for Velveteen Dream after their match. Tyler talked about being back in NXT. Tyler said he’s not going anywhere, he’s back in NXT. Tyler spoke in his regular non-Zoolander voice… [c]

John’s Thoughts: I’m happy to see Tyler find a way out of the hell hole known as WWE Superstars, and even the main roster. Even if he’s here as a gatekeeper, that’s better than being in the spot of Jinder Mahal, Bobby Roode, EC3, and other people on WWE main roster hell. Maybe they utilize him similar to how they utilized Tyson Kidd back in the day when he went from WWE Superstars to the NXT main event scene (where he actually grew as a wrestler and personality)

A Damien Priest (the former Punishment Martinez) vignette aired…

2. Mia Yim vs. Bianca Belair. Yim and Belair traded power moves early on. Yim reversed a sunset flip. Yim hit Belair with a series of armdrags. Belair showboated and said “Undefeated” (she’s lost twice at this point). Yim tripped up Belair during her gloating. After running the ropes a bit, Belair hit Yim with a facebuster. Belair hit Yim with a lariat for a two count. Belair clawed at Yim’s abdominals in the abdominal stretch. Yim escaped with a hip toss. Belair came back with a gutbuster for a two count. Belair locked Yim in a Bow and Arrow lock. Yim escaped with two pin attempts by getting Belair’s shoulder blades on the ground.

Belair worked on Yim’s back with Banzai Drops. Belair sat on Yim’s back and cockily said that she’s the HBIC. Yim countered with another rollup and Belair countered with an X Factor. Yim scrambled to lock in a cross armbreaker. Yim locked Belair in a Guillotine Choke. Belair countered with a spinebuster. Yim tossed Belair outside. Belair used the ringpost to lock Yim in an illegal crossbow. Yim sent Belair’s shoulder into the ringpost. Yim countered a Glam Slam into a roll through, sending Belair’s face into the steel steps.

Yim landed a few roundhouse kicks on Belair followed by a shotgun dropkick. Yim locked Belair in a tarantula. Yim followed up with a Code Red for a nearfall on Belair. Belair spiked Yim’s head into the mat with what looked like a nasty Saito Suplex. Yim made two kickouts to Belair’s pin attempts. Belair tied up her braid to prevent Yim from using it to her advantage. Yim still took control by locking Belair in a surprise guillotine. Belair escaped. Yim hit a PK on Belair. Yim surprised Belair with a Super Protect Yo Neck to pick up the clean win on Bianca Belair.

Mia Yim defeated Bianca Belair via pinfall in 10:37. 

Mauro noted that Yim needs to be put into consideration for a NXT Women’s Championship match. Yim was shown emotional in the center of the ring as Bianca Belair walked up the ramp…

The commentators hyped footage of Adam Cole’s title win for after the break… [c]

John’s Thoughts: I liked the last match between these two better, but this was a solid match too. It looks like they are really putting steam behind Yim for some reason. I’m guessing they’re potentially fast tracking her to a program against Shayna? I’m not the biggest fan of that because Yim still needs to show something in terms of personality/character (I know she has it in her from the end of her Impact run). That said, Yim and Baszler might be able to put on some show stealers. Their last match was good and the commentators do point out that they do have in-ring chemistry due to them being travel buddies before WWE.

Drew Gulak was interviewed after his NXT TV loss to Kushida by Cathy Kelley. Gulak said things were about to go his way in the match. Gulak said people are saying that Kushida is the best submission specialist in WWE. Gulak said Drew Gulak is the best submission specialist in WWE. Gulak called Kushida a Back to the Future cosplayer and aid that Biff Tannen was the true hero of the movie, not Marty McFly. Gulak challenged Kushida to a rematch in a Submission Match…

Kushida accepted Drew Gulak’s challenge via Twitter and it is booked for next week’s show. Mauro announced Lorcan and Burch vs. O’Reilly and Strong. Mauro noted that Bobby Fish is injured as we all saw at the end of Takeover…

Highlights from the Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole NXT Championship match aired. NXT closed with the shot of Adam Cole celebrating with Undisputed Era…

John’s Thoughts: I actually don’t mind these “anime recap episodes” of NXT as they do serve as good one-week breaks following what is always a hot Takeover. It’s tough to recommend these episodes because I would rather you watch Takeover if you didn’t watch Takeover yet. Takeover is only two and a half hours. That said, this was on the “good” side of those recap shows because the two matches were good enough. I just remember the last recap show not being that great. I’ll be by tomorrow with a member’s exclusive audio review.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Mia Yim is great, but “Head Baddie in Charge” might be the worst nickname in the history of pro-wrestling.

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