5/4 Impact Wrestling TV Taping spoilers: Full results of the first night of Philadelphia tapings (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Impact Wrestling TV Taping
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Report by Dot Net reader Mr. Eddy G

Dark Match: Dez beat Jake Crist. Both men came out alone. Dez won with an impressive Spinal Tap off the tope turnbuckle.

1. Tessa Blanchard beat Glen Gilbertti. Disco grabbed the mic just after the bell rings and gives credit to Tessa for being one of the best women’s wrestlers out there. But he said that’s not saying much and like being one of the players on the Philadelphia Flyers to loud boos of course. Disco called the women’s revolution a farce, and tonight Tessa can call him “daddy.” Tessa attacked him right after that, and dominated with fists and elbows before putting him quickly away with The Buzzsaw DDT! Glen had practically no offense and complained to Don Callis at the announce desk afterward. Don just took a photo of Disco.

Moose and “The North” Josh Alexander and Ethan Page complained about RVD, Tommy Dreamer, and Sabu. Page and Alexander said they messed up screwing with them, and that the ECW/2300 arena will be burnt to the ground when they are done here. The trio threatened one of the refs, and getting in fans’ faces at ringside before finally leaving.

2. Cody Deaner and Cousin Jake beat Desi Hit Squad (w/Gama Singh). Before the match, Gama said something but his mic is turned down low and it was almost impossible to hear him (something about the Phillies I think). He introduced the Dezi Hit Squad. The end comes when the Desi Hit Squad was attempting a double-team move, and Cody rand them into to each other and rolled up Raj for the win.

3. Killer Kross beat Eddie Edwards in a No DQ match. Kross wore long grey pants, a shirt, and a sleeveless vest for some reason. There was a brutal spot when Edwards was going for a suicide dive outside and Kross blocked him with a trash can to his face. Kross locked in a Straight Jacket but Eddie fought out with about six shots to the head with a dish pan. Kross performed a two handed choke slam on a ladder set up between a couple of chairs. Kross brought several chairs inside and tried to superplex Eddie from the top rope, but Eddie sent Kross crashing into them. Kross put on some leather black gloves while Eddie was down, but The Sandman appeared with a kendo stick and hit Kross twice in the back, which allowed Eddie to get the win. Sandman handed Eddie his kendo stick. They go out to celebrate with the crowd and drank some beer. A very cool moment.

4. Rich Swann and Willie Mack beat Michael Elgin and Johnny Impact (w/John E Bravo). Bravo carried out the big red plastic Ultimate X that Johnny won earlier this year. Impact was throw into Elgin, who was knocked outside. Elgin got angry and left Impact by himself. Swann hit a cutter and a second rope 450 splash for the win. Excellent match until Elgin wussed out.

5. Rosemary beat Taya Valkyrie by DQ in a non-title match. Rosemary dragged out Su Yung by her dog leash and tied her up to one of the ring posts. Rosemary had a submission and just as Taya was about to tap, Father James Mitchell and Jessicka Havok appeared. Havok clotheslined Rosemary for the DQ, and gave her a big Tombstone Piledriver. Taya got upset and got in Father James’s face, but Havok catches her with a chokeslam. Mitchell freed Su, and the three head out to the back together.

6. Madman Fulton (w/Sami Callihan) won a handicap match. Both of Fulton’s were over six feet tall and at least 250 pounds, but The Madman easily dwarfed them. Fulton completely dominated this match and won with his finisher. Sami got a mic afterward and called himself the doctor and said he’s sick of the women’s bull crap and Scarlett embarrassing him.

7. Dave and Jake Crist beat Scarlett Boudreaux and Fallah Bahh. Sami and Fulton were sent backstage by the official. Sami snapped and slapped The Madman, and dragged him backstage by the hair. OVE won and grabbed Scarlett after the match and looked like they were about to attack her, but Tessa Blanchard made the save with a low kick to Jake and a Codebreaker off the top rope.

8. Jordynne Grace defeated Kiera Hogan. Grace offered a handshake, but Kiera waved her off, and tried a cheap shot punch but Grace stopped her. Jordynne got a near fall with a very impressive delayed one-arm Jackhammer. Kiera is more heelish now. She attempted a cover with her feet on the ropes, but the referee caught her in the act. Jordynne finally won with The Grace Driver. Good match.

9. “LAX” Santana and Ortiz (w/Konnan) defeated The Rascalz by DQ to retain the Impact Wrestling Tag Titles. The Rascalz hit a beautiful Swanton followed by a Spinal Tap for a close near fall on Ortiz before Santana broke it up at the very last second. The third Rascalz member was at ringside and spit something in the referee’s face. While the ref was down the third member of the Rascalz got into the match and hit a double knee press. A new referee came down, Santana was pinned and we had new tag team champions. But….the referees talked things over, and they reversed the decision, so LAX win by disqualification to retain. The crowd was a bit upset by the reversal.

Xplosion: Su Yung beat Alisha Edwards. Su sneak attacked Alisha as she was posing for the crowd. Su performed a very impressive spinning sidewalk slam on the apron outside. Su won by submission with The Mandible Claw.

10. Ace Austin beat Cousin Jake (w/Cody Deaner). Ace threw a card at Cody, who then distracted the referee, then pulled out another card and raked Jake’s hand. Austin hit a top rope leg drop to the back for a good near fall. The Desi Hit Sqaud came down and attacked Cody for some reason, Jake got distracted and Ace wins with his finisher.

11. Rob Van Dam, Sabu (w/Super Genie), and Tommy Dreamer beat Moose and The North. Super Genie brought out some chairs from under the ring, and left them outside. Apparently it’s no DQ. At one point, Moose ordered Page to get him a chair. Moose placed it on Dreamer, and went for Rolling Thunder, but Tommy threw it in his face. More chairs were brought in. Sabu ran and then leapt onto one and used it for a tope to the outside for a big ECW chant. RVD pinned Page after a perfect Five Star Frogsplash. After the match, Dreamer told Sabu to come back inside as he was going to leave. He said this is the house that Sabu built. Tommy said Sabu has a new knee, and titanium hip. Tommy thanked RVD and claimed RVD’s suffered 100 concussions. Tommy thanked the fans, and promoted his upcoming HOH show at the 2300 Arena on June 8 where he will be teaming with Sabu.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Title says first night, but isn’t this the second night? Also, anybody have any info about the rough number of people in attendance?

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