Moore’s NXT TV Live Review: Street Profits vs. Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, Danny Burch vs. Jaxson Ryker, Candice LeRae vs. Aliyah in matches taped at NXT Takeover: New York

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

Aired April 10, 2019 on WWE Network
Taped April 5, 2019 in Brooklyn, New York at Barclays Center

NXT started off with a highlight package of the entire NXT Takeover: New York show.

NXT now has a new intro theme. A heavy metal track with more theatrics. (First impressions, looked good)…

Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, and Percy Watson checked in on commentary. Mauro recapped last week’s interaction between Candice LeRae and Aliyah. The opening match entrances took place. Mauro noted that Borne and Aliyah are calling themselves “Borne and Boujee”..

1. Candice LeRae vs. Aliyah (w/Vanessa Borne). Aliyah clawed and jawed with LeRae early on. LeRae got an armdrag in which caused Aliyah to cower to the rope break. Aliyah yelled “cheer for me” to draw good boos. LeRae gave Aliyah a dropkick. Aliyah dodged a baseball slide but LeRae countered with a Tiger Feint Kick. Aliyah took advantage of a Borne distraction to gain the advantage over LeRae. After some strikes, Aliyah locked LeRae in a straitjacket lock. LeRae armdraged her way out.

LeRae fought out of another sleeper. Aliyah came back with a thrust kick. Aliyah showed frustration over only getting one counts over LeRae. Aliyah gave LeRae a slap which fired up LeRae. LeRae mounted offense after a front boot. LeRae hit Aliyah with a step up senton. LeRae then hit Aliyah with a lionsault for the victory.

Candice LeRae defeated Aliyah via pinfall in 4:09. 

A Velveteen Dream vs. Matt Riddle video package aired…

John’s Thoughts: A good match but nothing too standout. Aliyah has been in NXT for 5 years (she was 19 at the time) and has had a ton of TV time. I don’t want to say anyone should be released but I’m wondering if a Juice Robinson like run on the indies is what she needs? That said, Aliyah does get better every time we see her so that’s a plus. The best news from this, LeRae’s a wrestler again. Hopefully this sticks.

Velveteen cut a selfie promo, which he took during WrestleMania. He talked about how he’s the North American Champion. He said he could handle the spotlight. Dream panned the camera to show Buddy Murphy walking in the background after his title loss. Dream mocked Murphy for losing the title and not handling the spotlight… [c]

Mauro thanked the band Disturbed for providing the song “Are you ready?” for NXT Takeover: New York…

Mauro narrated highlights from War Raiders vs. Black and Ricochet…

Nigel McGuinness talked about how Kushida has signed with NXT. They showed William Regal and Triple H introducing the media to Kushida. Kushida thanked Hunter and Regal for the opportunity to wrestle in NXT…

John’s Thoughts: Hey, Regal lives! Moreso, it’s good to see Regal back on TV after disappearing for months.

Watson hyped Danny Burch vs. Jaxson Ryker for after the break… [c]

2. Danny Burch (w/Oney Lorcan) vs. Jaxson Ryker (w/Wesley Blake, Steve Cutler). Burch exploded out of the corner early on with a shotgun dropkick. Burch then came at Ryker with rapid fire corner moves. Ryker gained a bit of momentum after a block. Ryker also tripped up Burch to mount his offense. Ryker ran through Burch for a two count. Burch tried to come at Ryker with many lariats and strikes but failed to get Ryker off his feet. Burch got Ryker to the ground with a missile dropkick. Oney Lorcan knocked Blake and Cutler off the apron with a crossbody. Burch got a rollup on Ryker for a nearfall. Ryker hit Burch with a sitout Uranage for the victory.

Jaxson Ryker defeated Danny Burch via pinfall in 3:08. 

After the match Ryker went after Burch. Ryker then choked Lorcan but Lorcan fought him off with his stiff slaps. Blake and Cutler jumped in to give the Sons the numbers and beatdown advantage…

John’s Thoughts: Nothing special here. I’m still rooting for Ryker after seeing him improve a lot during his Impact Wrestling run, but the Forgotten Sons are very vanilla at the moment. These guys really need regular vignettes to get up and running. Somebody call Jeremy Borash and his cinematics to the rescue!!!

The women’s fatal four way from Takeover was spotlighted in a video package…

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Shayna Baszler after her match. Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke were flanking Baszler. Baszler said it doesn’t matter who gets thrown at her, she’s taking them out and never losing the title… [c]

Mauro Ranallo thanked Billie Eilish for providing the song “You should see me in a crowd” for NXT Takeover New York…

Nigel recapped the Pete Dunne vs. Big Daddy Walter match…

Dunne was interviewed at the Gorilla Position after his title loss. Dunne simply said “there will be a rematch”…

A video package aired of the Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole NXT Championship match…

Adam Cole was shown ranting with the Undisputed Era backstage. Cole was starting to berate Roderick Strong for screwing up before he noticed the camera filming him. Cole yelled at the camera man to cut the camera… [c]

An ad aired for WWE’s Performance Center YouTube Page featuring such stars as Chelsea Green, Ray Rowe as a Viking, Manny Faberino, Karen Q, and others. You also get many videos of Ricochet and Kacy Catanzaro’s public displays of affection. (I kid… I kid)…

Mauro showed a Triple H tweet thanking Slipknot for providing the new NXT Theme…

Nigel advertised Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy for next week…

John’s Thoughts: I hope that after losing his title, that Buddy Murphy makes his way back to NXT. The guy is a completely different person from his old tag team days and is one of WWE’s strongest main event wrestlers at the moment in terms of compelling in-ring performances.

3. “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins vs. Fabien Aichner and Marcel Barthel. Mauro noted that both these teams were knocked out of the Dusty Rhodes Classic and are looking to improve from those performances. Aichner and Ford started off the match to a very hot Barclay’s crowd. Ford and Aichner soaked in “NXT” chants. Aichner then shoved Dawkins off the apron and then shoved Ford to his corner for the isolation. Ford escaped, slipped up on a move, but recovered and hit Aichner and Barthel with a double dropkick. Barthel recovered and hit Ford with a side slam. Aichner tagged back in to re-initiate the isolation game. The heels traded quick tags and cut the ring in half.

Barthel and Aichner grounded Ford with a nice spinebuster followed by a PK. The isolation continued. Ford ducked under the legs of Barthel to get Dawkins in for the hot tag sequence. Mauro dubbed the Profits’ drank as “num num juice”. The Profits went for a double move but Barthel tripped up Ford off the top rope and then put him back into peril since Ford was tagged back in. Barthel and Aichner hit stereo basement dropkicks on Ford. Barthel took care of Dawkins at ringside with a dive. Aichner hit Ford with his sweet looking tightrope lionsault for a nearfall. Ford dodged a tandem move allowing Dawkins to spear Aichner. Dawkins tagged back in. The Profits hit Barthel with the Electric Chair Blockbuster for the victory.

The Street Profits defeated Fabien Aichner and Marcel Barthel via pinfall. 

The Profits celebrated to close the show with over 12 minutes left in the hour…

John’s Thoughts: As usual, a good match from the European duo. These two can’t seem to rack up wins on NXT despite looking very strong in their matches. They hit the Profits with a lot of finishing sequences but the Profits keep kicking out. Hopefully WWE finds a spot for Aichner and Barthel someday because these two are next level talents that are underutilized. Overall, a missable show if you saw Takeover New York. Okay if you want to know what happened at Takeover, but if you didn’t see that show and you’re watching the Network, why aren’t you just watching Takeover? It’s two and a half hours of the best wrestling you will see all week.




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