04/05 Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast: Powell and Keller answer mailbag questions on Vince McMahon favoring Raw over Smackdown going into WrestleMania 35, the Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair brawl, Kofi Kingston winning the hemp and wood title belt, and more

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell and Wade Keller answer mailbag questions on why Vince McMahon favored Raw over Smackdown heading into WrestleMania, the Rousey-Becky-Charlotte angle with police compared to the Beer Truck with Steve Austin, should Kofi Kingston be handed Daniel Bryan’s hemp and wood title belt if he wins on Sunday, and more (62:32)…

Click here for the April 5 Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast.

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