3/30 WWE SuperShow in Wheeling, West Virginia results: Kofi Kingston vs. Elias, Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch for the Smackdown Women’s Championship, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin, Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles for the U.S. Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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WWE SuperShow live event
Wheeling, West Virginia at the Wesbanco Arena
Report by Dot Net subscriber Jawbreaker (Duane Carpenter)

This is the first time the WWE has been back to Wheeling since a July 15, 2018 house show. The Wesbanco Arena was probably 3/4 full and had a good vocal crowd.

Following the National Anthem, Elias was in the ring. He did his usual rendition of “Country Roads” before being interrupted by New Day (Kofi and Big E.). Xavier was not listed for the show nor did he appear. Kofi sang a song about wanting Elias in the main event tonight, so that set up the main event for later that night.

1. The Usos defeated Sheamus & Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura & Rusev (w/Lana) in a Triple Threat in 10:00 to retain the Smackdown Tag Team Titles. The Usos sold for most of the match. A fun spot in the middle of the match was Rusev was standing over a fallen Cesaro after working him over. Jimmy Uso slid into the ring behind Rusev, and slingshotted Cesaro into Rusev’s privates. Lana got involved in the match just once, a slap to an Uso while standing ringside. The match really picked up at the end and the finish saw both Uso’s superkick Shinsuke for the pin.

2. Buddy Murphy defeated Tony Nese to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship in 15:00. Murphy did a lot of stall tactics to get some heat early the match. The match picked up in the final eight minutes. Murphy hit a stand-up powerbomb for a two-count. Nese later hit the 450 splash for a two count. Murphy faked an injury with the match coming to a near stop, then hit a running knee after faking the injury to pin Nese. Once Murphy stopped with the stalling tactics, probably the most high-risk and fastest paced match of the long. Also the longest match of the night.

3. Bobby Lashley fought Finn Balor to a double count out in 6:00 in an Intercontinental Title match. No Lio Rush with Lashley. Pretty much the match you would expect. Lashley dominated with his power moves and Balor would get in some moves in the underdog role. They brawled at ringside as both wrestlers failed to get back into the ring by the 10-count. Following the match, Lashely beat up Balor some more with a post-match beatdown.

We actually got a backstage segment with Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre shown on the TitanTron. Baron said he would be everyone’s new Olympic champion once he beats Kurt Angle at WM. Drew said that he keeps on squashing Dean Ambrose like a bug but he keeps coming back like a cockroach. Tonight they would put both Dean and Seth out of their misery.

Elias, who was all over this show, was back out to sing. He said everyone could sing along because this song only had two lyrics – Kofi sucks. He was interrupted by Becky Lynch who received a huge pop. Becky called Elias a poor man’s Honky Tonk Man. She called him Ellie throughout the interview. She said she was a musician too since she had been beating Charlotte Flair like a drum and playing Ronda Rousy like a fiddle. Becky than sang her version of Country Roads while making fun of Elias. As Elias walked to the back, Flair came out on the mic. She wanted to know why people cheer Becky when she is the new champion. This led to the two women and their match for the Smackdown
Women’s Title.

4. Charlotte Flair pinned Becky Lynch to retain the Smackdown Women’s Title in 12:00. Flair grabbed her belt and walked out of the match around the four-minute mark, but Becky chased her down and brought her back into the match. Flair did her father’s signature spot over going over the ring post, going to the far ring post, climbing it, and getting tossed off the top rope by Becky. A lot of chain wrestling and two counts for both wrestlers. Flair worked over Becky’s knee for five to six minutes late in the match. Becky put the disarmer on Charlotte, but Charlotte reached the ropes. Flair then rolled up Becky and got the three count despite Becky being under and in the ring ropes during the count. After the match, Flair was walking back up the aisle, but Asuka stopped Flair and rolled her back into the ring where Becky beat her up some before finally escaping the ring. Becky then went to ringside and hung out with the fans as the show went to a 15-minute intermission.


5. A. J. Styles beat Samoa Joe by DQ in 5:00 in a U.S. Championship match. Another title match. Joe jumped AJ before the bell rang. They brawled some early outside and then AJ put the Calf Crusher on Joe but Joe made it to the ropes for the break. Joe hit AJ with a chair to cause the DQ. After the match, AJ hit the flying forearm smash on Joe. Disappointing with how short the match was.

6. Asuka and Naomi pinned Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille in 7:00. Kind of a sloppy match. The finish of the match saw Sonya tap to the Asuka Lock.

Elias came back out on the stage and sang a couple lines of “Kofi Sucks” before heading backstage again. Then we got an ad for WM on the TitanTron.

7. Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre pinned Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in 13:00. Seth had a nice combination with a slingblade on Corbin in the ring and then seamlessly went into a dive on Drew outside the ring. The heels dominated most of the match, first building to a hot tag for Dean and then a later one for Seth. The end of the match really came out of nowhere as Drew pinned Dean clean in the ring. No headbutt, no Claymore Kick…just a pin in the middle of the ring. As the theme for the night, the babyfaces always got their revenge after a match as Baron entered the ring to put the boots to Dean but Seth got the best of Corbin and gave him a Curb Stomp.

Elias came back out for his match in the main event and said he had one more song to sing. In a fun spot, the referee came over and took his guitar and told him no more songs. He was going to sing without his guitar but was interrupted by Kofi and Big E. New Day came out throwing miniature pancakes to the crowd, not the big flapjacks you see on television. Elias took the can of pancakes away from Big E and smashed them.

8. Kofi Kingston pinned Elias in 10:00. Elias has early control of the match and taunts Big E inside the ring with the hip swirl. Kofi hits the SOS for a two-count. Elias grabbed his guitar and brought it into the ring to hit Kofi with it, but Big E took it away from him. The ref saw Big E with the guitar and tossed him from ringside. Elias went for a quick roll-up, but Kofi kicked out. Kofi hit his Trouble in Paradise for the win. After the match, Kofi grabbed the mic and thanked the fans and that none of this would be possible with them. To pay them back for their support, he said he is going to win the WWE Championship for them.

A really stacked show that was a lot of fun. Everyone was in safe mode, but it didn’t take away from the matches. A lot of mic work for a house show which was also a lot of fun. Every time Elias came out the boos got louder and louder.

Biggest Pops
1. Becky
2. Usos
3. Seth Rollins
4. AJ

Biggest Boos
1. Elias
2. Baron Corbin

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