Impact Wrestling announces the return of Madison Rayne

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling announced the return of Madison Rayne on Friday. Rayne recently received a contractual release from Ring of Honor recently after signing a one-year deal with the company in September 2018.

Powell’s POV: Impact did not offer any details on whether Rayne has signed a contract or if she will be working independently. Rayne is married to Impact Wrestling play-by-play voice Josh Mathews.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Davey Boy Smith Jr. discussing what led to the Hart Foundation vs. Lucha Brothers match at MLW SuperFight getting physical, training at a young age, and much more.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. Actually they did address the length, they addressed it on the live stream where they announced it. It’s a multi year.

  2. Like anyone didn’t see that coming. WWE obviously didn’t want her past the Mae Young Classic II.

    • WWE are fools.

    • People do sometimes turn the WWE down. James Storm left there to go back to Impact. Why automatically assume “WWE obviously didn’t want her.”

      Why would she want to be in WWE, where talented women can’t get TV time because they push talent-less hacks like Nia Jax, or their “Golden Goose” Rousey?

      I’m happy she’s back in Impact, though! I was hoping it’d happen, but didn’t expect it today. Now if I get a Beautiful People reunion…

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