Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Eli Drake’s Gravy Train Turkey Trot

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Eli Drake’s Gravy Train Turkey Trot: Surprised to see this in the Hit section? Look, this turkey suit silliness just isn’t for me. If it works for you then that’s great. I enjoy some comedy in wrestling, but I’ve never been a fan of food fights or turkey suits or any of the other cornball comedy we typically get from pro wrestling on holiday shows. So why is this in the Hit section? Because Impact dedicated so much time to airing flashbacks of past turkey suit matches and video packages that I was able to speed through the show in record time. If there as another positive about the match it’s that it allowed Don Callis a platform for a slew of entertaining lines.

Disco Inferno: If you’re in Las Vegas and you’re going to do some sports entertainment style campiness, then it’s almost a requirement to include Disco. His intentional mispronunciation of Fallah Bahh as Fahh Ballah was good for a chuckle, and Don Callis calling Disco a douche was laugh out loud funny. I was happy to see Disco end up in the turkey suit rather than one of Impact’s regulars.

Dezmond Xavier: His big spots stole the show in the turkey suit match… well, as much as anything could when Scarlett Bourdeaux was involved.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Fallah Bahh and KM: I enjoy their comedy antics most weeks, but the repeated segments with Bahh picking his team for the turkey suit match was too much. Bahh and KM are fun, but they simply better in smaller doses.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Jake Barnett discussing the All Elite Wrestling potential startup promotion.


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