Billy Corgan addresses the NWA 70th Anniversary show main event and production issues

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA owner Billy Corgan addressed the NWA 70th Anniversary event in an Instagram post on Monday. Corgan praised the broadcast team and then addressed the early production problems and the show’s main event. “On the production side, we fell short on providing a televised event up to the standard that I would consider acceptable,” Corgan wrote.

“Which reminded me greatly as to why people questioned my pursuit of TNA (in terms of wanting to buy the company, and filed a potential lawsuit to do so). Put simply, building up a culture like Smashing Pumpkins or the NWA, takes time, trial and error, and great risk. And throwing $$$ at the problems doesn’t necessarily correct the issues, and in some cases makes it worse. So last night I was painfully reminded of how hard this journey is, and knew by the time the last bell rung we have much work to do before we’d run another such live event.

“Which in no way diminishes my appreciation for those who ordered or attended the event. In fact, it increases it. Sitting ringside for the main event, I had one recurring thought, which is there are only a few people on the planet (let’s say the number is under 30) who could do what Nick and Cody (@nickaldis @americannightmarecody) did last night. Or, as I used to tell my Mother, ‘this is why they pay me the big bucks, Ma’. Skilled, talented people need the right stage and crowd to show their best, and last night was exactly that.” Read his full commentary here.

Powell’s POV: That’s a very fair assessment of both the production woes and the performances of Cody and Aldis last night. Unfortunately, there were issues with no audio for early video packages and backstage promos. It was mostly resolved before the third match and there were no issues hearing the broadcast team or ring announcer. It’s admirable (and the right business move) of Corgan to address the matter publicly rather than just ignoring it and focusing on the show’s positives. Cody and Aldis put on a hell of a match and you can still purchase the replay via FITE TV. You can also read my full review here.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and NWA Champion Nick Aldis.


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