NFL ownership family reportedly behind a new startup pro wrestling project involving Cody, Young Bucks, Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, and others

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The Khan family is reportedly behind a potential startup pro wrestling promotion that could involve Cody, the Young Bucks, Chris Jericho, Adam Page, Jim Ross, and others, according to Shad Khan is the owner of the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham F.C. of the English Premier League. Shad’s son Tony has been talking about the project with various people in the pro wrestling industry, including agent Barry Bloom, who represents Ross, Jericho, and Bill Goldberg.

Powell’s POV: Dot Net Weekly listeners now understand why I ended a recent episode by pointing out that a number of pro wrestling personalities had suddenly developed an interest in the Jacksonville Jaguars. Tony Khan is a longtime pro wrestling fan and my understanding is that he has been heading up the discussions. It’s unclear to what extent his father Shad is involved. Shad recently withdrew his bid to purchase Wembley Stadium in England, for whatever that is worth. The SE Scoops report mentions AXS as a potential home for a television series, and a timeline for the launch of the promotion being 12-16 months out. While both items seem logical, I can neither confirm nor deny those details.

I can confirm that the project has been in the discussion stages for some time. It is hard to say at this point whether it’s just talks or if a real financial commitment has been made. At the very least, the possibility of a startup group gives Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Cody, and Page some sense of leverage in potential contract talks with WWE now that word is out that things have not gone smoothly in at least some of their contract discussions with the New Japan Pro Wrestling office. It’s unclear where Omega stands as far as this project is concerned, though the Elite members expressed public interest in continuing to work together. I reached out to Tony Khan via direct message on September 12 for comment regarding rumors of this project and he did not respond.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and former NWA Champion Nick Aldis.


Readers Comments (11)

  1. >>I can confirm that the project has been in the discussion stages for some time.<<

    Wow, you can confirm they didn't just decide this today? Man, you really DO have the inside scoop!

    • I guess you missed the part about how I reached out to Tony Khan and sought comment on this story five weeks ago?

      • Maybe you should go over to Wrestlinginc and see how Jericho AND AXS-TV killed this rumor.

        • I wrote that I could not confirm nor deny AXS’s involvement. Jericho wrote nothing of substance. He mocked the idea that he’s starting his own promotion. No one reported that he is starting his own promotion, rather it’s that he’s had talks with Tony Khan about this project. Jericho’s own Instagram page has a photo of him and Khan from last month. It doesn’t definitively prove they talked business, but the timing sure is interesting given everything I’ve been hearing. Believe what you like, but I stand by what I wrote.

        • @Bill-of course Jericho is going to deny the deal, in case it doesn’t go through, so he can go back to WWE. That is common sense. How many other times has Jericho lied about something (such as not appearing for NJPW and he will then show up)? Many times. Thanks Jason for the update and hope you ignore all the comment trolls on the site.

  2. Jericho and AXS-TV already killed this rumor, go to Wrestlinginc and see for yourself.

  3. Could it be that SESCOOPS took your comment of wrestlers liking the Jaguars all of the sudden and they reported that as an exclusive for their site?

  4. I do believe this is more of a solid answer than your claims. Later on my site I’ll make sure to screen shot this convo which shows, I tried to give you an out, but you ‘believe’ you’re right, when you’re not.

    • No, anything but that. How will I sleep tonight?

      Again, please take the time to read what I wrote. I never said AXS was involved. I noted that I could neither confirmed nor deny. And I merely wrote that there have been discussions about this potential startup venture with Khan and the names listed. Guess what? There have been discussions. Does it mean it will happen? No. Could it? Sure. I’ve also pointed out that Jericho was photographed with Khan, and his denial is that he’s not starting a company on his own. No one said he was. So his denial is a denial of nothing anyone actually reported. If you can’t see that then I don’t know what to tell you.

      You are clearly trolling and looking for attention. I’m sorry your site isn’t providing you with enough, but I’m finished with this. Once again, I stand by what I’ve written. If you have actual sourcing on this then I suggest you go to your site and write about it rather than trolling here.

  5. Wow, this “Bill Walkowitz” is such a moron. I am surprised (but sure he is) that JR would be involved with it with him being under the WWE contract. Looks like it would be a violation of the contract for sure. Guess JR could obviously care less at this point in his life and for what WWE is paying him.

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