By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)
Ring of Honor TV
Taped August 25 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired in syndication on October 6 and Mondays on the FITE TV app
The ROH opening aired and then the broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and BJ Whitmer checked in on commentary…
1. “Coast 2 Coast” Shaheem Ali and Leon St. Giovanni vs. “The Kingdom” TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia. Riccaboni noted that Ali was returning from a neck injury suffered in a car accident. Marseglia caught LSG on the ropes and kicked him in the gut heading into a break. [C]
LSG made a hot tag to Ali, who worked over both heels while Riccaboni noted that he was doing so in his hometown. There was a clunky moment with Ali looking to the crowd for way too long after performing a move on O’Ryan, who got up and hit him from behind and sent him to ringside. Marseglia let the red balloons fly and then performed a neckbreaker on Ali.
Late in the match, O’Ryan tripped up LSG from ringside and then performed a suicide dive onto him. Ali dove onto O’Ryan on the floor. Marseglia performed a springboard dive onto all three men at ringside. Ali went up top and performed a flip dive onto the pile. Back in the ring, Ali performed a roll through and pinned O’Ryan. The broadcast team said the illegal man pinned the other illegal man.
Coast 2 Coast defeated TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia.
After the match, O’Ryan and Marseglia attacked referee Paul Turner and then punched out security guards who ran in. Whitmer spoke about the Kingdom conspiracy…
Powell’s POV: What should have been a hot return for Coast 2 Coast turned into another lame conspiracy against the Kingdom moment. This conspiracy saga is one of the more eye rolling storylines in all of pro wrestling and it’s about to get a lot more creative love in ROH based on the post main event angle at the Death Before Dishonor pay-per-view.
Footage aired of Marty Scurll pinned Shane Helms. Scurll delivered a promo saying he wants to vanquish the Hurricane once and for all… [C]
2. Marty Scurll vs. Shane “Hurricane'” Helms. Scurll performed a nice DDT from the ropes. Helms no-sold it and got right back on his feet, causing Scurll to beg off. Helms went for a chokeslam, but Scurll countered into a lung blower. Helms did his version of Hulking up. Scurll cut him off with a kick to the knee, then Helms returned the favor moments later. Scurll performed a suicide dive that drove Helms into the barricade going into a break. [C]
Helms performed the Eye of the Hurricane for a near fall. Scurll came back with a Rainmaker clothesline for a two count. Scurll went for a chicken wing, but Helms stepped aside and ran Scurll the ropes and into the post. Helms went up top, but Scurll crotched him. Scurll performed a superplex, but Helm hooked his legs for a two count. Scurll low blowed Helms while the ref was turned around and hit the Eye of the Hurricane for a two count.
Scurll went for a chokeslam, but Helms arm dragged him and chokeslammed him. Scurll rolled Helms into a pin for a two count. Scurll avoided the Vertebreaker and went for a crucifix style rollup, but Helms ended up on top of him and held him down for the pin… [C]
Hurricane Helms defeated Marty Scurll.
Powell’s POV: A well worked match. Helms has come a long way since his post motorcycle accident days. It’s hard not to question whether Scurll should be doing something more high profile, but it’s a fun Superhero vs. Villain feud that you have to assume Scurll will ultimately win before moving back up the card.
The broadcast team spoke about the Kingdom and the awful conspiracy theory. Riccaboni said he’s starting to believe there might be a Kingdom conspiracy. Good lord. They also recapped Helms beating Scurll and said there needed to be a rubber match. They set up a video package on the history of Cheeseburger and Will Ferrara…
Cheeseburger cut a brief promo about how he once cared about Ferrara and does not anymore. He questioned whether Ferrara is jealous of his Shotei palm strike… The Dawgs made their entrance. Rhett Titus walked out with Ferrara and then headed backstage. Cheeseburger made his entrance… [C]
3. Cheeseburger vs. Will Ferrara in a Fight Without Honor. In a shocking swerve, Ferrara wore two belts! He removed one and used it as a weapon. Cheeseburger ended up with it and returned the favor. Cheeseburger had the belt around the neck of Ferrara, who was on the apron. In the least advised move in the history of mankind, Ferrara risked being hung by leaping off the apron. Somehow, his led to Cheeseburger’s hand being driven into the turnbuckle. [C]
Ferrara brought a chair into the ring. Cheeseburger went for a palm strike, but Ferrara held up the chair, causing more damage to Cheeseburger’s injured hand. Cheeseburger superkicked the chair into the face of Ferrara. Cheeseburger was in offensive control when Rhett Titus ran out and hit him from behind. Titus set up a table at ringside and punched Cheeseburger. Titus set up for a suplex, but Cheeseburger avoided it.
Eli isom and Ryan Nova ran out and grabbed Titus. Cheeseburger superkicked Titus, then Isom and Nova essentially powerbombed Titus through the table. Ferrara tried to hit Cheeeseburger with a chain wrapped around his fist, but Cheeseburger blocked it with a chair. Cheeseburger hit Ferrara with a chair and then wrapped the chain round his injured hand. Cheeseburger performed the palm strike with the chair around his hand and got the win…
Cheeseburger defeated Will Ferrara in a Fight Without Honor.
Riccaboni hyped the Glory By Honor event for Friday on HonorClub…
Powell’s POV: A fun brawl. I just wish ROH hadn’t taken so long to come back to this match. They just didn’t do enough to keep it fresh in the minds of television viewers. The good news is that this is the final show from the August taping and we will finally get the first show from the new taping next week. I will have more to say in my members’ exclusive audio review later today.
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