8/26 WWE in Saint John results: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Miz vs. Jeff Hardy for the U.S. Championship, Charlotte vs. Carmella for the Smackdown Women’s Championship, Luke Harper vs. Karl Anderson

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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WWE Live Event
Saint John, New Brunswick at Harbour Station
Report by Dot Net reader Drew McConnell

I’d estimate the attendance at about 3,000 or so at the matinee house show. Byron Saxton played host and ring announcer. He’s much better at this than commentary.

1. “New Day” Big E and Kofi Kingston beat Sheamus and Cesaro to retain the Smackdown Tag Team Championship. Lots of comedy spots from New Day that the crowd ate it up. The finish saw Kofi pin Sheamus after the Midnight Hour. Good match.

2. Rusev and Lana beat Andrade Almas and Zelina Vega.. Rusev was mega over with tons of Rusev Day chants. The finish was a double Accolade submission with both Rusev and Lana submitting their respective adversary.

3. Shelton Benjamin pinned Tye Dillinger. This turned into a really fun match towards the end. Lots of 10 chants. Benjamin won after Paydirt.

4. Charlotte Flair beat Carmella via DQ in a Smackdown Women’s Championship match. A short match. Charlotte had the Figure 8 locked in, and Becky Lynch ran in and broke it up for the DQ. Afterwards, Becky and Carmella beat down Charlotte, which prompted Asuka to make the save. Charlotte then challenged Becky and Carmella to a tag team match.

5. Charlotte and Asuka beat Carmella and Becky Lynch. Becky was very popular and had plenty Becky chants, although Charlotte was never booed. The finish was Charlotte tapping out Carmella with the Figure 8.


6. Karl Anderson (w/Luke Gallows) pinned Luke Harper. A pretty basic match. Gallows distracted Harper, and then Anderson rolled him up for the pin.

7. Shinsuke Nakamura beat Jeff Hardy and The Miz in a Triple Threat to retain the U.S. Championship. Hardy had probably the biggest pop of the show. Miz did a total Rick Rude routine before the match, complete with seductive disrobing and calling the fans “sweat-hogs”. Jeff also attempted to throw his shirt into the audience, only for it to get caught up on the scoreboard.This was a typical WWE triple threat with two guys working while one was on the floor most of the way. Jeff looked like he was in a great deal of pain. The finish was Miz reversing a Twist of Fate into a Skull Crushing Finale on Hardy only to have Nakamura catch Miz with the Kinshasa to knock him out of the ring. Nakamura pinned Hardy to retain the title. They played Hardy’s music afterwards and he posed with fans.

8. AJ Styles beat Samoa Joe to retain the WWE Championship. A really good match. AJ got a great pop coming out. The match was super heated with Joe beating AJ down before the bell. There were lots of cool reversals with both guys hitting their main stuff. The finish saw AJ pin Joe after a Phenomenal Forearm.

Overall, a really fun show. The crowd was hot for almost everything. On a side note, Dean Malenko was the road agent. I believe Sara Amato was there as well.

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