WWE Smackdown on-site report: What game was Wale playing during the opening dark match and opening segment? Interesting notes on the live crowd’s reactions to Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Rusev Day, dark match results

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Dot Net reader Josh attended the WWE Smackdown event on Tuesday in Brooklyn, New York at Barclays Center and sent the following report.

– We got to the arena around 7:40pm. We had Row 3 seats to the left of the announcers. The place was full; however, Row 2 in front of us was only occupied my rapper Wale.

– Dark Match: Asuka beat Mandy Rose. Asuka won via the Asuka Lock. A fine little match here. The crowd was into Asuka. Wale was legit playing Candy Crush during this match and the opening of Smackdown with Miz’s promo. I thought Mandy looked pretty damn good in the ring and my girlfriend thinks she is really hot.

Smackdown Notes

– Jeff Hardy got the pop of the night when he hit that Swanton from the balcony. The place went crazy with a loud “holy shit” chant.

– Naomi vs Peyton had no heat. The Iiconics got that “X-Pac heat” when they cut their promo.

– I haven’t watched back the TV airing yet, but I know a lot of people are questioning the Becky Lynch and Charotte Flair segment. Becky was definitely cheered during her promo. There were very loud “Becky” chants. No one Becky booed Becky besides maybe me. I am a Charlotte guy. Charlotte did receive a few cheers and woooos. The pull apart received a great reaction with chants of “Let Them Fight”.

– “Rusev Day” isn’t nearly as over as it was. There were still loud Rusev Day chants but it has quieted down a bit. There were dueling “Rusev Day” and “Let’s go Almas” chants at one point.

– The crowd really enjoyed Samoa Joe saying “Daddy AJ had already gone night night”. Everyone started laughing and cheering. AJ Styles got a really good reaction when he came out for his interview.

– Paige, R-Truth, and Shinsuke Nakamura received good reactions during their segments. Paige announced to us that the main event after 205 Live would be Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe.

– The television main event was a really fun match and everyone was firmly behind the New Day. I really enjoyed Smackdown.

*205 Live Notes

– Damn near the entire crowd stayed for 205 Live. I only saw a few people leave.

– Noam Dar vs. TJP had no heat.

– Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado vs. Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese was fantastic. This was the best match of the entire night. There were multiple “holy shit” and “this is awesome” chants. A great showing from all four guys.

– Dark Main Event: Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe fought for a minute and then The Miz came down for a beat down. AJ Styles came out and evened the offs. The crowd was really into this. This lasted about 10 minutes total. Bryan and AJ hit their signature spots and sent the crowd home happy.

1. Jeff Hardy’s Swanton Bomb
2. Daniel Bryan/AJ Styles (TIE)
3. Becky Lynch
4. New Day
5. 205 Live Main Event

1. The Miz
2. Randy Orton
3. Charlotte Flair
4. Bludgeon Brothers
5. Byron Saxton


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