Shawn Michaels leaves the door open to returning to the ring for WWE

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE legend Shawn Michaels is leaving the door open to returning to the ring. “There have been a couple of ideas that have been interesting and I’ve entertained them for a very short time,” Michaels is quoted as telling The UK Sun. “I’d hate to say this and make it the start of rumors or speculation but I’m so unbelievably flattered that all these years later they keep offering and asking. One of these days it might be tough to turn down!

“Put it this way, I thought that after five years they’d stop asking or never be interested. But it’s still happening. So maybe, the only way to stop it is by saying yes. I don’t know. But when everything said and done I’m flattered people think I still have something to offer. I certainly understand from a nostalgia standpoint wanting to give fans something special. If it was something that was seen as that, rather than some kind of comeback. If nobody was expecting the Showstopper, Mr WrestleMania, then it would be fun.” Read more at

Powell’s POV: This is clearly a “never say never” more than a declaration that he will be returning to the ring. Still, it’s interesting that Michaels is expressing some openness after turning down a spot in the Greatest Royal Rumble and some of the other offers that WWE has made. The way he framed it makes it seem like he would be interested in returning for something fun rather than attempting to steal the show.


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