4/19 NXT in Washington D.C. results: Aleister Black vs. Andrade Almas for the NXT Championship, Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane for the NXT Women’s Championship, Ricochet vs. Velveteen Dream, Nikki Cross and Candice LeRae vs. Bianca Belair and Lacey Evans

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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NXT Live Event
Washington, D.C. at The Anthem
Report by Dot Net reader Michael Yoen

The venue is a concert hall with some reserved seating as well as standing only. It’s hard to estimate, but there were maybe 1,500 or so fans. Lots of Undisputed and Balor Club shirts.

1. Oney Lorcan defeated Chad Lail by DQ. The Forgotten Sons interfered for the DQ and Street Profits made the save. This led to…

2. Oney Lorcan and Street Profits defeated Chad Lail and Forgotten Sons. Basic match most of the way but Lorcan ran wild when he got the hot tag and looked great.

Tommasso Ciampa did a backstage promo bragging that Johnny Gargano wasn’t there. Kayla Braxley then reiterated that Gargano wasn’t there, which pretty much gave away that he was going to be there.

3. Nikki Cross and Candice LeRae defeated Bianca Belair and Lacey Evans. Cross got a great reaction. There were some mistimed spots with Belair in the beginning before the match settled down. LeRae took the beating, but Cross got the hot tag and pinned Evans. There was some fun interaction with Cross and LeRae as the odd couple such as LeRae trying to calm Cross down, and Cross getting LeRae to imitate her crazy mannerisms.

4. Ricochet defeated Velveteen Dream. Dream got big cheers being from D.C. area, but the crowd cheered both men. This was by far the match of the night and the most heat. Ricochet did a lot of high flying moves, and teased a People’s Elbow but did a standing moonsault instead. Lots of near falls and crowd chanted this is awesome. Ricochet won with the shooting star press. Afterward, Ricochet offered to shake hands but Dream refused and actually got cheered heavily for it. Easily ****+

5. Tommasso Ciampa defeated Kassius Ohno. Well worked and they kept the crowd’s attention despite following the previous match. Ohno bled hard way near the end and there was a brief pause where the ref wiped off the blood. After the match Ciampa kept attacking Ohno when Gargano ran out of the crowd with a neck brace on. LeRae, Street Profits, and Lorcan ran in to break it up, and they all celebrated afterwards.

6. EC3 defeated No Way Jose. Some comedy early, but nothing special.

7. Shayna Baszler defeated Kairi Sane to retain the NXT Women’s Championship. Shayna and Ciampa were the only heels to get serious boos from the crowd. Sane got very little offense in and was selling most of the way. She had a brief comeback and went for the insane elbow but Shayna got her leg and foot up. Shayna then went for the pin but held her up before the three count and choked her out instead. Solid match but it was more Sane putting over Shayna strong than an exciting back and forth match.

8. Aleister Black defeated Andrade “Cien” Almas to retain the NXT Championship. No Zelina Vega at ringside. Actually a few mistimed sequences. Overall good, though not as good as Takeover. Black won with Black Mass kick.


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