Paul Heyman asked what could bring CM Punk back to WWE, comments on inducting Goldberg into the WWE Hall of Fame

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Paul Heyman spoke with Digital Spy about a variety of topics. The following are among the highlights of the interview, which can be read in full at

Heyman on what could bring CM Punk back to WWE: “I don’t think Phil Brooks thinks about WWE at all anymore. I would hope that he doesn’t. I would hope that he is of the focused mindset in propelling himself into the ranks of UFC. I don’t think it’s a matter of positioning or money or spotlight anymore. I think it’s a matter of his dream is to become a successful UFC fighter and he doesn’t even have a thought regarding WWE, at least I would hope that he doesn’t. Because I don’t know how it would be considered productive for him to do so.”

Heyman on inducting Bill Goldberg into the WWE Hall of Fame: “I am inducting Goldberg because that was Bill Goldberg’s specific request to WWE. Bill Goldberg personally requested that I induct him into the Hall of Fame. I have such respect for Goldberg as so far the one person who has truly taken the fight to Brock Lesnar in WWE. I also got a chance to witness him behind the scenes as a man, a husband, a father and I have the utmost respect for him as a human being and am honored to be the one to encapsulate this moment for him and be the one to formally induct him into the Hall of Fame.

“I also understand his WCW audience’s passion that somebody from WCW be the one that inducts Bill into the Hall of Fame, but this was his wish and I would suggest that it is much a personal wish as it is a professional wish. And there is an entire audience of WWE fans that will tell you that Goldberg’s match with Lesnar at Survivor Series, which Bill won in a minute and a half, was the crowning moment of Bill Goldberg’s career.”

Powell’s POV: I’m sure Punk thinks about WWE when it comes to the ongoing legal situation with WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann and I doubt that it conjures up many warm fuzzies regarding his relationship with the company. Punk took the “never say never” approach in the interview with Colt Cabana that led to the legal mess with Amann, but even then it was clear that said approach was at the urging of Cabana.

Meanwhile, it’s cool that Goldberg requested Heyman. WWE doesn’t always grant such requests for wrestlers entering the Hall of Fame, so it’s cool that they approved of Heyman serving as his inductor. Heyman is sure to deliver a terrific induction speech on Friday night. Heyman also discussed the possibility of Hulk Hogan returning to WWE, whether Ronda Rousey’s UFC losses take away from her mystique, why he feels Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns is the true main event of WrestleMania 34, and more.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. The people who ask about CM Punk are the same ones who ask about Stone Cold making a comeback. Clueless.

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