Ring of Honor TV Review: The Bullet Club vs. The Addiction and The Kingdom, Mayu Iwatani vs. HZK in a Women of Honor Title tournament match, The Dawgs vs. Coast 2 Coast

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped February 10 in Atlanta, Georgia at Center Stage
Aired in syndication on March 17 and Mondays on the FITE TV app

A video recapped last week’s angles involving the Kingdom and SoCal Uncensored joining forces and the Bullet Club reaction. It included Cody saying “Bullet Club is fine” heading into the ten-man tag team main event… The opening video aired… The broadcast team was Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana…

1. “The Dawgs” Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara vs. “Coast 2 Coast” Shaheem Ali and Leon St. Giovanni. The Dawgs wore green trunks and noted that it was a St. Patrick’s Day edition (the show aired in syndication on Saturday in most markets). Beer City Bruiser sat in on commentary while his partner Brian Milonas stood next to him. Titus dropkicked St. Giovanni, then Ferrara blew snot at Ali, who chased him around the ring and ran into a clothesline from Titus heading into a commercial break. [C]

Titus kicked Ali down a flight of steps that are located next to the ring. There were a group of ROH security guards there to break his fall. In the ring, Titus performed a top rope splash on St. Giovanni, who kicked out at two. Ali took a hot tag and worked over both opponents. St. Giovanni took out Titus with a dive from the top rope. Coast 2 Coast followed up with a double team move that resulted in Ali splashing Ferrara and pinning him…

Coast 2 Coast defeated The Dawgs.

After the match, Bruiser said he and Milonas had to take care of some business. The duo attacked Coast 2 Coast from behind and left them lying…

Powell’s POV: I like that ROH made the match seem timely simply by having The Dawgs mention that it was a St. Patrick’s Day edition even though the show was taped over a month earlier. The Dawgs continue to be a fun undercard act, but it was good to see Coast 2 Coast pick up a needed win. I’m surprised ROH hasn’t done more with them since they scored their big win over War Machine. Perhaps the post match attack will give them an actual program with Bruiser and Milonas.

Marty Scurll delivered a promo while dressed in tuxedo about facing Dalton Castle for the ROH Championship at the Supercard of Honor event. Scurll said the fans will chant for him and Castle will fall victim to The Villain… [C]

Dalton Castle delivered a promo in front of the ROH backdrop about facing Scurll. Castle said the show will feature the biggest crowd in ROH history. He said he worked his ass off to get the title and there’s no way in hell that Scurll is walking away with his ROH Title…

Powell’s POV: Simple and effective promos from both men. They both showed good fire while talking about their desire to win the match and the championship.

2. Mayu Iwatani vs. HZK (a/k/a Reo Hazuki) in a Women of Honor Title tournament first round match. The match was held at a Stardom event in Osaka, Japan. Riccaboni and Cabana did voiceover commentary. Iwatani performed a top rope dive onto HZK on the floor heading into a commercial break. [C] The fans were very quiet for most of the match, but they got up for HZK performing a move from the top rope. Iwatani came back with a top rope double stomp for a two count. In the end, Iwatani hit a bridging dragon suplex for the win. Iwatani will face Deonna Purrazzo in the second round… [C]

Mayu Iwatani defeted HZK to advance in the Women of Honor Title tournament.

Powell’s POV: The match was held in what appeared to be a small studio, but at least it was well lit. I’m not a fan of Impact Wrestling cutting to random matches at various independent events without any build. In this case, at least the match was a WOH title tournament match, though it would have been nice if the company did more to introduce viewers to both women going into the match. The match quality was the best of the tournament matches that aired on television thus far and it’s not even close.

Ring entrances for the main event took place. A graphic promoted the Cody vs. Kenny Omega match for the ROH Supercard of Honor before the Bullet Club wrestlers made their entrances. The Young Bucks, Marty Scurll, and Hangman Page came out together. The lights went out and then Cody made his entrance. Cody pointed at the stage and then Brandi Rhodes and Bury the Bear came out. The broadcast team was all over Cody for needing his own entrance and having his own mascot. Cody handed out “Bullet Club Is Fine” t-shirts to the other Bullet Club members… [C]

3. Cody (w/Brandi Rhodes, Bury the Bear), Marty Scurll, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson vs. Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia. The Bullet Club members opened the match by superkicking their opponents. The Bullet Club members dominated early. Cody, Page, and Scurll did the too sweet sign. The Bucks were apprehensive. Just as they were about to join in, the Kingdom and SoCal Uncensored wrestlers returned to the ring and attacked the Bullet Club members.

The teams fought in and around the ringside area. Cody got the better of Daniels. Matt approached Cody and took exception to Cody’s tights saying “Leader” on the side. Cody and Matt eventually shook hands. Later, Daniels and company isolated Cody and worked him over heading into a break. [C]

The Young Bucks were setting up for a double superkick on Marseglia, but Cody tagged himself into the match. The Bucks were not happy, but they engaged in a triple team move a short time later. The Bullet Club members hit a five-man superkick on Kazarian. The Bucks, Scurll, and Page shook the ropes while Cody stood behind them. Cody struck the Terminator pose, which drew boos from the crowd and looks from the Bucks, who eventually joined him in striking the pose. They performed stereo suicide dives onto three opponents.

There was a series dives by members of both teams. Bury the Bear went up top and performed a trust fall dive onto the Bullet Club opponents. “I think I like him now,” Nick told Cabana. Scorpio Sky ran out and tried to perform a missile dropkick on Cody, but he ended up hitting Marseglia instead. Cody tossed Sky to ringside and hit CrossRhodes on Marseglia and pinned him…

The Bullet Club defeated Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia.

The Kingdom and the SoCal Uncensored members bickered afterward. They ended up fighting one another

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match both in terms of quality and with the ongoing Bullet Club drama. With the Bullet Club members not on the same page, this felt like an opportunity to give their opponents a win, but I guess they were more about splitting up The Kingdom and the SoCal Uncensored. I really hope this doesn’t lead to a program between the two heel factions. Overall, this was another good gap show in that it aired after the pay-per-view. The company previously booked a lot of filler matches during those weeks, but they are much better these days about making these shows feel like the matter. Next week should be the first show of the new taping. Haydn Gleed will be by later today with his members’ exclusive audio review.

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