Jeff Jarrett on the WWE Hall of Fame, the success of TNA talents in WWE, his thoughts on NXT, his relationship with Impact Wrestling, rumors of a family interested in buying Impact Wrestling

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Main Event Radio with Jeff Jarrett
Host: Ryan Rider
Interview conducted for

Becoming a WWE Hall of Famer: I got asked in January and had some time to digest it. It’s still sort of surreal to me. I’m incredibly humbled by the amount of the exposure that’s gone with it. It’s an honor. There are less than 200 wrestlers in there and I’m one of the lucky ones in there. It was a shocker. Without question, a lot of our history is quite documented if not quite accurate. In 2001, when Vince acquired Turner’s organization they went their way and I went my way. I didn’t think it would be in the cards. I don’t believe in coincidences. It’s going to be 32 years from the day I started my career to the day I get inducted into the Hall of Fame.”

Has he spoken to Vince: I’m very excited about the weeks to come and I’m very looking forward to seeing and speaking with him [Vince McMahon].

Thoughts on NXT: NXT is growing; it is truly a third brand. The network gives it a platform that is so unique. It’s a live touring business with merchandising. In essence, almost an entirely own promotion. Kudos to Triple H and his staff and all the hard work that’s gone into it and certainly all the talent. No wrestling promotion has any wheels unless talent drives it. And all the names that have gone through NXT and the crop that they have there now including my close personal friend Eric Young. Triple H and NXT have their pulse on the talent and I’m interested to see where that continues to go. The growth in a relatively short period of time is amazing.

The WWE success of former TNA talents: I remember being in a car driving back from an event when AJ [Styles] made his WWE debut at the Royal Rumble in Orlando with chants in the arena at deafening levels. It’s well documented in our careers how we worked together professionally and personally. His days at TNA and then working with him at New Japan. Now here we are heading into WrestleMania in 2018, I’m getting inducted to the Hall of Fame and he’s the WWE Champion. Bobby Roode has worn WWE gold. Samoa Joe, injured now but the prominence that he’s had. I’m very very happy for those guys and excited for WrestleMania weekend.

On Jeremy Borash: He’s a guy who’s worn many hats whether it be ring announcer, backstage announcer, creative side, production side, a little bit of everything. I’m so excited for him and we’ve had some communications over the past month. I think this kind of opportunity is a refresh for him. The creative, production, and talent juices in whatever role they have him play; he will exceed their [WWE’s] expectations. Had a lot of great times and created a lot of great stuff with him.

Thoughts on the current TNA/Impact Wrestling regime: I wish them nothing but the best and will leave it at that. The company has had lots of up’s and down’s. That goes without saying. The wrestling industry needs as many thriving promotions as possible and I wish all those guys nothing but the best.

Rumors of AAA/Roldan family’s interest in purchasing Impact: I’ve worked with the Roldan family for many, many years. Antonio, the founder of that organization, we had a great relationship. Also a great working relationship with Dorian creating the talent exchange [with Impact] last year, there needs to be as much of that as possible. Nothing but love for AAA and the Roldan family.

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