1/23 Powell’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review: The Miz and Asuka vs. Big E and Carmella

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Mixed Match Challenge
Aired on Facebook Watch

Ring entrances took place while Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Beth Phoenix checked in on commentary. Big E and Carmella were out first. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston walked onto the stage with E, but they headed backstage for the match. Asuka was out next followed by The Miz…

1. Intercontinental Champion The Miz and Asuka vs. Big E and Carmella. Before the match, a video aired with Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan thanking fans for watching the show and praising them for helping the company get 35 million views across all of their MMC platforms. Big E put Miz in an abdominal stretch and spanked his ass to the tune of “New Day rocks.”

Miz tagged in Asuka, and Carmella reluctantly entered the ring. Carmella went to her corner and ducked between the ropes. Big E dropped to the floor and reached under the ring. He pulled out an “L” sign, encouraging Carmella to make Asuka take her first L(oss). Carmella handed Asuka the L. Asuka acted excited, then broke the L. Yes, this really happened. The men tagged back into the match.

Cole gave viewers a demonstration mid-match on how they could take part in the show with emojis and other nonsense. Miz and Asuka teamed up to deliver Daniel Bryan style kicks to their opponents. Asuka connected with her big kick, but Big E blocked Miz’s kick. Miz got a two count off a big boot to the face. Rusev and Lana were shown in the backstage chatroom.

Carmella got a run of offense on Asuka off a distraction. Carmella got cocky and slapped Asuka, who hit her with a spinning back fist and other strikes. Asuka connected with a kick and then applied her armbar submission hold for the win…

The Miz and Asuka beat Big E and Carmella.

Footage aired of Braun Strowman and Alexa Bliss vowing to beat Sami Zayn and Becky Lynch. Meanwhile, Zayn and Lynch debated who came up with their game plan before Lynch said their opponents were going down.

Renee Young interviewed The Miz and Asuka in the ring after the match. Asuka spoke in Japanese. Miz “translated” and claimed she said she learned more about being a champion from him and what an inspiration he has been to her. Miz closed by saying they would dominate the MMC “because we are Asuka”. Cole closed the show…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd wasn’t as hot for this match as they were last week. It probably didn’t help matters that they’d already seen the New Day entrance and naturally were not as fired up the second time around. The show had roughly 63,000 viewers by the time the post match promo started.


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