7/5 Impact Wrestling TV taping spoilers: Full results of matches taped for future television shows (spoilers)

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GFW/Impact Wrestling TV Taping
Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios
Report by Dot Net reader MrEddyG

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was in the house as the guest ring announcer for a six-man match.

1. Eli Drake, EC3, and Chris Adonis beat Moose, Eddie Edwards, and Naomichi Marufiji. EC3 got the pin with a new double undertook-into-a pedigree-type move. A really strong showing by everyone. The mayor stayed in the ring afterward for some photos with the faces.

2. Sienna beat Amber Nova. Sienna came out from the crowd and attacked Nova from behind. Sienna won a 30 second match and called out Karen Jarrett. Sienna told her she wants her to get on her knees and tell her she’s the greatest Knockouts Champion. Karen refused and Sienna threatened her, but Allie tried to interfere with her kendo stick. Allie was jumped from behind by Laurel Van Ness. Rosemary came down to even the odds, but she was beat down and Gail Kim came out to clear out Laurel and Sienna. Karen announced next week it’s Sienna vs Rosemary for the Knockouts Championship in Last Woman Standing Match. They already announced it yesterday, but maybe that part wasn’t supposed to air.

3. Tajishi Ishimori beat Davey Richards. Ishimori got the upset win.

Lashley was out next and wanted Bruce Pritchard to name him the next No. 1 contender to Alberto El Patron at Destination X. Bruce refused to do that and Matt Sydal came out and said he refused to be ignored anymore. Lashley shoved him, but Syadal took Bobby down and nailed a Shooting Star Press and stood tall to end the segment.

4. Sienna (w/KM) beat Rosemary to retain the Unified KO Championship in a Last Knockout Standing Match. Rosemary was in control and brought out a table, which wasn’t used initially. They fought into the stands on the far side by the ramp. Sienna dumped Rosemary over the top rope stomach first onto the floor. Rosemary battled back with a Red Wedding, but KM came into the ring to help Sienna up before the 10 count. Rosemary chased him off with a chair. Rosemary got a trash can and put it between Sienna’s legs and looked to be going for a coast-to-coast, but KM tried to stop her and he was sprayed with MIST. Sienna got up and threw the trash can at Rosemary knocking her off the top rope to the floor through another table that was set up and that was enough for the finish. Sienna won a good match with a bit of a controversial finish.

5. Octagoncinto beat Trevor Lee by count-out. Lee came out with the X title-which now has GFW written in the front and introduced his opponent, who wore a silver and black ninja mask with a red bandana and black ninja out outfit with a red belt. A short match with Octagoncinto getting Lee outside where he was counted out.

Grado and Joseph Park were out next. Grado wore a hideous orange suit with black lining and a puffy white shirt. He asked “Miss Van Ness” to come down. Sienna tried to tell her not to, but Laurel came out Sienna went to the back. Grado called her “Knockout Gorgeous” and proposed to her. Allie came down to encourage Laurel, but she was pulled gently off the apron by Braxton Sutter and she left. Kongo Kong came down and Grado left. Kong tried to carry Laurel away, but she told him to put him down, relax, and breathe. Kongo and Laurel left together.

Xplosion Match: El Hijo De Das Caras beat Mario Baraka. El Hijo won a somewhat short but good match.

Back to Impact and it’s time for a Super X Cup Match.

6. Dezmond Xavier defeated Drago in a Super X Cup match. Very quick paced match as was expected with these two. Drago performed a nice reverse huracanrana at one point, Drago nailed Xavier with a suicide dive into the front of the announce desk. They got back inside and hit double kicks to the head that put them down. Drago got a very close near fall with a hanging DDT, but he did a lazy cover with only his hands on Dezmond’s chest. He gets another close near fall with a beautiful sit-out powerbomb. Xavier got the win with a nice Spinal Tap. Excellent match! With the win, JB interviewed Xavier and informed him that he has now moved on to the finals. Xavier said he is ready for anyone.

JB announces that Trevor Lee will be out next, and if he isn’t shown the respect he deserves, he will Orlando forever, and go bs know to North Carolina. (I’d be fine with that!)

7. Trevor Lee vs. A Mumbai Cat. The other Mumbai Cat came out while the first was recuperating outside and got in the ring while the first one is under the ring. Mumbai #2 got Lee down and wins with a top rope rope splash. He unmasked and it was Sonjay Dutt, who got a mic and said Lee isn’t the champ because he’s never beaten him and challenged him to a ladder match for the title on August 17th (I believe that’s the Destination X themed Impact). There were more tapings announced for Aug.17-20th.

Eli Drake was scheduled to face Eddie Edwards, but Edwards wass attacked by Kongo Kong for some reason with Laurel yelling, “I didn’t say yes!” Jeremy Borash there was no match.

Scott D’Amore, Dutch Mantel, Bruce Pritchard (with Prichard’s bodyguard Tyrus) came out to judge the Impact Grand Championship Match.

8. EC3 defeated Moose to win the Impact Wrestling Grand Championship. Moose dominated early in round one, before EC3 fought back and was awarded the first round. EC3 controlled the second round early but this time it was Moose coming back and being given round two. Late in round three, EC3 hit the One Percenter, but Moose barely kicked out. It went to the judges and it was a split decision with Dutch and Scott calling it a 10-10 tie, and Bruce awarded it a 10-8 decision to new Grand Champion EC3. A bit on controversy, but I think either man could’ve won.

During the break, JB confirmed that Aug. 17th will be the Destination X Impact.

9. Alberto El Patron beat LAX (Homicide, Santana, and Ortiz) by DQ in a gauntlet match. Alberto pinned Homicide in just over a minute. Ortiz was next, and Alberto took care of him with the Double Stomp off the top into a Tree Of Woe position. Santana threw Alberto outside where the rest of LAX stomped on him behind the ref’s back. Diamante tried to do a cross body off the top, but Alberto caught her and threw her onto Ortiz. As Alberto got Santana into a cross-arm breaker, LAX came into to attack for the DQ. Alberto’s dad and brother tried to help, but they were also attacked. “The VOW” Wilcox and Mayweather helped. Alberto got retribution and LAX was cleared out. The five faces celebrated together. After the show, Alberto got a mic and said normally this is where he’d trash those losers in Stanford, but apparently his lawyer talked to him. The music hit and he wanted it to stop, but it didn’t and he spoke over it and wished everyone a good and safe night. One of the directors outside was talking to Alberto’s father to get him to quiet Alberto maybe and referee Brian Hebner came down and talked to Alberto outside, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. A good show tonight.


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