WWE Raw onsite report: Notes from the building and a rough experience for a father who brought his kids to their first WWE event

Dot Net reader Manny C attended the WWE Raw show in Tampa, Florida on Monday and sent the following report.

So let me start off by saying this is the first time I brought my kids to a live WWE event and what a time for their first one. The first show of 2017. We sat three rows from the floor seats camera side and had a nice view of JoJo. Before anything kicked off the crowd was hot with Ric Flair “Woo’s”.

As typical as it may sound, The New Day and Enzo Amore and Big Cass had the biggest pops. Roman had the least.

The cruiserweights are not clicking with the fans. I was really looking forward to some high flying action. It didn’t happen.

Braun Strowman is a beast in person and is a modern day Big Show when he first started.

Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho are perfect for one another and you can tell they enjoy working together.

The Brock Lesnar teaser at the end made me laugh because I had all kinds of fans around me that were pissed that he wasn’t there.

Goldberg was a nice ending, but it was very predictable of his purpose there.

Going back to my kids first time there, I was completely turned off by a “know it all fan” and his buddies. They predicted every outcome and wouldn’t shut their mouths and kept confusing my older of two kids. They took away the element of surprise for not only my kids but the others surrounding the area. I especially got pissed when they used a racial slur regarding one of the referees. I had to explain to my kids not to listen which shouldn’t be necessary while I gave them a dirty look. Towards the end, one of my kids fell asleep and one of the guys asked me how could he fall asleep. I simply said it’s because he was tired of your shit. They backed off the rest of the show.

Overall, good show. No dark matches.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Real sorry that the fans ruined much of the show for the poster. I’ve been to four WWE shows and have had different experiences at each one.

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