10/5 TNA Impact Wrestling TV taping (spoilers): Additional footage taped for upcoming television shows, One Night Only pay-per-view, and Xplosion (spoilers)

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TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping
Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios
Report courtesy of an anonymous Dot Net reader

1. Broken Matt and Brother Nero defeated The Tribunal. Mysterious trio, DCC, come out and attack The Tribunal post-match.

2. DJZ, Braxton Sutter, and Mandrews defeated Rockstar Spud, Abyss, and Crazzy Steve.

There was a contract signing between Lashley and Eddie Edwards for a TNA World Championship rematch. Mediator Jeremy Borash emphasized the “no touch” clause supposedly to prevent pre-match altercations. There were back and forth verbal lashings before Lashley flipped the table over after Edwards signed the contract. Lashley eventually signed and the match is set for later in the evening.

3. Laurel Van Ness defeated Allie. Allie got very little offense.

4. Aron Rex and Jessie Godderz to retain the TNA Grand Championship. The first two rounds awarded to Godderz. Rex won third round via pinfall after raking the eyes of Godderz. Rex retained the title.

Ethan Carter III came to the ring and called out Eli Drake. EC3 challenged him to a match putting Eli’s “Bound For Gold” victory on the line. If Eli wins, EC3 refrains from further TNA Championship challenges. If EC3 wins, he takes Eli’s No. 1 1 contender spot. Eli refused the challenge, noting that he was cashing in his victory next week for the title.

5. DJ Z, Braxton Sutter, and Mandrews beat Rockstar Spud, Abyss, Crazzy Steve, Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett, and Marshe Rockett. Braxton pinned Spud for the win after Decay was dejected due to excessive double teaming.

Brandi Rhodes came to the ring via her own ring entrance. She claimed Cody was injured by Lashley and won’t be here (possibly via a backstage segment??) She spoke about Cody’s dream of becoming a World Champion and began to discuss her future goals before she was interrupted by Maria Kanellis and Sienna. Maria invited Brandi to join Maria’s lady squad. Brandi declines and attacked Sienna, who ultimately finishes Brandi to end segment.

The Broken Hardys cut a promo in the ring and call out the “masked business men” who keep attacking people from behind. The lights go out and come back on with DCC in the ring. DCC attacked the Hardys and then left. The Hardys call them back to the ring. For unexplained reasons, Earl Hebner appeared, the bell rang, and an impromptu tag match ensued.

6. Broke Matt and Brother Nero fought The DCC to an apparent no-contest. It was three on two beatdown, prompting for Hebner to end the match after only a couple of minutes. The Hardys plus two DCC members fought to the back, and the third member remained in the ring and attacked Hebner.

7. Eddie Edwards beat Lashley to retain the TNA Championship. The crowd was definitely pro-Lashley. A ref bump occurred, and then Lashley speared and covered. Edwards kicks out after an alternate ref came to the ring. Lashley hit the alternate ref out of frustration and was DQ’d. The original ref comes to and restarted match. Edwards attacked Lashley from behind for a pin. The fef proceeded with a fast count for Edwards to win and retain the title.

Xplosion Tapings

1. Moose defeats Basile Baraka of The Tribunal

2. Eli Drake defeats Robbie E

3. Grado defeats Bad Bones

One Night Only Tapings

1. Rosemary defeats Jade

2. Mahabali Shera defeats Aiden O’Shea

3. EC3 defeats Aron Rex after Rex addresses the crowd regarding his continued use of “underhanded tactics”


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