Jim Ross comments on Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte headlining WWE Raw, Ric Flair and Halle Berry, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

sasha1WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte: “Black hat is off the Charlotte and Sasha Banks for closing Raw Monday night in a role that few women before them have ever had the opportunity to accomplish. The women delivered in a significant way as they, along with their peers, continue to elevate the perception of women’s wrestling within the business. WWE has done a better job than any major promotion of developing the women’s brand which is what I assume they will attempt to do with the Cruiserweights. The execution of this Raw Main Event was stellar especially WWE capturing the post match emotions of both women who delivered the goods in a memorable manner. It should be every wrestling brand’s goal to enhance every aspect of their roster and that’s what we are seeing with the continued focus of the WWE women.”

Powell’s POV: And now there’s speculation that the women could actually headline the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view if they end up having a Hell in a Cell match. The women did a great job last night and the days of Hell in a Cell being bloodbaths are long past, so I can’t see any reason why they wouldn’t book them in that match and make it the main event of the show.

Ross on Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson: “Somewhat perplexed by the presentation of Gallows and Anderson who were seemingly had more ‘star perception’ in New Japan. These two need ample antagonist angst added to their team.”

Powell’s POV: They have become the little boy who cried wolf after losing to New Day so many times. It was encouraging to see the highlight video of the two of them looking dominant, but then they lost me when the match featured Luke Gallows having to break up R-Truth pinning Karl Anderson.

Ross on Ric Flair and Halle Berry: “Getting a kick out of the Ric Flair-Halle Berry narrative this week online where Ric apparently stated that he had a personal encounter with Ms Berry in Atlanta back in the day when we were in WCW together. Could that have happened in my Buckhead high rise apartment? I’ll explain more on this week’s Ross Report. This is an entertaining tale at least until Ms Berry’s “people” intervene.”

Powell’s POV: Woooo! Everyone is getting in on the Flair and Berry saga. Flair should thank Berry’s publicist for responding to his claim and making this a story. I’m still waiting for the publicists of countless celebrity females to dispute the claims that Jesse Ventura made of countless starlets wanting a piece of “The Body” back in his AWA days.

Other topics include The Ross Report (I’m on the show next week!), Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, and more.


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