Jim Ross says only two WWE wrestlers are truly over, whether the company is shifting away from size being a major factor for top talent

imagesWWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross spoke with Kevin Eck of PressboxOnline.com and was asked whether WWE is shifting away from size being a major factor in choosing their top stars. “I think WWE has made an effort to embellish the best workers they can find, regardless of size, which I wholeheartedly applaud. I think it’s a sign of the times. Who are the best talents that you can get in the game right now? Well, we’ve identified who they are and where they are, and they’re not in the stereotypical WWE size range. The match quality in WWE has increased immensely, in my opinion. WWE is working diligently to get some guys over.

“Right now, WWE has two stars who are truly over: John Cena and Brock Lesnar. So you have a wide-open horse race for the next group in those main event spots. I’m really happy with the choice of the two champions. Of all the bookers I’ve worked for in my career, there’s not one who wouldn’t be very positive about booking Owens and AJ. They can have good matches with pretty much anybody on the roster. And they have the most important trait that any main-eventer can have: they’re reliable.” Read the full interview at PressboxOnline.com.

Powell’s POV: It feels like the average size of pro wrestlers has decreased dramatically. It seems like WWE had no choice but to adapt. However, the repeated attempts to make Roman Reigns click as the top babyface shows that Vince McMahon’s tastes have not completely changed. Ross also talks about the the Broken Matt Hardy angle in TNA, whether Seth Rollins is a safe worker, and the show that he and Jim Cornette are doing together tomorrow night at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood in Baltimore. For more details on the show, visit MCWProwrestling.com.


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