9/7 Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: Jay and Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White and Lio Rush, Dalton Castle vs. Caprice Coleman, Donovan Dijak vs. Marty Lemons


By Jason Powell

Ring of Honor TV
Taped August 20 in Las Vegas, Nevada at Sam’s Town Live
Aired in syndication over the weekend, available Wednesdays on Comet TV

The opening video aired… Adam Cole and Nigel McGuinness were on commentary… The Bullet Club of Adam Cole, Adam Page, Yujiro Takahashi, Tonga Loa, and Tama Tonga made their entrance. Cole carried the ROH Championship and boasted that he will be the greatest ROH Champion of all-time. Jay Lethal came out to a favorable reaction and told Cole that he’s dead wrong if he thinks this is over.

Cole said he thought Lethal would at least have the guts to say that he wants a rematch. Cole said Lethal knows that Cole will always be better. Cole said he could tell that Lethal wants to get his hands on him, but it’s the champ’s night off and he’s not getting involved with him. Cole said that if Lethal wants to face him in the future then that’s fine, but if he gets in his way then he also gets in the Bullet Club’s way.

Lethal said the ROH Championship is a singles champion, not a tag team championship. Lethal said he would let Cole have his night off and enjoy his celebration, but Lethal said he has friends too. Tetsuya Naito and Evil joined him on the stage heading into the break… [C]

The broadcast team hyped Lethal, Naito, and Evil vs. Cole, Page, and Takahashi in a six-man tag as next week’s main event… Footage aired of The Young Bucks working over Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian after last week’s show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: A good opening segment with the first real appearance of Adam Cole as the new champion (technically, he appeared in a brief backstage interview last week). It’s always nice when ROH takes the time to set up a main event a week out and this one has the potential to be very good.

Daniels and Kazarian showed up behind the broadcast team and claimed that the footage they just showed was doctored. After the tag champions ranted and left, Kelly set up a video package on Punisher Martinez, BJ Whitmer, and Kevin Sullivan…

Ring entrances for the opening match took place, then McGuinness hyped the six-man tag main event for next week, as well as Katsuyori Shibata challenging Bobby Fish for the ROH TV Title…

1. Dalton Castle (w/The Boys) vs. Caprice Coleman(w/Rhett Titus, Kenny King). Coleman mocked the way Castle shakes hands before the two men shook hands prior to the match. Titus and King grabbed The Boys at ringside. The referee threw out Titus and King heading into the break. [C]

Coleman covered Castle, who bridged his way out and then performed a nice German suplex into a bridge for a two count. Titus and King returned to ringside and complained about The Boys, who then entered the ring and dove onto them on the floor for a big poop. Castle hit Bangarang on Coleman and pinned him…

Dalton Castle pinned Caprice Coleman.

Powell’s POV: A good opener with the always popular Castle and Boys going over. I assume these teams will be involved in tournament for the new six-man tag titles.

Footage aired of the Jay Briscoe vs. Jay White time limit draw. Nigel said that match propelled White to the top…

Daniels and Kazarian climbed onto a ladder on the stage and complained about McGuinness trying to embarrass them with doctored footage. McGuinness stated on commentary that he’s thinking about something… A graphic hyped Donovan Dijak as being in action after the break… [C]

Bobby Fish delivered a backstage promo about his TV Title defense against Shibata for next week. Fish said the referee is the only one in position to help Shibata, whereas he is there only to hurt him…

2. Donovan Dijak (w/Prince Nana) vs. Manny Lemons. Dijak offered his hand with a cocky smile. Lemons slapped him and then strutted. Dijak kicked him in the face and threw him to the floor. Back in the ring, Dijak hit Feast Your Eyes for the win. After the match, Nana said Dijak will beat the winner of next week’s ROH TV Title match…

Donovan Dijak beat Manny Lemons.

Powell’s POV: It’s good to see Dijak win via squash. I’d actually like to see ROH give him a month or two of squash wins to help erase the up and down booking of his character. While I could be wrong, it looks like they are setting him up to lose to the ROH TV Champion instead.

The Briscoes delivered a backstage promo about their main event match… A commercial aired for a Women of Honor DVD…

3. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Jay White and Lio Rush. The broadcast team spoke about the six-man tag team title tournament that will begin on the All-Star Extravaganza pay-per-view on September 30. Kelly noted that White, Rush, and ACH will face The Briscoes and Toru Yano. Rush had a nice run of offense on Mark, then rolled into his corner and White tagged in. Mark caught White with a forearm and then Jay tagged in. The Briscoes hit running kicks in the corner heading into the break. [C]

Rush tagged back in and had a brief run of offense that was cut off by Jay. However, Rush came right back with a big flip over the top rope onto Jay. Mark performed a neckbreaker on Rush off the ring apron. The Briscoes brought the crowd down again by working over Rush in the ring. White tagged back in and worked over both Briscoes. White performed a missile dropkick for a two count heading into the break. [C]

Mark performed Froggy Bow on Rush. White entered the ring and plowed Jay Briscoe until they both broke up the pin. The crowd fired off another “this is awesome” chant. Jay White and Jay Briscoe traded strikes in mid-ring, then the Briscoes teamed up to hit a cool spinning back fish and a forearm shot combo that took out White, The Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Rush, and Mark pinned him to win the match. The two teams in the ring shook hands…

The Briscoes defeated Jay White and Lio Rush.

The broadcast team hyped the previously mentioned six-man tag title tournament match. Nigel addressed Daniels and Kazarian on broadcast. The tag champs were shown watching on a backstage monitor. McGuinness booked Daniels and Kazarian vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Motor City Machine Guns in Ladder War 6 for the ROH Tag Titles. Daniels and Kazarian threw a fit backstage about being forced into Ladder War. Kelly issued final hype for the two previously advertised matches for next week to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A very good main event. It may not wow you on paper from the standpoint that there’s no real issues between the teams aside from the Jay Briscoe vs. Jay White match that went to a draw, but these teams worked really well together and the live crowd got caught up in it. Go out of your way to see this match. Overall, a solid show coming out of the pay-per-view with good hype for next week’s television show.


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