ROH on HonorClub results (2/8): Robinson’s review of Willie Mack vs. Komander vs. AR Fox vs. Jack Cartwheel, and Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch in four corner survival matches

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 50)
Taped February 3, 2023 in Edinburg, Texas at Bert Ogden Arena
Streamed February 8, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake.

The show started with shots of the crowd and a rundown of some of the matches for tonight, including Johnny TV vs. Dalton Castle’s “Friend”…

1. “The Workhorsemen” Anthony Henry and JD Drake vs. Sayrus GT and Brillante RB. No entrance for the luchadors. Henry put Brilliante down early with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Drake came in and tried a suplex but Brilliante slid out and tagged in Sayrus who hit a crossbody on Drake that sent Drake outside. Sayrus tried to dive on Drake but got caught and hit with the rebound forearm. Back in the ring, Drake worked over Sayrus in the corner with chops. Workhorsmen hit some tandem offense and then Henry taunted Brilliante on the apron with the tag. Drake tried a powerbomb but Sayrus slid out and Briliante came in only to be hit with a bunch of tandem offense before Workhorsemen hit “Working 9 to 5” for the pinfall.

“The Workhorsemen” Anthony Henry and JD Drake defeated Sayrus GT and Brilliante RB by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A squash win for Henry and Drake.

Backstage Lexi and Jerry Lynn were standing in front of “Dalton’s Friend”‘s dressing room. They knocked on the door and Castle made all kinds of excuses. TV and Valkyire came in and taunted. Lynn said that Castle can’t interfere or he’ll be suspended. TV threw some more verbal jabs, including something about “Slam Town” and they walked off. Lexi questioned where Slam Town is and no one had any clue.

2. Aaron Solo vs. Ethan Page. Solo kicked away the code of honor and jawed at Page until Page punched him down and stomped a mudhole in him in the corner. Page did the ten punches in the corner but Solo slid out and tried some of his own only for Page to just pick him up and slam him. Page did the ten punches successfully and shot Solo into the buckle hard. Page hit his cradle slam and tried for Ego’s Edge only for Solo to slide out. Page went up top and Solo followed him up and pulled him off of the ropes and Page hit his head on the buckle on the way down.

Solo hit some mounted punches. Solo hit some punches and a corner clothesline as the crowd chanted for Page. Page came back with a brainbuster but he missed a corner splash and walked into a spinning kick from Solo for a two count. Solo locked in a chinlock until Page powered out with elbows. Page hit a big clothesline and then a shoulder tackle. Page did a pull-up powerslam and got a two count. Solo hit an exploder suplex and got a two count. Page tried for Headshot but Solo rolled him up and tried to put his feet on the ropes, ref caught him and they argued. Page hit a running big boot and then Ego’s Edge for the pinfall.

Ethan Page defeated Aaron Solo by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I have no idea why Solo needed the out of arguing with the referee to take the loss here. Another win for Page in a fine TV match.

We got a commercial for Revolution and Sting’s retirement.

3. Petna El Zero Miedo and El Hjio del Vikingo (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Jon Cruz and KM. No entrance for Cruz and KM. Lots of stalling at the top from Penta with his “Zero Miedo” chant and taunt which Cruz eventually tried to stop, but Penta just kicked him in the gut and got things rolling. KM got a knee up and Cruz took over and KM and Vikingo tagged in. Vikingo tried to dive in but just ate a punch to the gut. KM threw Vikingo hard into the buckle and got a two count off it. KM hit a vertical suplex and got another two count.

Vikingo fought out of a chinlock and but ran into a full nelson slam for another two count. Cruz came in and hit an elbow drop for a two count. Vikingo slid away from both men, hit a springboard dropkick and got the hot tag to Penta who came in with a pair of sling blade clotheslines. The luchadors dove onto the opponent’s on the outside. Back in the ring, the luchadors hit some tandem offense including a backstabber and ropewalking dropkick that got a broken up two count. Vikingo caught Cruz on a crossbody attempt and hit a uranage. Penta came in with a diving kick to the gut from the top for a two count. Vikingo dove onto KM at ringside and Cruz got hit with Fear Factor for the pinfall.

Penta El Zero Miedo and Vikingo defeated Jon Cruz and KM by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A showcase win for the luchadors. It seems that the jobbers for the first couple of matches got flipped around.

Backstage Lexi caught up with Billie Starkz, who brought orders from Nyla Rose. Billie shrugged them off and told Nyla to find her after her match…

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie came out for the match with Dalton’s friend. Castle came out dressed in his gear and a jacket and fake beard with an overly long lucha name. TV said it was clearly Castle and said there would be no match. Valkyrie spoke some Spanish to prove it was Castle. Castle gave up the ruse. TV and Valkyrie said Castle wasn’t TV ready. Castle said he just wanted to smash his face. Crowd chanted “Fight”, but TV said Castle has nothing he wants. Castle said he would put up anything. TV said he’d find out next week and Castle had a meltdown on the floor…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Oh dear lord, this is going to continue?! Who is enjoying this?

Backstage Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty said that anyone could continue to get overlooked or they could come fight with STP…

Backstage Maria lured Lexi into a scene where the Baby Boys were beating up “Serpentico” but it was just a ruse to lure in Angelico who they beat up too. The real Serpentico ran in and ran off the Baby Boys and checked on Angelico and the jobber…

4. Billie Starkz vs. Araya Thorn. The women traded some arm work until Starkz hit a leg trip and locked in a leg hold. Thorn tried to fight out but that just made Starkz mad and she started punching the trapped leg. Starkz hit a rebound kick and then a strike combo that ended with a clothesline that got a two count. Starkz hit a German suplex which sent Thorn outside, and Starkz dove on her. Nyla Rose came down to ringside with a table as Starkz threw Thorn in the ring. Thorn got a rollup two count on a distracted Starkz. Starkz locked in a variant chicken wing necklock hold to get the submission.

Billie Starkz defeated Araya Thorn by submission.

Rose “apologized” for being distracting, and told Billie to fall in line or get put through the table and threw the mic at Billie. Billie said Nyla is full of surprises and so is she. Athena’s music played and Rose turned around to the stage. Athena appeared behind Rose and forearmed her into the table set up at ringside. Athena and Billie stepped over Rose as they went up the ramp…

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was all too easy and it makes for a terrible story. Not a fan of this chapter.

5. Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch (w/Rachel Ellering) in a four corner survival match. Diamante and Hogan went right to fighting and dumped Hirsch and Adora to ringside when they tried to interfere. Hogan hit a dropkick and her pop up leg drop for a broken up nearfall. Adora hit a shoulder block on Hirsch but got dumped to ringside by Diamante. Hirsch hit a pendulum dropkick on Hogan for a broken up nearfall. Adora hit shoulder blocks on everyone and then got suplexed on top of Hogan and Hirsch by Diamante.

Diamante stomped on everyone and then stacked them all in the corner but they all popped out and hit her with forearms and then a triple dropkick to send Diamante outside. Adora hit a spinning backbreaker on Hogan. Hirsch hit a Saito suplex on Adora. Diamante followed up with a move on Hirsch for a two count. Diamante grabbed a chair but Ellering grabbed the chair from her. Diamante hit a stack pin on Hirsch and put her feet on the ropes and got the pinfall.

Diamante beat Trish Adora, Kiera Hogan, and Leyla Hirsch in a four corners survival match by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was Hirch’s first loss since she lost to Athena way back last year, and the announcers told us as much. More dissension for Hirsch and Ellering.

6. Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty, Cole Karter, and Griff Garrison (w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett) and vs. “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo and “Iron Savages” Bulk Bronson and Beefcake Boulder (w/ Jacked Jameson). Maria came out with the Serpentico mask, and the Infantry got in on the motorboat taunt of the Savages during the entrances. Infantry worked over the arm of Garrison with quick tags and then hit an execution elbow for a quick one count. Bronson hit a backbody drop on Karter and teased Titty City, but Maria popped up on the apron and used her chest to distract, but Baby Boys both got hit with Titty City in the end. Boulder hit a flapjack on Karter and Moriarty. Dean hit a scoop slam on Karter and then an elbow drop for a two count.

Garrison got the knee up but Dean dumped both Baby Boys to ringside anyway. Dean dove on Karter and ringside but ate a huge clothesline from Garrison. Back in the ring things broke down for a bit before Karter hit his dropkick on Dean for a two count. Garrison hit a scoop slam and knee drop for a two count. Dean fought out of the heel corner as Bravo chugged the Sauce. Bravo came in and put everyone down with big moves including a neckbreaker and a dive on Taylor.

Bravo ran around ringside hitting strikes and then jumped in the ring and hit a flatliner on Moriarty for a two count. Bravo missed a scissor kick but ate a Knee from Taylor and then things broke down with big strikes for everyone. Baby Boys tried to double suplex Bronson, but got hit with the double suplex themselves. Bronson and Taylor exchanged forearms in the middle until Taylor hit a headbutt and uranage. Bravo came in and hit his Carlie Crossover but got rolled up by Moriarty, who hit his flatliner finisher for the pinfall.

Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty, Cole Karter, and Griff Garrison defeated Shawn Dean, Carlie Bravo, Bulk Bronson, and Beefcake Boulder by pinfall.

After the match Serpentico ran out and assaulted the Baby Boys duo of Karter and Garrison. Maria taunted him with his old mask. Serpentico took it back, but it was just a distraction. The Baby Boys beat him up and took it back.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Nice TV match that had all kinds of fun action. Serpentico looks like an idiot.

Backstage, Lexi asked Leyla Hirsch and Rachael Ellering about the loss earlier. Hirsch asked Ellering what happened, and Ellering apologized. The women both said they were still on the same page, no hint of dissension on their faces, but Riccaboni said there was “rare dissension”…

7. Gravity vs. Lee Johnson. Johnson hit an early shoulder tackle but Gravity came right back with a head scissors. The men reset the match, and traded waist locks for a good twenty seconds before Johnson hit a back elbow. Gravity hit a low dropkick and a springboard splash for a two count. Gravity hit an arm drag and a dropkick that sent Johnson to the floor. Gravity went for an Asai moonsault but Johnson pulled him down. Back in the ring, Johnson hit a crossbody from the top and got a two count. The men traded chops in the middle until Gravity was able to hit a twisting wrist lock takeover that sent Johnson outside. Gravity hit the running dive and sent Johnson back in the ring. Gravity hit an outside in cradle, got a two count and picked Johnson up for a slam and got another two count. Johnson got a rollup for a two count, Gravity got a rollup for a two count. Johnson hit a reverse DDT for the pinfall.

Lee Johnson defeated Gravity by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: This match seemed to be two younger wrestlers trying their best to call a match on the fly and it was just slow and clunky in places. The technical work was fine, but the match didn’t flow right and was a bit of a dud because of it.

Backstage Lexi asked Dalton Castle what Johnny TV might want next week. Castle said he didn’t know, and then threw out all kinds of ridiculous options ending with his blood. Castle started having a breakdown and Lexi wondered if he needed a medic, but Castle just said to bring him cheese. Lexi got mad and put Castle in a dryer and closed the door…

8. Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV) vs. Killa Kate. Valkyrie used the code of honor to sink in a forearm and then stomped Kate in the corner. Valkyrie chopped the chest of Kate and hit an elbow and meteora knees in the corner for a two count. Valkyrie hit a running elbow drop for a two count. Valkyrie hit a strike combo for a two count as the announcers talked about how stacked the women’s TV title tournament is. Kate got a boot up and missed a crossbody attempt. Valkyrie hit a spear and then her Shania Pain curb stomp for the pinfall.

Taya Valkyrie defeated Killa Kate by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A squash win for Valkyrie.

It was announced that the ROH Women’s TV Championship tournament starts next week. There was a little graphic of the belt, but no brackets were shown…

9. Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Willie Mack vs. Komander in a four corner survival match. Mack and Fox tried to throw the others into each other to no avail. Fox hit an enzuigiri on Mack and then a neckbreaker on Komander for a broken up nearfall. Cartwheel hit his flagpole leg sweep and then his pommel horse elbow drop for a two count on Fox. Mack lit up the chest of Cartwheel with a chop. Komander came in and hit a bunch of leg kicks on Mack. Mack ran through both Komander and Cartwheel and then hit a pop up forearm on Fox. Mack hit an exploder suplex on Cartwheel. Komander tried to rollup Mack but then dumps him outside and hits an Asai moonsault on Mack.

Komander went to the top, but Fox hit an enzuigiri and dumped him to ringside and dove on Komander and Cartwheel at ringside. Fox tried to hit a move on Mack but Mack got the knees up and hit a sky high for a broken up nearfall. Mack slapped Cartwheel in the face but Cartwheel hit a cartwheel kick and sent Mack to ringside. Fox and Cartwheel traded strikes in the middle but Komander rolled up Fox and hit a springboard moonsault for a two count. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel DVD and then a cartwheel powerslam for a broken up nearfall.

Cartwheel hit a backflip and then a deadlift German suplex on fox for a two count. Mack dove onto Komander and Fox a ringside. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel splash on the pile at ringside. Back in the ring, Cartwheel hit a cartwheel press on Mack but Fox hit a 450 on Mack to break up the pinfall. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel DVD on Fox. Komander hit a springboard destroyer on Cartwheel. Komander hit his rope walking elbow for the pinfall.

Komander beat Jack Cartwheel, Willie Mack, and AR Fox in a four corner survival match by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Crazy lucha match gonna do crazy lucha things.

Backstage, Lexi Nair and Billie Starkz were hugging Athena and celebrating. Athena sent them to go get the car. Athena told Nyla Rose that she’s never had so much disrespect. Athena said this is her show and it’s time Nyla bows down. Rose came in and put Athena down with a spinebuster through a catering table and walked away while eating an orange…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Much better. There was no need for Rose to get completely upstaged at this point in the feud. The overall show felt like another time filler. Squash matches and four corner survival matches that fill TV time but don’t actually mean anything in the end. The SAP/Baby Boys feud continued, but there was no real development. The most over thing on the whole show seemed to be Titty City and that’s a problem. I’m hopeful that the ROH Women’s TV Title tournament that starts next week will breathe some life into a show that feels undead, but I would have loved to have seen a bracket.


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