CM Punk interviewed on FOX to promote first fight at UFC 203

punk1CM Punk was interviewed by Brian Stann on Saturday’s UFC Fight Night on FOX and was asked if he is happy with where he is at in his training. “Well, I think overall I’m just the kind of guy who is never going to be happy because I’m always striving to be better than I am, and I think that’s why I love MMA so much. But for a first fight, yeah, I’m definitely where I need to be and I’m satisfied with my skill level.”

Stann brought up Punk’s WWE history and his experience of working in front of big crowds. Punk said he assumes he will have nerves because he is about to fight, but he doesn’t think it will be due to the cameras or the crowd. “My jitters will strictly be, ‘I’m fighting, what am I exactly doing with my life right now’ but I’m sure that will come and go,” he said.

Stann said he spoke to Punk’s opponent Mickey Gall, who said Punk’s time will be over the moment he steps into the Octagon. “Sweet,” Punk replied. He’s supposed to say stuff like that. That’s the fun thing about what we’re going to do, we’re going to punch each other in the face and see who the better man is. I’m not doing this to try to be a star. I”m doing this because I want to do it and was afforded the opportunity, and I’d be a fool to say no. It sounds like he’s getting mixed up in his own head, which is an advantage for me.”

Stann asked how he visualizes the fight and getting his hand raised. Punk said Gall’s fights have ended quickly, but no one has pressured him or put him in uncomfortable places “and that’s what I plan on doing.

Powell’s POV: Punk came off calm and cool throughout the interview, which was conducted via satellite with Stann at the UFC event in Vancouver, and Punk in a studio in Chicago. Punk will fight Gall at UFC 203 on Saturday, September 10.


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