7/29 NXT in Corpus Christi results: Recent call-ups Finn Balor, Nia Jax, and Mojo Rawley appear, Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Ardade Almas, Austin Aries vs. Tommaso Ciampa

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NXT Live Event
Corpus Christi, Texas
Report by Dot Net reader Ernest DLG

Not sold out as I thought it would be. Very disappointing, but I am not surprised since it is about 25 minutes from Corpus Christi. The building at was roughly 35 to 45 percent occupancy. Sign Guy was here as usual for any Corpus event.

1. Mojo Rawley vs. Blake. Blake had a little love since he was from San Antonio and that quickly died as the crowd was firmly behind Mojo. Rawley won with a sick looking running haymaker.

2. Bayley and Carmella defeated Mandy Rose and a partner. I couldn’t make out the name of Rose’s partner. She looked like she is from MMA. A good match by the heels, but BayMella won with Bayley hitting the Bayley to Belly. A good match overall and I was surprised by the heels, who did a good job.

3. Austin Aries defeated Tommaso Ciamapa. Great match. A No way Jose chant started and they both stopped to look at us. Ciamapa started the dance. Great match, these guys need air time. Aries got the win with his feet on the ropes. Aries played the heel role great, as usual. A Ciampa chant broke out afterward as that was a hell of a match.

4. Hideo Itami and Finn Balor defeated The Revival. The biggest pop of the night was for Balor. Great match. A hell of a dream match that saw Balor win with the Coup De Grace. There was a big “welcome back” chant for Hideo broke out followed by a “Thank you, Finn.” Balor responded with the too sweet and bowed to the audience, as I’m sure he has only one NXT appearance left in Houston tomorrow.


5. Johnny Gargano defeated Murphy. Gargano is way over and he won with the crossface. One hell of a match.

6. Asuka defeated Nia Jax to retain the NXT Women’s Championship. We were in for a treat. A great match. Nia is improving, which is good for her. There were big “Asuka’s gonna kill you” chants. A hell of a match. There were big Goldberg chants, and Nia did the People’s Elbow and missed!!! Asuka won with a kick to Nia’s face.

7. Shinsuke Nakamura and Ardade Almas beat Bobby Roode and Samoa Joe. Nakamura entered to biggest pop of night. Great music, great entrance. These matches did not disappoint as Nakamura vs. Samoa was dirty with some strong style hits!!! Nakamura won with Kinshasa on Roode for the win.

A great event. Hell, I’ve been coming to WWE events for over 30 years and this is in the top five. One hell of an event, they all worked there asses off! Nakamura spoke some Spanish. Well, I’ll be damned! He thanked us for coming!!! Yeaooohhhhhh!!!!


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