UFC 200: Brock Lesnar press conference recap – “Let’s get one thing clear, Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do”

lesnar1Brock Lesnar opened the UFC 200 press conference coverage on Youtube. The following are the highlights.

-Brock opened the Youtube broadcast. His left eye was swollen. He was asked if he wants to fight again and whether he would have to talk with Vince McMahon about it. “Let’s get one thing clear, Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do,” Lesnar said. “I believe that my future is already laid out for the next month, I’m doing SummerSlam against Randy Orton. Once the dust settles there, I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I had one hell of a time tonight and I enjoyed myself, so we’ll see what happens. It’s really way too soon. I have no idea.”

-Lesnar was asked if he took Mark Hunt’s best punch. “No, I wasn’t rocked,” Lesnar said. “I don’t know if they were his best shots or not. I felt them. The mystery is gone, I guess I can take a shot.” Lesnar stressed that he has been out of the game for five years and put a camp together for a fight on short notice. He said he couldn’t have done it without all the people show supported him. “I stuck to the plan,” Lesnar said. “I took some good shots, I took him down, it was a wrestler versus a power hitter. He never knocked the f— out of me and here I am (laughs). I’m happy.”

-Brock said his training camp was different because he was healthy. He described his previous training camps as “pretty depressing” because of his illness. He said he would train for a few days and be forced to take a week off. “Come on, I had 12 inches of my colon removed, jumped back in the octagon three months later. I mean, who does that shit?” Lesnar said he’s been gone five years and stepped back inside the octagon with a guy who as ranked No. 8 in the world. He told the reporters they could write what they want to write, but he thinks he’s the toughest son of a bitch and “I’m a top ten…this puts me right in the game.” Lesnar added that he has some work to do, but added “don’t we all.” Lesnar said that if he wants to keeping fighting then he will.

-Lesnar was asked about his cardio and his preparation. “Breathing a little hard while you take a guy down and you pound on his head?” Lesnar cracked. “Who ain’t gonna breathe a little hard?” Lesnar laughed and said he never felt fatigued. He said he was cool, calm, and collected. He said he doesn’t believe there’s a guy in the heavyweight division that he can’t take down. He said he took down every opponent he’s ever fought. He pointed to Cain Velasquez and said he took him down even though he didn’t keep him down. He said the same is true for Shane Carwin. “I’m a 39 year-old man and I’m pretty proud of myself,” he said.

-Lesnar was asked how pleased he was with his performance. “I wanted to finish the fight, but the guy’s got a coconut head.” Lesnar said Hunt will feel his ground and pound just as he’ll feel Hunt’s punch tomorrow. Brock said Hunt is a standup guy and called him “a tough son of a bitch.” He said he had no bad blood with Hunt. “Would I have liked to have ended the fight?” Lesnar asked. “Absolutely, but I won.”

-Lesnar said “there were a lot of nerves” leading up to the fight. He said you have to keep an open mind. “This is a mental game,” he said. “It really is 85 to 95 percent mental… If you put the work in, good things are going to happen, but absolutely… I’m speechless. I was excited to be in there. It’s been a long time. Mark knocked the dust off of me and away we went. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”

-Lesnar was asked how different his conversation was with Dana White after UFC 100 compared to now. Lesnar said he hasn’t seen White. “That was all made up shit,” Lesnar said of an issue with White following UFC 100. “We just did that for publicity.”

-Lesnar was asked if he would be interested in fighting Cain Velasquez again. “Absolutely,” Lesnar said. He praised how good Velasquez looked in his fight. Lesnar said he trained for six weeks specifically for Mark Hunt. He said that if he decides to do more, he will have to “sharpen some skills.” Lesnar said Velasquez “looked really good tonight,” then added “he always looks good.”

-Lesnar was asked if he could put it together and win the title again. “I believe any man can do whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it,” he said. He spoke about training for six weeks and said he felt he put a good beating on Hunt. Lesnar said one more question and then he was going to drink a Coors Light. He quickly corrected himself and said Bud Light (the sponsor) instead with a smile.

-Lesnar was asked if it felt good to fight again. He said he hated to admit it, but he’s been a bully since he was a little kid. Lesnar said he likes to get his nose dirty. He said his mom “used to chew my ass” for going to town and looking for fights. He said she told him that if he was going to do it, then he might as well make some money for doing it. “So here I am,” he said.

-The next question was inaudible. Lesnar said his body was feeling “pretty good, excluding my eye.” Lesnar said “we’ll see what happens” regarding his future. He said he’s had five years off and he’s reaching “the big 4-0” so he wanted to be realistic about it. Lesnar thanked everyone for their support and then told them to have a good night.

You can watch the full UFC 200 press conference at Youtube.com/watch?v=nkVd2mmnZ5I.


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