Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young in a Fight Without Honor, War Machine vs. Roppongi Vice for the ROH Tag Titles, and ACH vs. Kenny Omega

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young: This couldn’t have been more pitch perfect if it was a perfect pitch of a pitchfork at a perfect pitchfork pitching contest. Six months worth of build paid off in an intense, believable fight that was capped off by that awesome pin at the end by Castle. The look of intensity he gave Young as he glared into his eyes showed that Castle can find the little bit of seriousness in his character need to help him break out of the mid card.

ACH vs. Kenny Omega: This was my first ever Omega match, and he left quite the impression. He has a good look, and easily meshed the arrogance of the Young Bucks with the goofy nature of the New Day (though what the hell “The Cleaner” gimmick is about I have no idea). I really enjoyed the match too, though it does in truth smack once again of New Japan talent beating ROH talent that should be better protected.

ROH TV Misses

War Machine vs. Roppongi Vice for the ROH Tag Titles: This match felt flat to me. I don’t think the quiet crowd helped (they were completely silent for War Machine down the home stretch), but I think it’s down to both teams still lacking character. RPG Vice are part-time guys, so while that shouldn’t excuse their lack of character, it does make it more understandable. I feel like I know nothing about War Machine, and they’ve been on TV for a few years now. Have they ever had mic time?

Donovan Dijak and Prince Nana: Not a great start for the new pairing. Nana spoke nonsense, and Dijak seemed to get lost waiting for Lethal to interrupt him. I don’t think the act is now doomed per se, but making the ROH Champion look like he is in a bush league feud doesn’t bode well.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Dalton Castle is the best talent in the company a future big time star. Why is he in the midcard spot while the main event picture rotates one “never will be” after another into the Challenger spot?

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