WWE Raw preview: Shane McMahon? Celebrity guest

shane1The WWE website’s official preview for tonight’s Raw touts Dr. Phil McGraw as the special guest star. The preview also questions whether Shane McMahon will bring viewers another “Money” Raw. “It’s clear that WWE’s Prodigal Son didn’t fall on his face as The Chairman had hoped, and it’s equally clear that the WWE Universe likes the way Shane runs things,” reads the preview. “Will the risk-taking Shane-O-Mac have the opportunity to give us another crowd-pleasing edition of Raw? What might Shane’s success last week mean for The Authority?” Read the official preview at WWE.com.

Powell’s POV: Raw will be held tonight at Staples Center in Los Angeles. The storyline of Vince McMahon giving Shane a chance to run the show last week didn’t make much sense. Then again, the entire Shane return storyline has been a mess, so it’s not like WWE will let logic stand in the way if they want to use Shane as an on-air general manager type.


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