3/19 WWE in Buffalo results: A second report on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus and King Barrett, Charlotte vs. Natalya for the Divas Championship, AJ Styles vs. Tyler Breeze, Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger

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WWE Live Event
Buffalo, New York
Report by Dot Net reader Lea Junk

1. AJ Styles defeated Tyler Breeze in nine minutes. Nice opener, and it was super rad to see Styles live for the first time. If anything, his crispness and in ring presence is even more impressive in person. On a side note, my partner and I tried to start a “Breeze is Gorgeous” chant. It went nowhere. Bummer.

2. Mark Henry defeated The Ascension in four minutes. Mostly a squash match. Henry is looking tired and just like he’s ready for his retirement tour to end.

3. Darren Young, Damien Sandow, and Fandango defeated Heath Slater Adam Rose and Stardust in eight minutes. The match started with Stardust yelling at his wife Eden to tell the audience to stop chanting “Cody” which was really funny. I yelled out “Free Titus!” a few times because I’m a woman who fights for justice damn it. Not much else to say here except I am a big fan of the Stardust character, or at the very least a big fan of what Rhodes brings to the character.

4. Luke Harper defeated Zack Ryder in eleven minutes. Harper didn’t get much of a reaction but really got a lot of heat once the match got going. He did one spot where he tapped Ryder on the head condescendingly followed by a muscle flex which had to be a shout out to Dana Brooke. I tried a “Flex Dana Flex” chant but it wasn’t happening. Really good match, one of the best of the night. I’ve been a Harper fan for a while, and hope he’ll get a nice singles run someday in the company.

5. The New Day defeated The Dudley Boyz and The Usos to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship in about 15 minutes. All three teams came out to a nice pop (with The New Day’s being by far the biggest.) Bubba got on the mic and ran down Buffalo comparing it to being equivalent to living in Canada and that he’d rather be back in Brooklyn. A very loud “Brooklyn Sucks” chant started. This was a super good promo from Bubba which garnered a ton of hear. They all worked a safe house show style match but in a positive and smart way. Very funny spot where Woods took turns from all of his opponents smacking his back leading into the final gaga of Big E slapping Woods back to tag in. Also of note, New Day seems to be working as tweeners leaning towards heels at house shows because they were pretty dirty here and garnered some heat in the process.

6. Natalya defeated Charlotte in about nine minues. Nattie came out to what may have been the biggest pop of the night so far (I definitely contributed as she’s one of my favorites.) She easily had the most fan signs of the night that I could see, and took one of them to the ring and handed it to the ring announcer who wasn’t Eden. Charlotte came out and tore it up to a bunch of heat before the match got under way. Very good match with excellent heel in ring psychology from Charlotte. New spot here as well with Charlotte going for the Sharpshooter which got a lot of boos.

7. Chris Jericho defeated Jack Swagger in about seven minutes. Jericho, just like Bubba before him, came out to a nice pop. That quickly changed as he worked over everyone with his promo running down the fans for “making him take out Styles” and trashing Buffalo. Very effective work here, I’m loving this heel run so much. The match was pretty much their Roadblock match minus it at least making some bit of sense since this wasn’t in Canada. The real fun came after the match when Y2J was beating down Swagger and Styles came out to make the save. Maybe an even bigger pop for Styles than he got earlier in the night.

8. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose defeated King Barrett and Sheamus in about 15 minutes. Ok, so Reigns is over here. About 80/20 positive I’d say, especially once the match was in progress. There were some young men to the left of me DX crotch chopping him though. Typical but really nice tag main event and was almost surprised by the amount of heat he received. Reigns and Ambrose stayed for about eight minutes or so after the show ended to greet the fans and sign autographs.

Overall a really fun show, and it was great to be back to a wrestling event having not been to any since the Raw after WrestleMania 29 at the iZOD Center. No return date was announced so I guess Buffalo is never getting another show. Ever.

Biggest Pops
1. Roman Reigns
2. AJ Styles
3. Natalya

Most Heat
1. Chris Jericho
2. Bubba Ray Dudley
3. Charlotte / Sheamus


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