3/19 WWE in White Plains results: Big Show and Kane vs. Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman, Kalisto vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev for the U.S. Title, Ryback vs. Erick Rowan

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WWE Live Event
White Plains, New York at Westchester County Center
Report by Dot Net reader Damon Peruso

1. Ryback beat Eric Rowan. A 15-20 min match that was pretty good. Ryback won with Shellshocked.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel came out and called Westchester trash, and said they would win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Goldust came out at the end to face Bo Dallas.

2. Goldust beat Bo Dallas. Axel provided distractions throughout the match vice versa. Goldust won with a rollup. Afterwards, the heels put the boots to him, when R-Truth came out for the save. They teased GoldenTruth, and then Truth invited some kids to the ring to dance and rap to Truths theme song with them. It was actually awesome!! (One kid dabbed the whole time)

Lana cut a promo saying Rusev was a beast basically. Rusev’s face on the flag was great.

3. Kalisto beat Dolph Ziggler and Rusev in a Triple Threat to retain the U.S. Title. A really really fun match that was just great. Great match.

After the match JoJo and a guy threw out free shirts to crowd.


4. Sin Cara beat Diego. Before the match, Diego beat down when he made his entrance. A good match, not as alive at the others though.

5. Becky Lynch beat Naomi (w/Tamina) by DQ. Tamina interfered while Becky had the armbar in. Sasha came out for the save and challenged them to a Tag Team match.

6. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch beat Naomi and Tamina. Sasha and Becky both locked in their submissions on Namoi and Tamina. An okay match, everyone loved Sasha.

7. Big Show and Kane beat Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman. Everyone was surprised to see Bray, as many heard he was injured. He was awesome. Many were pissed off they didn’t get a chokeslam, as Big Show KO’ed Wyatt for the win.

A great show in a pretty small arena, lots of kids, and a lot of fun. All the babyfaces stayed after the matches to take pictures and high five fans

Note: No word on when they would come back there.


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