3/5 WWE in Cedar Rapids results: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch for the Divas Championship, Kalisto vs. King Barrett for the U.S. Title, Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose for the IC Title, AJ Styles vs. The Miz

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WWE Live Event
Cedar Rapids, Iowa at U.S. Cellular Center
Report by Dot Net reader Kevin Reiter

Pretty solid crowd for the most part. U.S. Cellular Center looked much more full than normal for these events.

1. AJ Styles beat The Miz with his springboard forearm in about 10 minutes. Good match, hot crowd for it. Styles was very over.

2. Darren Young and Jack Swagger over Curtis Axel and Adam Rose. Quick match. Swagger made Rose tap to the ankle lock.

3. Kalisto over King Barrett to retain the U.S. Title. Kalisto won in about 12 minutes with his finisher. The Lucha chant was really popular.

4. Big E and Xavier Woods (w/Kofi Kingston) over The Uso Brothers and The Dudley Boyz in a Triple Threat to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. I was surprised to see Woods working the match rather than Kofi. They did a bunch of pandering to the crowd before the match since Big E is an Iowa Hawkeye graduate and former football player. They spent the first 5-6 minutes of the match doing a spot where the Usos kept slapping Woods on the back, hard. His back was really red. Funny spot where Big E slapped him to make a tag adding to it. The crowd ate it all up. A good finishing sequence as the Dudleys hit the 3D on Jimmy Uso, but Woods snuck in and got the pinfall. Dudleys beat the Usos down after the match, and do a tables tease, but Uso’s get the upper hand.


5. Charlotte over Becky Lynch to retain the Divas Championship. Charlotte won with a rollup using a handful of tights. Long match.

6. Sheamus over Neville with the Brogue Kick. Long and mostly dull match.

7. Dean Ambrose over Kevin Owens by DQ in an Intercontinental Title match. HUGE pop for Ambrose. The ref called for the DQ when Owens had Ambrose in a tree of woe and refused to stop beating on him. Owens got on the mic and yelled at Cedar Rapids before Ambrose gave him the Dirty Deeds to send the crowd home happy.

Good show. I took my 8-year-old daughter to it and she had fun, but she was disappointed that “Dolph” wasn’t there. Lots of families there and a lot of energy from the crowd the whole night.


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