Jim Ross comments on Undertaker on WWE Raw, The Freebirds entering the WWE Hall of Fame, and League of Nations

imagesWWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on Undertaker’s appearance on WWE Raw: “While it was great to see The Undertaker on any WWE broadcast as we did Monday night I would have loved to have heard more from the phenom as to why he was essentially doing McMahon’s bidding against VKM’s only son at Wrestlemania Texas. The son’s blood will be on the hands of the father was an ominous message but I needed a bit more information. I am looking forward to the Shane-Taker match and the subsequent build for this special attraction contest that will be held inside HIAC at the biggest event of the year and likely before 100,000+ fans in AT&T Stadium. Yes, I still think that WWE will have over 100,000 fans on hand for Wrestlemania Texas, a title that was first named ‘Wrestlemania Texas’ on a Ross Report months ago. That might earn me a fee tee shirt.”

Powell’s POV: We were left with so many questions about Taker coming out of last week’s show, and WWE took the laziest possible approach to the followup. An army of writers and this was the best that they could come up with?

Ross on League of Nations: “It’s understood what WWE wants to accomplish with the LON faction but until the LON is put into positions that they can build their group as one powerful entity, the League of Nations won’t be hitting on all cylinders. We need to see unity in a organic sense for fans to take this group seriously and not as a temporary entity as many currently feel. I am not a LON ‘hater’ but they need to build heat/angst on an ongoing basis as 50/50 like booking does them no favors either.”

Powell’s POV: I am a League of Nations hater. I don’t hate the four wrestlers who make up the faction, but I despise the actual faction. It’s terrible. I ranted about this in today’s WWE Raw Hit List, so I won’t vent too much more, but this group is going nowhere fast and isn’t doing any of the wrestlers involved any favors.

Ross on The Freebirds entering the WWE Hall of Fame: “Happy for the Freebirds for their WWE HOF induction this year at in Dallas. Cowboy Bill Watts had the vision to place Buddy Roberts into the Hayes & Gordy duo to create the legendary trio. Watts also put PS Hayes and yours truly together as a broadcast team in UWF of which many fans still remember. Michael was a great partner and I enjoyed working with him as he relished in being a legit villain and he was always considered one of the best talkers in the pro wrestling business. I’d assume that Kevin Von Erich will induct the ‘Birds.”

Powell’s POV: Notice that JR didn’t mention Jimmy Garvin, who is being inducted as part of the group. I always liked Garvin in World Class Championship Wrestling, so I’m happy to see him honored even though I don’t have fond memories of his run with Hayes after the peak of The Freebirds act. If Hayes wants Garvin in, then it’s fine with me.

Other topics include more thoughts on WWE Raw, The Ross Report podcast, JR’s upcoming boxing show, JR’s appearances in the northeast this weekend, and more.


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