Jim Ross comments on WWE Fastlane main event, Bret Hart’s health, and the NXT TV main event

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on the WWE Fastlane main event: “Are you as curious as I am about what will go down Sunday at WWE Fast Lane between Lesnar-Reigns-Ambrose? Could the eventual winner Sunday still retain the title opportunity at the April 3 Wrestlemania Texas event? Stranger things have happened. I do expect Roman Reigns to be booed which isn’t a bad response unless one is being positioned to be the WWE’s top, fan favorite. I only hope that we see some ‘off speed pitches’ creatively Sunday and that we avoid a Triple Threat Match Main event at WrestleMania Texas.”

imagesPowell’s POV: As much as it seemed as simple as Reigns going over and facing Triple H at WrestleMania, I am not ruling out a surprise finish. Keep in mind that Reigns should still have a storyline rematch clause he could use after dropping the title at the Royal Rumble, so it’s at least possible that he could end up in the WrestleMania main event without actually winning this match.

Ross on the NXT television main event: “Liked the conclusion of the Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn main event on NXT Wednesday night. Enjoyed the show from start to finish and appreciate the broadcasters focusing their audio on what I was seeing on my TV set. Logical, controversy while going off the air isn’t a bad thing. Arguably the best match on WWE TV this week.”

Powell’s POV: I didn’t think the match was as hot as JR did. It was solid, but I wasn’t as blown away as I expected to be considering the talent involved. That said, they may have been saving something for the expected rematch. I really liked the finish of the match and the way it came off on television. The weekly NXT show was a little flat to start the year, but the pace has picked up over the last couple of weeks. I don’t get into lineup spoilers, but I’ll just say that the NXT show may be the highlight of WrestleMania weekend.

Ross on Bret Hart: “Elated to hear that Bret Hart’s cancer surgery that saw his prostrate removed has apparently solved his problem. Having experienced prostrate surgery last summer I can tell you that surgery is significant and takes time to heal but it certainly improves one’s quality of life.”

Powell’s POV: It’s great to hear that things went so well for Hart and that it apparently led to a number of men getting checked according to a news story. Here’s wishing Bret the best in his recovery.

Other topics include a syndicated radio show question, tonight’s Bellator MMA event, Tammy Sytch, and more.


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