Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Young Bucks vs ACH and Matt Sydal, Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser vs. Caprice Coleman and Will Ferrara, and the final Round 1 match of the 2016 Top Prospect Tournament

By Darren Gutteridge


The Young Bucks vs. ACH and Matt Sydal: I took it for granted this was going to be a good-to-great spot fest, and it was. The win for ACH and Sydal caught me off guard in the best way. It deepens the already good ROH tag division by making ACH and Sydal players, and makes them a bogey team for the Bucks, whom no other team has been able to beat consistently up to this point. Colour me surprised (and yes that is colour with a “u”, I already have to spell Honor without the “u” so I’m drawing the line at one American-ism per article).

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600Lio Rush vs. Jason Kincaid: Talk about not judging books by their cover! When both guys came out, I didn’t have high hopes for what looked like “Deranged Homeless Guy vs. One Year Rookie.” I was very surprised to see what these two put together. Kincaid had some great unique offence, in particular the diving cutter through the ropes, and Rush look fantastic considering he has only been a pro wrestler since last year. It’s early doors, but the raw talent seems to be there in spades.

Caprice Coleman and Will Ferrara vs. Silas Young and The Beer City Bruiser: This was an odd match. For one, having missed the No-DQ match between the pair, it felt like I hadn’t seen Coleman and Ferrara for months. Plus, they both seemed to be turning heel last time I saw them. And while this match didn’t necessarily clear that up, it was decent, and furthered the storyline between Young and Dalton Castle, which I am all for.

ROH TV Misses

Mark Briscoe vs. Tim Hughes: This was the definition of pointless. The only saving grace for this match was that it somehow wasn’t the biggest waste of time of the night. . .

Adam Page wants to take out B.J. Whitmer: Awful. Straight awful. I know they had hinted at decension between Page and Whitmer, but that feels like it was an age ago. Now all of sudden Page wants to hurt Whitmer? Plus, this segment had no pulse. Whitmer removes all excitement on entry. When Page was given the set-up line to attack Whitmer from behind in a surprise, he chose instead to announce loudly what he is going to do? And the brawl even ended with Whitmer on top! Need I say more about this garbage?

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