WWE reduces Titus O’Neil’s suspension, release a text message from O’Neil acknowledging his mistake

WWE has reduced the suspension that Titus O’Neil received for grabbing Vince McMahon’s arm at the end of the Daniel Bryan farewell speech. WWE told the New York Post that O’Neil’s suspension was reduced from 90 days to 60 days. WWE also released a text message in which Titus acknowledged the severity of the mistake he made. “I feel like sh** now so if you have to let me go, I understand,” read the text that WWE gave the Post. “Stupid mistake.” Read more at NYPost.com. [Thanks to Dot Net reader Darius]

Powell’s POV: The Post story seems to suggest that the reduced suspension would allow Titus to work WrestleMania. However, the suspension was issued on Tuesday, February 8 and WrestleMania will be held on April 3, so he would still miss the company’s biggest event if WWE sticks to the full 60-day suspension. Of course, they could always reduce the suspension length again to include him. The Post also ran a bunch of fan tweets and went with the over the top “Fans call Vince McMahon a racist for suspending black wrestler.”


Readers Comments (1)

  1. “See? He apologized! (After we made him do it)”

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