1/3 WWE in Corpus Christi results: Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens for the IC Title, Bayley wrestles

WWE Live Event
Corpus Christi, Texas
Report by Dot Net reader Rick Castaneda

1. New Day over The Uso Brothers to retain the WWE Tag Titles. A good opening match with the typical New Day playing to them. Me and me group were chanting “UPUPDWNDWN” &”KEEP IT TIGHT”. Xavier Woods Appreciated those chants and my sign. New Day is over, but the Uso’s are just as liked here.

2. Neville defeated The Miz. A good, fun match. The and the group I was sitting with taunted Miz in the beginning of the match as he removed his glasses. He attempted several times to remove them by flapping his hands. So we chanted the “Chicken Dance” song at him and he got on the Mic and gave us hell, but we came back with “You Can’t Act” and “Sandow’s Better” chants, which he sold over the top and said, “No he’s Not!”

B cut a promo on heel promo and tried to stir up the crowd. Truth came out and won pretty quickly. I think my group and I made Bo upset because we kept chanting “Who’s Bo Dallas” and popped when he said, “I’m Bo Dallas.”

4. Braun Strauman over Fandango. Typical squash…and nobody cared about poor old Fandango.

5. Kane over Bray Wyatt in a Street Fight. Hard hitting match from both guys. I missed about half the match, but from what I saw the ending came when Luke Harper and Erick Rowan came out beat up Kane a bit. Then The Uso’s took them out, and Bray set up the table and attempted Sister Abigail. Kane reversed and chokeslammed Bray through the table.


6. NXT Divas Champ Bayley defeated Naomi. A personal highlight was Bayley loving my sign and giving me a bracelet. She also signed my sign. Team Bad came out first Sasha was over. Once Bayley’s theme hit it was pretty much the pop of the night! She came out with tube men and the title. The group and I wanted Bayley vs. Sasha so bad and we let them know before the bell even rang. Bayley is main roster ready from what I saw. Naomi was clearly upset because she was getting no love from anybody because the majority of the crowd wanted Sasha and Bayley. Bayley won and then Team BAD hit the ring. Natalya hit the ring and helped take everybody out. She put Tamina in the Sharpshooter to a good pop, and the faces celebrated as Team BAD regrouped and left.

7. Ryback over Rusev (w/Lana). Good match better than what they have had on Raw or Smackdown…Lana was sexy as usual and smelled great according to my buddy.

8. Dean Ambrose over Kevin Owens to retaining the Intercontinental Title. KO entered first and good a decent pop from everybody. My buddy tried to rile him up and did. THE POP of the night was Dean Ambrose. He was ready to go and off to a good start but after five minutes into it became a just another match for the two superstars. Ambrose won with Dirty Deeds in the end. He celebrated cutting a promo saying his best triumphs have been here talking about retaining the IC title to start the New Year off, him “almost” winning the WWE title at Chamber. Ambrose shook hands and took pics and sent the crowd happy.

All in all a good show, the group I was with made the show better. Even Rick “the sign guy” came up to us and told us we did good all night.


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