9/19 TNA in Pittsburgh results: Kurt Angle appears, EC3 vs. Matt Hardy

TNA Live Event
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Report by Dot Net reader Ben Hough

Before the show, TNA World Champion EC3 signed autographs and took pics with fans.

1. Drew Galloway beat Tyrus. The crowd was into Galloway. Tyrus dominated until Galloway made the late comeback.

2. Awesome Kong beat Madison Rayne. Rayne got a nice babyface pop. Gail Kim had been advertised and appeared at the two previous shows on the tour, but Rayne was inserted here instead.

3. Mr. Anderson beat Eli Drake in a best of three falls match. Eli attacked Anderson with a chair during Anderson’s entrance and scored the first fall. Anderson quickly won the second fall with a roll up. Anderson won the third fall with the Mic Check. The crowd was really into Anderson and Drake played the cocky heel well.

4. TNA Tag Champions The Wolves beat Abyss and Manik. The Wolves did some comedy stuff early. Really good tag match.

Kurt Angle came out next. He announced he would be ready for action at the BFG pay-per-view. DJ Z came out and ran down Kurt and Pittsburgh. Kurt cleared him from the ring.

At intermission, Kurt signed autographs and took pics, as did Madison Rayne.

5. Bobby Roode beat Tommy Dreamer in a chain match. Dreamer got a big pop. Roode was in full heel mode. Roode won using his finisher on Dreamer on a chair. Really good brawl.

6. EC3 (w/Tyrus and “personal assistant” Jeff Hardy) beat Matt Hardy to retain the TNA Championship. A really good main event. EC3 won with a small package. The story of the match was EC3 and Tyrus trying to get Jeff to help them in the match. After the match, Matt and Jeff attacked EC3 and Tyrus, and Matt gave them Twists of Fates on a chair.

The Hardys signed and took pics after the show.

A really fun show. There were some minor changes to the house show format compared to what they did in the past, but still a very fun and interactive experience.


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