Fight Life “Never Easy” results: Vetter’s review of Richard Holliday vs. Traevon Jordan for the Fight Life Title, Anthony Greene vs. Ichiban, Kylon King vs. an Uber Eats driver

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Fight Life “Never Easy”
March 6, 2025 in Milford, Connecticut at Tribus Beer Company
Released March 9, 2025 on TrillerTV+

This show was held at a brewery and I’ve seen shows from here before. The ring was pushed into a corner. Most people were standing; the crowd was perhaps 150, but it’s packed. (I’ll note that this show ran opposite a Wrestling Open show in Worcester, Mass., which is just under two hours away, so they are splitting some of the top-ter northeast indy talent.) Joey Janela joined commentary for about half of the show.

* Unfortunately, Brad Baylor couldn’t make it, so Mortar is replacing him in the opening match.

1. Alec Price vs. Mortar. This could wind up being the best match. Price is taller but they probably are nearly identical in weight. They shook hands at the bell, showing they are both babyfaces, before locking up. Mortar hit a spinning heel kick at 1:30, then a senton for a nearfall. Good reversals, with Mortar even doing a cartwheel. Price hit a half-nelson suplex for a nearfall at 5:00. He hit some running kicks in the corner. Mortar hit a springboard crossbody block for a nearfall.

Mortar hit a chokeslam, then a Lionsault for a nearfall at 7:00. Price set up for his springboard tornado DDT, but Mortar pushed him to the floor. Price hit a DDT onto the ring apron. In the ring, Mortar hit a clothesline and a D’Lo-style Sky High powerbomb for a nearfall at 8:30, and they were both down. Price got a victory roll for a nearfall, then a superkick, then another. Price dove over the ropes onto Mortar. Price then nailed his springboard twisting DDT for the pin. Sharp opener. Somehow, like clockwork, Price’s matches consistently come in just under 10 minutes. They shook hands afterwards.

Alec Price defeated Mortar at 9:56.

Joey Janela came out of the back; his right arm was in a sling because he just had surgery on a torn bicep. He got on the mic and joked that he can’t wrestle because he “dabbled with steroids,” which led to the injury. Kylon King was already in the ring, but Janela — who apparently is commissioner here — said he hadn’t lined up an opponent for him. Janela’s food delivery arrived while he was talking, and Joey sent the delivery driver into the ring to fight King! Good humor. The crowd chanted “You can do it!”

2. Kylon King vs. Uber Eats driver. The kid wore a black hoodie and his regular street clothes, and he wore glasses. He ‘tripped’ getting into the ring. The commentators said he has no business being in the ring. He easily could be Kylon King’s younger brother. Kylon put the kid in a headlock and this was simple but fun. The kid escaped a Razor’s Edge and he hit a dropkick at 2:30. King responded with a clothesline; he peeled up the kid’s shirt and hit a chop. The driver fired up and did a ‘Hulking up’ spot. The kid hit some shoulder tackles and a back suplex at 5:30, and he peeled off his shirt. He hit a Cena-style Five Knuckle Shuffle, and he tied King in a Tarantula. “What are we witnessing here?” a commentator shouted.

The kid hit a top-rope crossbody block and the crowd chanted “Uber Eats!” The commentators wondered if they were going to get paid for this promotion of the service. The kid hit a Code Red for a nearfall at 7:30. King hit a release German Suplex. The kid hit a Canadian Destroyer. King nailed a brainbuster for the pin. That was great; that was far more fun than just introducing a rookie and saying “it’s his first match.” I hope he doesn’t stick to this as a gimmick, but it was fun for a debut. Janela asked the crowd if he deserves an added tip on his delivery; the crowd said he gets $3.

Kylon King defeated the Uber Eats driver at 8:28.

NOTE: has the driver listed as “Youngboy” and he’s now had 48 matches.

3. Dustin Waller vs. Lucas Chase (w/Jay Onyx, Shawn Knyte). Chase hugged his partners but sent them to the back. Waller hit a Lethal Injection in the opening seconds for a nearfall! Chase is a bit taller but much thicker and visibly stronger. Waller hit some chops. Chase hit a Samoan Drop at 2:00. Waller hit a huracanrana, then a plancha to the floor, but Waller was favoring a knee as he stood up. As he got into the ring, Chase hit a chop block on the damaged knee at 4:30 and he took over. He applied a half crab and kept Waller grounded.

Chase applied a Texas Cloverleaf at 7:30, then he hit a Spinebuster. Waller hit a second-rope Spanish Fly, and they were both down at 10:00. Waller hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall, then a springboard clothesline, then a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 12:00. Chase applied a Figure Four Leglock and Waller screamed in pain, but he eventually reversed it. They traded headbutts, and Waller hit a double-underook Crucifix Bomb. Shawn Knyte showed up and distracted the ref, allowing Jay Onyx to hit Waller on the back with a kendo stick! Chase hit a piledriver for the cheap pin. That was really good.

Lucas Chase defeated Dustin Waller at 15:53

Ichiban and Kylon King ran into the ring with chairs in their hands to chase away the heels. I’m sensing a six-man tag at the next show!

Ashley Vox had travel issues and couldn’t make it to the show; the crowd expressed disappointment.

4. Jeremy La Croix vs. Seabass Finn. I don’t think I’ve seen the heel La Croix before; the commentators said he’s a student. He’s like Joe Gacy but a bit thinner, or NXT-era Baron Corbin. Finn has really improved and I hate the fisherman’s gimmick for him. They traded quick reversals on the mat, and Finn ‘rowed’ La Croix’s arms. The commentators talked about how Finn had prepared for Vox in this match so he is changing gears in facing La Croix. La Croix slammed him to the mat for a nearfall at 3:30. Finn hit a buttbump into the corner and a suplex, then a clothesline for a nearfall at 6:30. Finn hit a delayed German Suplex for the pin. Decent.

Seabass Finn defeated Jeremy La Croix at 8:14.

5. Anthony Greene vs. Ichiban. The commentators noted that Greene just returned from a NOAH tour in Japan. This should be really good. Greene pushed Ichiban into the corner and mockingly patted him on the head. Ichiban hit some deep armdrags and a dropkick at 2:30. Greene grounded Ichiban, and they fought to the floor, but Anthony accidentally chopped the ring post. In the ring, Greene hit a snap suplex for a nearfall. Ichiban hit an enzuigiri for a nearfall at 6:30, then a stunner. He hit his ‘One!” punches in the corner.

Ichiban hit a second-rope missile dropkick and a superkick, then a springboard crossbody block. They traded a lot of reversals with neither man able to connect, then they hit double clotheslines at 9:00. Greene hit an inverted suplex, dropping Ichiban on his stomach. Greene hit a superkick. Ichiban nailed his leaping Flatliner for a believable nearfall; I thought that was it. Greene nailed a second-rope TKO stunner for a believable nearfall at 11:30. He missed a moonsault, but he suplexed Ichiban into the corner, then he hit a piledriver. Ichiban got a huracanrana out of nowhere for the flash pin! That was really good, too!

Ichiban defeated Anthony Greene at 12:29.

6. “Perfect Strangers” Steven Lust and AJP vs. “The Haven” Jay Onyx and Shawn Knyte (w/Lucas Chase) for the Fight Life Tag Team Titles. Onyx still had the kendo stick he used earlier. Again, Lust looks like a shorter Elias, and a bit like Damian Sandow, with a thick, dark beard. AJP and Knyte opened, and the babyfaces took turns twisting Shawn’s left arm. They hit stereo bulldogs on the heels. Onyx hit AJP in the ribs with a crutch at 3:00, and the heels began stomping on AJP and kept him grounded. Knyte hit a flying kneedrop on AJP’s forehead, and Onyx got a nearfall at 6:00.

Lust got a hot tag but the ref ordered Steven back to his corner. Knyte hit a missile dropkick in the corner on AJP for a nearfall at 8:30. Lust finally got the hot tag and hit some clotheslines and back elbows, then a Samoan Drop on Onyx. He hit a pump-handle DDT on Knyte for a nearfall at 10:00. The Haven hit a team DDT move on Lust for a nearfall, but AJP made the save. Chase hopped on the ring apron, so AJP shoved him to the floor. Knyte grabbed the kendo stick, but Ichiban appeared and confiscated it! Waller and Kylon also appeared and they punched Chase! In the ring, Perfect Strangers hit a team Russian Legsweep move and pinned Knyte. Solid tag match.

Steven Lust and AJP defeated Jay Onyx and Shawn Knyte to retain the Fight Life Tag Team Titles at 11:35.

7. Richard Holliday vs. Traevon Jordan for the Fight Life Title. No sign of Jordan’s usual Waves & Curls tag partner, Jaylen Brandyn. Jordan still came out to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” and the whole crowd sang along. (I bet I’ve seen fewer than five singles matches from Traevon.) The crowd chanted “New champ!” at Jordan. Standing switches to open and a feeling-out process. Jordan appears to be 6’2″ or 6’3″ and has a slight height advantage, and they traded shoulder tackles. Jordan unloaded some chops and jabs at 6:00. They went to the floor, where Jordan hit some chops while some fans held back Holliday’s arms.

Back in the ring, Holliday took control and stomped on Traevon and kept him grounded. Holliday hit a D’Lo-style Sky High powerbomb for a nearfall at 12:30. The commentators noted that Holliday just returned from a tour in England and also might be facing some jet lag. They grabbed each other’s throat; Traevon hit a chokeslam for a nearfall, and they were both down at 14:30. Traevon missed a frogsplash, and Holliday immediately got a rollup for a nearfall. Holliday hit a stunner for a nearfall, and he applied a Trailer Hitch leglock. They got up and traded punches. Jordan hit a leg lariat for a nearfall at 19:30. The ref got bumped! Traevon hit another Sky High for a visual pin, but we had no ref!

Holliday shoved Traevon head-first into the middle turnbuckle, and he got a chair. A new ref dove in and confiscated the chair, but Holliday knocked that ref down. Traevon hit a frogsplash for the pin at 21:31! New champion! BUT WAIT… the first ref said Holliday had a foot on the ropes. The refs and an announcer talked, and they determined the match must continue. I re-started the bell, but Holliday almost immediately hit the 2008 spinning suplex for the pin.

Richard Holliday defeated Traevon Jordan to retain the Fight Life Title at 21:50.

* Holliday got on the mic and he noted his next opponent is B3cca, and he told her she should stay home and record music and not be in the ring.

Final Thoughts: This was a really strong show, using a lot of my Northeast indy favorites. Fight Life uses some wrestlers that don’t interest me, but they weren’t present tonight. I’ll narrowly go with Ichiban vs. Anthony Greene for the best match, just ahead of Price-Mortar. I really liked Lucas Chase-Waller, too, and that takes third. The main event was good and takes honorable mention. A lot to like here; this was a highly entertaining indy show.

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