Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 64 results: Vetter’s review of Dak Draper and Mike Outlaw vs. Rahim de la Suede and Moses, and Tootie Lynn vs. Mackenzie Morgan

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 64)
Taped January 4, 2025 in St. Louis, Missouri at Delmar Hall
Premiered January 26, 2025 via

This is the second episode from a new taping. Reed Duthie is back on commentary. This is their smaller venue, and the crowd is only 80-100. The lighting over the ring was really good and that has vastly improved since they started streaming episodes.

1. Tootie Lynn vs. Mackenzie Morgan. I haven’t seen Morgan before; she is a Black woman with long curly hair, and Reed said he also is unfamiliar with her. At first glance, I’ll compare her to a young Jazz, as she clearly has some muscle definition. Lynn is a regular here and she brings her karate fighting style. Standing switches to open, and Morgan barked at the crowd while tying up Tootie. Tootie hit a running back elbow in the corner. Morgan hit a stiff kick and made a cocky one-footed cover, then she hit a Rude Awakening for a nearfall at 3:00. (Hey, Reed called it a Rude Awakening, too!) Tootie fired up and hit a series of punches.

Morgan hit a dropkick, and she again paused to yell at the fans. She grounded Tootie with a rear chinlock. Tootie hit a running kick in the corner and a bulldog for a nearfall at 6:00. Tootie nailed a roundhouse kick to the head for the pin. Good action.

Tootie Lynn defeated Mackenzie Morgan at 6:33.

* Footage aired of Mike Outlaw’s return to action last month; he had been out for most of 2024. Backstage, Outlaw said that Rahim de la Suede “is on borrowed time” now that he’s back. (Rahim had ‘fired’ manager Cinko when he turned babyface a few months ago.)

2. Dak Draper and Mike Outlaw (w/Cinko) vs. “Technical Difficulties” vs. Rahim de la Suede and Moses. Rahim is just dripping charisma. Outlaw and Moses opened and traded mat reversals. The taller Dak (he’s a legit 6’4″ got in and tied up Moses in a knuckle lock.) Rahim got in at 2:30 and dove for Dak’s left leg. TD took turns chopping Dak and they hit a team bulldog move. Dak hit a Bulldog Powerslam on Moses, and the heels began working Moses over in their corner. Dak choked him in the ropes. Moses fired up and hit some chops at 7:30, but Dak hit a kneedrop on the forehead for a nearfall.

Moses hit an enzuigiri on Dak. Rahim finally got the hot tag at 10:30 and he hit some chops on Dak, and he avoided Dak’s wild chop attempts. Rahim hit a German Suplex and a DDT. Moses got a blind tag back in. Outlaw got a rollup and grabbed the ropes and Dak’s wrist for a nearfall, but the ref saw it and stopped counting. Rahim hit a top-rope flying double knees on Outlaw for a nearfall at 12:30. Rahim hit a dropkick on Outlaw. Dak hit a Mafia Kick on Rahim, celebrated, and was booed. Dak hit a second-rope superplex. Moses hit a flying bulldog. Outlaw hit a springboard elbow drop, then a top-rope elbow drop, and suddenly all four were down. Rahim hit a Lungblower. Outlaw tied Rahim in a half-crab at 15:30.

Rahim dove to the corner for a tag, but Moses leapt off the apron to the floor! The crowd was shocked! Draper hit a clothesline, then the Rocky Mountain Wasteland slam on Rahim. “Moses, what did you do!?” Reed shouted. Outlaw hit a top-rope elbow drop on Rahim for the pin. Reed stressed that the question going in was if Moses could trust Rahim, and it turned out that it was Rahim who couldn’t trust Moses.

Dak Draper and Mike Outlaw defeated Rahim de la Suede and Moses at 17:07.

* Cinko got on the mic and said “what goes around, comes around” as he leaned over the prone Rahim. Reed was disgusted by the actions of the heels.

Final Thoughts: A good episode. I looked up Morgan on, and she had 35 matches last year (61 overall in her career) and she predominantly has wrestled in Tennessee. The main event stayed in second gear until Rahim got the hot tag at 10:30, and the rest of the match was really good. I admittedly didn’t see the Moses heel turn coming. I was wondering how this match was going to play out, with Rahim as a rising babyface, but Outlaw as the returning top heel. But I hadn’t considered the Moses heel turn. This episode was a quick 42 minutes. As always, I’d love just a few more promos and highlight packages between matches to add a bit to the show.


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