WWE Elimination Chamber poll: What do you think of the big heel turn? March 1, 2025 CategoriesMUST-READ LIST NEWS TICKER READER POLLS WWE Elimination Chamber poll: What do you think of the big heel turn? Loved It Hated It pollcode.com free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicscody rhodeselimination chamberjohn cenathe rockwm41wrestlemaniawwewwe chamberwwe elimination chamber
Former WWE referee looks back on working the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match at WrestleMania 25, the match placement, misconceptions about a referee’s role in a match
I hope this goes better than the big Trish Stratus heel turn that lasted for about a minute and was then forgotten about.