Wrestling Open “Episode 143” results (9/26): Vetter’s review of Brad Hollister vs. Pedro Dones for the Wrestling Open Title, Iron Savages vs. Swipe Right, Ryan Clancy vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 143”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
September 26, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 250 range; up slightling from last week. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary.

* Like in many recent weeks, the show opened with several quick video clips, showing Vipress, Brad Hollister, Alec Price. I love these; it shows how much a wrestler can get over their personality and motivations in just a few seconds of air time.

1. Bobby Orlando vs. Nicholas Robles. Orlando is the dork with Colt Cabana-style juvenile humor, while Robles is the 1980s-style rocker, coming to the ring to Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me,” and he brought a cowbell to the ring. They took turns playing to the crowd and finally locked up just after 1:00. Basic reversals early. Robles hit a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall at 4:30. Orlando hit a bodyslam and was fired up. He hit a standing bodyslam and a second-rope flying stunner for the pin. Basic but the crowd was into it.

Bobby Orlando defeated Nicholas Robles at 6:10.

* Orlando got on the mic. He said he’s changed his mind and will talk later. What is this about? Intriguing…

2. Alec Price vs. CPA. This match took place shortly after Price got tossed around by Brian Cage on the taped ROH episode. Price has been particularly vicious and unrelenting in recent weeks here. CPA got a nice pop; I always say he’s a good lower-card comedy act. CPA came off the ropes but Alec hit a leaping elbow on him. Price hit a rolling cannonball into the corner, then a running Facewash for a nearfall at 2:00. He mounted CPA and repeatedly punched him as the crowd taunted Alec with a “Gahh-bage!” chant. CPA hit a second-rope missile dropkick and they were both down.

CPA hit his comedy 619 and a stunner for a nearfall at 4:30. He hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor. Back in the ring, CPA climbed the ropes, but Price kicked the ropes to crotch him. Price hit the brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle. “He broke him in half!” Brother Greatness shouted, and the crowd chanted, “You sick f—!” Price immediately hit a running knee to the side of the head and scored the pin. Good match. Price is just menacing right now.

Alec Price defeated CPA at 6:31.

3. “Prodigal Sons” Lucas Chase and Sammy Diaz (w/Brother Greatness) vs. “Brick City” Victor Chase and Julio Cruz in a street fight. Lucas and Diaz wore blue jeans, showing they are here for a fight, not to wrestle. They dove into the ring and all four immediately began brawling. Chase and Chase brawled with each other over to the bar in the corner of the room, while Diaz and Cruz brawled on another area of the floor. The Chases got in the ring at 5:00. Victor and Julio hit some quick team moves on Lucas. Victor teased he was going to hit Lucas over the head with a chair but he kicked him instead.

The BC wound up accidentally slamming chairs together. Diaz hit a top-rope crossbody block. Diaz hit chairshots across Victor’s back at 8:30, then he repeatedly jabbed the end of the chair into Victor’s gut. On the floor, Lucas was hitting Julio with chairshots to the back. In the ring, Cruz hit a low blow on Lucas. Cruz had a brick in his hand, and he hit Lucas in the back of the head with it! Cruz made a cocky one-footed cover and scored the pin on the knocked-out Lucas Chase.

Julio Cruz and Victor Chase defeated Sammy Diaz and Lucas Chase at 10:55.

Bryce Donovan came in through the side door and got on the mic. He said he was going after every wrestler who participated as a lumberjack in a recent match. That brought out Jermaine Marbury, who said he wasn’t hiding from Bryce, and he accepted the challenge!

4. Bryce Donovan vs. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball.) Donovan hit a running boot to open the match, and he hit a hip-toss that sent Jermaine across the ring. He hit a pump-handle suplex at 1:00. Jermaine tried some misdirection offense, but Donovan hit a clothesline. Marbury hit an enzuigiri, but Bryce blocked a stunner, and Bryce hit another clothesline. Jermaine escaped a chokeslam, and he hit a second-rope “dunk” (palm to the head, slamming Bryce to the mat.) Marbury hit his misdirection stunner then a splash to the mat at 6:00. Bryce nailed a pop-up powerbomb, a diving forearm to the mat, and a modified Death Valley Driver for the clean pin. Good match.

Bryce Donovan defeated Jermaine Marbury at 7:31.

* Bryce got on the mic and reiterated he’s coming to take out every lumberjack. “And I mean, permanently!” He slammed Jermaine’s already-injured hand, then he chokeslammed Marbury. Bryce pulled out a hook used in the corner of the ring and wrapped Marbury’s fingers in it and yanked.

* We caught up with Ray Jaz outside, who was out of his mind, upset that he recently lost. Back in the building, it is time for the “Ray Jaz All-American Challenge!” The commentators had no idea what that meant. He got in the ring and on the mic but was loudly booed. He said things haven’t been going his way recently, but he talked about how he was a great wrestler in college. He said there would be a prize for anyone who could pin him or make him quit. The prize is his New Jersey Shore house! He held up the key to it. Anyone who accepts has seven minutes to beat him; he says that is the length of a college wrestling match. (I have no idea if that’s true!)

5. Ray Jaz vs. Landon Hale. They did collegiate-style amateur wrestling. Jaz wore headgear as they started, but he ripped it off at 3:30 and they finally began really brawling. Landon hit a stunner and a second-rope moonsault for a nearfall. Out of nowhere, Jaz got a rollup and scored the pin. A bit surprising; I assumed we were going to a seven-minute time-limit draw.

Ray Jaz defeated Landon Hale at 4:37.

6. Ryan Clancy vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin. BRG was introduced as a member of the “Rogue Horsemen,” which is his new faction in Major League Wrestling. Basic reversals early on, and Clancy hit a bodyslam at 2:30, then snapped BRG’s neck between his ankles. BRG hit a clothesline for a nearfall. Clancy caught him with a dropkick to the jaw out of nowhere for the pin!

Ryan Clancy defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 7:09.

* As Clancy was celebrating in the ring, Channing Thomas jumped in the ring and attacked Clancy from behind. Channing hit a dropkick on Clancy! He mockingly did Clancy’ pose, then he left.

7. “Iron Savages” Beefcake Boulder and Bulk Bronson vs. “Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes. The IS are babyfaces and we got a “Titty City” chant. Smokes and Bronson opened, and Ricky hit some body-blows. Bronson hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 1:30. Boulder got in and hit some bodyslams on Baylor, then a splash onto Brad in the corner. Boulder hit a second-rope shoulder block on Brad at 4:00. The IS hit stereo Guerrilla Presses. Smokes saved Baylor from a trip to “Titty City.” The heels snapped Bronson’s throat over the top rope at 5:30 and began working Bronson over in their corner. Baylor hit repeated knee strikes to Bronson’s lower back. Baylor hit an enzuigiri and Smokes hit a spear for a nearfall at 9:00.

Boulder finally got the hot tag and he hit running splashes in opposite corners on each heel. Boulder hit a Samoan Drop and fallaway slam combo on both men at 11:00. He jumped around Smokes (Earthquake-style!) then hit a running splash (not a butt drop!) on Smokes for a nearfall. Bronson missed a splash onto Smokes. Smokes hit a dropkick and got a nearfall on Bronson. Boulder clotheslined Smokes to the floor. Bronson hit a sit-out chokeslam bomb on Baylor for a believable nearfall at 13:30. Smokes was finally sent to “titty city.” However, just seconds later, Baylor rolled up Bronson, grabbed the ropes for added leverage, and stole the pin!

Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes defeated Bronson and Boulder at 14:38. 

* The Iron Savages sent the ref to ‘Titty City’ and that got a fun pop.

8. Brad Hollister vs. Pedro Dones for the Wrestling Open Title. None of the Big Business faction are with Hollister. (We know Brick City are there, and I also know Love, Doug is not.) Crockett said Hollister has been champion for 301 days now. Dones hit some jab punches in the corner early on, then some stomps. They brawled to the floor at 2:30 and fought amongst the fans. In the ring, Hollister hit a German Suplex and he took over. He hit a hard clothesline at 5:00 and glared at the fans. Dones hit a Stinger Splash and was fired up. Dones did an Airplane Spin-into-a-Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 6:30.

Hollister hit a standing powerbomb for a nearfall. Dones hit a dive through the ropes at 8:00. Right on cue, Brick City hopped on the ring apron and distracted Dones as they were getting back into the ring. Hollister immediately hit a Pedigree for a believable nearfall. Dones applied a Cobra Clutch, but Hollister charged backward into the corner, and they squished the referee! All three were down at 9:30, and Brick City hopped in the ring and stomped on Dones. This brought Lucas Chase and Sammy Diaz back out, and they brawled with Brick City! Diaz hit an impressive top-rope summersault onto Brick City and Lucas on the floor.

So, we are back to just Dones and Hollister. Brother Greatness got in the ring. He acted like he was going to hit Brad at 12:00, but he hugged him instead! However, BG then hit him, and Dones hit his spinning back elbow on Hollister for a believable nearfall. Dones missed a top-rope flying headbutt. Hollister immediately hit his Tornado Jackhammer for the pin. A fun match. Crockett said that was his 11th successful title defense.

Brad Hollister defeated Pedro Dones to retain the Wrestling Open Title at 13:12.

Bobby Orlando returned! He said earlier he had more comments he would save for later. He got in the ring and confronted Hollister. He said he knows he has fun in the ring, but he got serious and made it clear he wants a title shot. Hollister said he would have to earn it. Brad turned and left with no punches thrown. A good way to end the show.

Final Thoughts: A really entertaining show. Iron Savages vs. Swipe Right was really good and takes best match, ahead of the main event. I’ll go with that Brick City-Prodigal Sons brawl for third.

A really good roster tonight; we didn’t have the recent graduates. A bit surprising to not have a women’s match on the show; Wrestling Open has typically had at least one, sometimes two, on every show for quite a while. My biggest complaint is the relatively quick loss for the talented Landon Hale.


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