Wrestling Open “Episode 142” results (9/19): Vetter’s review of TJ Crawford and Love Doug vs. Dezmond Cole and Jermaine Marbury, Spike vs. Tina San Antonio, Alec Price vs. Stanley Dragowski

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 142”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
September 19, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appeared to be in the 200 range. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary.

Pre-Show Match: “Wild hound” Johnny Rivera defeated Rain Conway in a “spotlight match” at 4:54. Rivera has been on the pre-show in two straight weeks.

1. Ryan Clancy vs. Tate Mayfairs. Tate is the UK talent doing a quick U.S. tour. These two battled at the Beyond Wrestling show last week, so this is a rematch. Clancy got a head-scissors takedown at 1:00. He snapped Tate’s neck between his ankles. Tate hit a stiff kick to the spine; he mounted Clancy and repeatedly punched him. Tate hit an Exploder Suplex for a nearfall at 4:30. Clancy hit a clothesline and a Thesz Press at 6:30. They traded rollups. They got to their feet and traded European Uppercuts. Clancy hit his picture-perfect dropkick to the jaw and scored the pin. Good opener.

Ryan Clancy defeated Tate Mayfairs at 8:06.

* Like in recent weeks, we have a bunch of quick 10-second interviews with wrestlers outside, from Spike, Pedro Dones, Brad Baylor, Sammy Diaz and others. I love these; it’s amazing how much a wrestler can get over their personality and their motivation in a 10-second clip.

2. Allie Katch vs. Vipress. This is Vipress’ debut here. Her long hair is black on the left side of her head and light brown on the other side of her head. Vipress hit a head-scissors takedown, then a shotgun dropkick for a nearfall at 2:30. Allie grounded her, and she rubbed her butt in Vipress’ face in the corner. Vipress hit a German Suplex at 4:30. She hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall, then a standing powerbomb for a nearfall at 6:30. Katch hit an enzuigiri to the forehead, then the piledriver for the pin. Good action.

Allie Katch defeated Vipress at 6:56.

3. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) vs. Landon Hale. Channing and Sidney seem to be on the same page again, now that they’ve jettisoned Teddy Goodz. I always loosely compare Hale to a young Matt Taven and I’m a big fan. An intense lockup to open. Hale hit a head-scissors takedown. Channing hit a backbreaker over his knee at 3:00 for a nearfall. Landon hit an enzuigiri. Channing hit a faceplant for a nearfall. Hale hit a Lungblower and a 619 at 5:30. He hit a stunner for a nearfall. Hale hit a Lethal Injection. Channing hit a Michinoku Driver for the pin. Good action.

Channing Thomas defeated Landon Hale at 7:12. 

4. Alec Price vs. Stanley Dragowski. Stanley wore a lucha mask and a red singlet, so he could be anyone; Crockett said he’s “the Polish Eagle.” Price missed a springboard dive to open. Price hit a running boot as Stanley was on the ropes, then a doublestomp to the collarbone as Stanley was seated on the mat. Price has been in a particularly bad mood here in recent weeks, and it’s made him especially vicious, and that is continuing here. He hit a second-rope diving European Uppercut at 2:00. He mounted Stanley and hit several blows to the head as he screamed at Stanley. Stanley hit a fallaway slam at 4:00. Stanley hit a Polish Hammer to the chest for a nearfall. Price hit a jumping knee to the jaw, then another to the side of the head for the pin. I enjoyed this and I kept waiting for a Stanley upset.

Alec Price defeated Stanley Dragowski at 5:20.  

* A promo from Aaron Rourke aired, and he’ll be here in two weeks to face Price!

5. Spike vs. Tina San Antonio. Ring veteran Tina hasn’t been here in months; I recall she battled Gabby Forza a few times when Gabby debuted. Spike wears the basic black top and bottom that makes her look like a legit shoot fighter. Basic reversals early on. Spike hit a shotgun dropkick at 1:30. Tina stomped on Spike’s hand and took control. Tina slammed Spike shoulder-first in the corner. Spike hit a Divorce Court snap armbreaker, then a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 7:00. San Antonio got a rollup with a handful of tights for the pin out of nowhere. That’s actually quite a surprise; I thought Spike was getting her first win here.

Tina San Antonio defeated Spike at 7:43. 

* Allie Katch attacked Spike after the bell and hit a piledriver. Allie got on the mic and reminded us that if Allie beats Spike next week, then Gabby Forza will never get a rematch against Allie. She taunted Gabby for not coming out to save Spike. (Gabby is legit at a concert and not there). Allie hit another piledriver on Spike. Crockett and Brother Greatness were outraged.

6. “Brick City” Julio Cruz and Victor Chase vs. “Prodigal Sons” Sammy Diaz and Lucas Chase (w/Brother Greatness). Victor and Diaz opened, with Sammy getting in some blows on the bigger Victor. Lucas got in and battled Julio. Julio dropped Sammy throat-first across the top rope at 2:30, and the heels began working him over. Sammy hit a flying stunner at 6:00 on Victor, and he made the hot tag to Lucas. Lucas hit a shoulder tackle on Julio, then a spear. He hit a Samoan Drop for a nearfall. BC hit their team slam on Sammy for a believable nearfall. Sammy and Lucas hit a front-and-back kick on Julio for a nearfall, but Victor made the save. They all kept brawling in the ring, until the ref called for the bell.

Julio Cruz and Victor Chase vs. Sammy Diaz and Lucas Chase ended in a double disqualification at 8:58.

* Lucas Chase got on the mic. He wants to fight again next week, but this time in a no-DQ match.

* We headed to a video package showing the feud between “Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes and “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller. This is a “face to face” encounter tonight. These two teams have fought multiple times, here and in other promotions, but I think this is the first time since MG lost the IWTV Tag Team titles. Back to the ring, Miracle Generation came out and Crockett said they haven’t been here since mid-summer. They talked about losing the tag titles. SR came to the ring. Smokes talked about their past battles, and they said they want to apologize to Dustin, particularly for attacking Waller’s father earlier this year. Smokes demanded MG shake their hands; Waller swatted the handshake offer away.

Baylor got on the mic and said MG “were” the best tag team here, but they aren’t anymore. He said that claim now goes to Swipe Right. Baylor challenged them to a match Oct. 3.

* A video package aired of the Brad Hollister-Pedro Dones feud. Hollister is giving him a title shot next week! Crockett said Dones isn’t here but I’m doubtful of that claim.

8. Dezmond Cole and Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) vs. “Big Business” Love, Doug and TJ Crawford (w/Brad Hollister). The heels worked over Cole early on. Cole hit an enzuigiri. Marbury tagged in at 2:00 and hit some deep armdrags on Crawford. The babyfaces hit a team hip-toss on TJ. The heels began working over Jermaine in their corner and kept him grounded. Cole got a hot tag at 9:30 and hit a suplex on TJ. He hit a Helluva Kick, then a kick to TJ’s face as TJ was trapped in the corner. Dezmond hit the Rolling Thunder guillotine leg drop. Jermaine ‘broke TJ’s ankles’ with his sidesteps and he got a believable nearfall after a slam.

Doug pulled Jermaine to the floor and whipped him into the guardrail. TJ hit a sit-out powerbomb on Cole for a believable nearfall at 12:00. The heels slammed Cole into Jermaine! Doug accidentally hit TJ’s knee! Pedro’s music played, and it pulled Hollister away from ringside. The distraction allowed Cole to hit a Lionsault Press and pin Love, Doug. Crockett said the music playing was a trick to pull Hollister away.

Dezmond Cole and Jermaine Marbury defeated Love, Doug and TJ Crawford at 14:30.

* Hollister got on the mic and vowed he would beat Pedro Dones next week.

Final Thoughts: I know I am a bit redundant in my reviews, but I just need to point out all the matches that have been set up for coming shows. We know we have Katch-Spike, Brick City-Prodigal Sons and Dones-Hollister. And we already know in two weeks we have Miracle Generation-Swipe Right. These shows really do showcase the best of the best of the Northeast scene, with some thought put into storylines that aren’t insulting my intelligence.

While it was short, Hale-Thomas earns my pick for best match. Brick City-Prodigal Sons takes second and the main event is third. Obviously, I’m a big fan of this promotion, and you should check them out at IWTV.


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